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Our Mission
ABC's mission is to conserve native wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.More About Our Mission

Our Commitment
Charity Navigator 4-Star Logo For six consecutive years, ABC has been rated a 4-Star, "Exceptional" charity by the independent group Charity Navigator; a status achieved by fewer than 1% of all U.S. charities.
More About Our Pledge
Take action now ABC's Top 40 Conservation Projects in the Americas
Take a look at the Top 40 bird conservation projects in the Americas. From protecting habitats to planting trees to addressing policy threats and advancing the science behind bird conservation, you can learn about what ABC is doing to save birds and their habitats and support these keystone projects.
Learn more About Our Mission
Take action now Take Action
ABC gives you the opportunity to play a direct role in bird conservation by taking action on some of the top issues. You can influence the outcome of government policy decisions, change regulations to protect birds and enhance their habitats, and help secure needed funding for conservation efforts. Visit our Action Center to find out what you can do today.
Learn more About Our Mission
Learn more about bird conservation issues Bird Conservation Issues In the Americas
Take an in-depth tour of the most pressing issues affecting birds today, from the loss of habitat to global warming, and threats to birds such as pesticides, cats, and towers and windows. Learn also what ABC and its partners are doing to solve these issues throughout the United States and Latin America to ensure that birds survive for future generations.
More About Our Mission
Visit ABC's YouTube Channel See Rare Bird Footage & Bird Conservation Videocasts
ABC's YouTube Channel carries short video clips of rare birds in the wild, such as the spectacular courtship display of the Marvelous Spatuletail hummingbird. ABC also produces a series of Bird News Network videocasts, each focusing on a current bird conservation issue. Available videocasts include Thick-billed Parrot Conservation Success, Saving the Red Knot, and Making Wind Energy Green.
Visit ABC's YouTube Channel

Copyright © 2007 American Bird Conservacy. All Rights Reserved

Photos: Capitol building - Gavin Shire, ABC; Cerulean Warbler -Robert Royse; Red Knots on BNN banner - Ralph Wright