Oregon Sea Grant
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Oregon Sea Grant is the conduit for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research and outreach grants, awarded competitively by the National Sea Grant College Program. Additional funding comes from the Oregon legislature and collaborative efforts with public and private sources.

Sea Grant provides competitive, peer-reviewed grants that allow top ocean and coastal researchers to apply their skills to issues of critical importance to the state, the region, and the nation. Over the years, the program’s funding emphasis has changed to meet and anticipate the region’s changing needs. Urgent issues—the decline of once-abundant fisheries, the challenges posed by coastal population growth and climate change, the heightened awareness of invasive species—help propel Sea Grant’s research priorities as the program strives to put limited resources where they can do the most good. Many research projects have outreach components, ensuring that the results of cutting-edge science will be put to work on the ground - and at sea.

Researchers come from the leading ranks of academic science in Oregon. In some cases, Oregon researchers partner with others from the Pacific Northwest and beyond to explore questions of broader regional, national, or international scope.

Current research

Economic Leadership:

Coastal Ecosystem Health and Public Safety

Research and human resources

Additional current projects

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Last updated: Dec. 24, 2008