Oregon Sea Grant
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Home > Grants & Fellowships

Grants & Fellowships

Oregon Sea Grant provides a variety of competitive and noncompetitive funding opportunities for university-based research and outreach faculty who seek to address questions related to ocean or coastal science. Projects often involve collaboration with scientists from public and private agencies, and from other parts of the world. In addition, Sea Grant offers a variety of fellowship opportunities to qualified graduate (and occasionally undergraduate) students.

Please bookmark this page as your entry point for detailed information about applying for, managing and reporting on grants and fellowships available through Oregon Sea Grant.

Applying for grants

Managing Your Grant

Information for researchers with current grants:

Fellowship opportunities

We administer a variety of fellowships and internships for graduate and undergraduate students in the marine sciences.

If you have questions about grants and fellowships, please write to seagrant.admin@oregonstate.edu, or call us at 541-737-2714.


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Last updated: Dec. 1, 2008