New tool to help Iowa's soybean producers

Weekly scouting is needed to maximize soybean yield. Scouting will not always provide increased yield, but often easily managed yield robbers can show up throughout the growing season and can cause a tremendous amount of yield loss. These yield robbers include weeds, insects, diseases, nutrient, and pesticide or variety selection issues.

Beginning April 1, a new function is available on our Web page at This function is a "Question and Answer" section on the home page that can be used by farmers and crop consultants to submit a question in any topic related to soybean management. Web site users also are able to attach up to two pictures with their description of the issue that they are seeing in the field. The pictures will help us to determine what is causing the problem in the field. Questions will be answered within 24 to 48 hours. The person submitting the question will be anonymous to everyone. Users will only need to include their email address, county, state, and zip code. This will help us to determine where problems are occurring in the state.

If the question is relevant and other people could benefit from it, the question and answer will be released online so anyone who visits the Web page can read it. Later this summer, we hope to have the questions posted in a database so anyone visiting the Web page can search the database for answers to previous questions.

Palle Pedersen is an assistant professor of agronomy with research and extension responsibilities in soybean production. Jodee Stuart is an agricultural specialist with responsibilities in soybean production.

This article originally appeared on page 93 of the IC-498 (4) -- April 2, 2007 issue.

Updated 04/05/2007 - 1:22pm