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Organic Field Crop Production and Marketing in North Carolina

Alternative Grain Crops
NCSU Organic Grain Research Program

The North Carolina State University organic grains program continues to conduct numerous experiments in an overall research program aimed at meeting the needs of North Carolina organic grain producers. Organic weed management is a major challenge for organic soybean producers and constitutes a significant aspect of the research program. The research program also investigates: improved crop rotations for organic producers, use of cover crops for nitrogen needs, no till organic production and long term crop breeding for organic producers.

Organic Soybean Weed Management

Rotary Hoe: a blind cultivation tool for in-row weed control (pdf)

No-till Organic Grain Production

Organic Soil Fertlity

On-Farm Research Resources

Soybean Varieties for Organic Production in NC (2004)






@ 2005 North Carolina State University