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Publications & videos

Sea Grant Communications produces a wide variety of books, reports, brochures and newsletters, along with award-winning videos and DVDs, posters, and other educational products. Many reflect the work of Sea Grant-funded research. Others grow out of our education and outreach programs, and range from technical guides for seafood processors to "how to" guides and fact sheets for beachcombers.

Here you will find information about new Sea Grant titles, sales and special offers, a complete catalogue of current print and multimedia titles, and a growing number of free, downloadable publications.

Our publications and videos can be ordered by mail, telephone, FAX or e-mail (see our catalogue for ordering information) - and from our secure online store*, if you live in the US, Canada or Mexico. For orders outside those regions, as well as for bulk or educational orders, please contact us about shipping and handling costs.

We offer discounts to schools, libraries, and retailers. Please contact us for a quote.

The National Sea Grant Library maintains a searchable database of more than 40,000 publications from Sea Grant programs across the country. Single copies are available by interlibrary loan, and an increasing number are being digitized and made for free downloading. The library is especially useful for locating older publications that may be out of print.

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Last updated: June 27, 2008