Oregon Sea Grant
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Ocean & Coastal Topics

Ongoing changes and challenges continue to confront communities, managers, and natural resources along the coastline of Oregon, the region, and the marine world beyond.

Sea Grant provides competitive, peer-reviewed grants that allow top ocean and coastal researchers to apply their skills to these challenges. Urgent issues, such as the crisis in the Pacific Northwest groundfish fisheries and the increasing threat posed by aquatic invasive species, help drive Sea Grant’s research priorities.

The results of that research, in turn, are extended to the public - industry, government agencies, and the public at large - through a robust outreach and education program involving marine Extension, communicators, and collaborators near and far.

With a growing need for reliable, science based information about ocean and coastal issues, we use our limited resources with care. We also seek to find a balance between systematic decision making and well-reasoned risks.

In 2006-2008, we are supporting research and outreach in the following areas.

Economic Leadership


Environmental and political barriers have kept Oregon from developing much of an aquaculture industry. But Oregon Sea Grant still sees room to address specific aspects of this National Sea Grant priority topic, including:

Research | Outreach | Accomplishments


Marine biotechnology is one of our program strengths; since the 1980s Oregon Sea Grant has invested in significant research into such topics as the discovery and development of potential medicines from marine algae, and efforts to discover new genetic therapies to prevent and cure diseases in fish. Because biotechnology is a costly, long-term field, we limit our support to projects with specific objectives that can show sustained progress toward their goals, and emphasize how the research might be connected to potential users. Our goals are to support biotechnology that helps develop new tools for:

Research | Outreach | Accomplishments

Fisheries/Seafood Technology

Sea Grant supports research on innovative approaches to fishery management and on outreach that improves communications among fishermen, regulatory agencies and the public at large, and that helps fishing communities learn new ways to sustain their livelihoods in a time of resource decline. Among our research and outreach goals:

Research | Outreach | Accomplishments

Coastal Ecosystem Health and Public Safety

Ecosystems & Habitats

For nearly a decade, Sea Grant has placed increasing emphasis on essential fish habitat, ecosystem restoration, and control of aquatic nuisance species. ince 1998 our interest in coastal ecosystems largely has revolved around essential fish habitat, ecosystem restoration, and aquatic nuisance species. Today, agencies throughout the Pacific Northwest are investing millionds of dollars annual in watershed research and restoration; Sea Grant has chosen to focus its more modest resources on the under-studied estuaries and their restoration, while outreach continues to address broader watershed restoration and invasive species goals:

Research | Outreach | Accomplishments

Related activities:

Coastal Hazards

Over the years, Oregon Sea Grant research and outreach has addressed such issues as earthquakes, subsidance, erosion, and tsunami inundation. That work has led to better understanding of the past and potential future impacts these processes, and to a greater public awareness of the issues.

The recent expansion of OSU's Hinsdale Wave Laboratory, now the largest facility of its kind in the world, has drawn new expertise and ideas to the Corvallis campus, and Sea Grant has shifted emphasis accordingly:

Research | Outreach | Accomplishments

Education & Human Resources

Marine Science Literacy

In a sense, everything we do is about increasing marine science literacy, whether it's by supporting science that leads to a deeper understanding of the ocean and coastal world, reaching out to coastal residents, businesses, and visitors, or producing and distributing countless books, videos, brochures and posters that help people make sense of the sea.

At the same time, we conduct formal and informal programs in marine education - for children and their teachers, for the broad general public, for special audiences - mostly through our living laboratory at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport. And we study how people learn, as well, particularly outside conventional academic settings, through our pioneering program in Free-Choice Learning.

Research | Outreach | Accomplishments

Special projects and collaborations

Among Sea Grant's strengths is its ability to respond quickly and in depth to emerging issues related to our marine research and outreach mission. A large group of Sea Grant Extension faculty with a wide range of interests and expertise gives us the flexibility to step in and take leadership when the occasion demands. For instance:

Oregon Sea Grant regularly collaborates with other Sea Grant programs across the country, and with outside organizations, on projects of significance to the region and the nation. Current special projects include:

Additional topics

Beyond our biennial research program, Sea Grant has a broader interest in ocean and coastal outreach and education. To learn more about what we're doing in those areas, visit:

Sea Grant Extension theme teams:

OSU Watershed Extension

Sea Grant Communications:









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Last updated: March 25, 2008