Here are a few thank-you letters
from patrons of the Soil and Health Library:

From: Sebastiana <pienaar@omen.net.au>

Dear Sir,

Their is a place for you in heaven. I am truly inspired by the resources you provide on your website.

Sincere thanks,

Sebastiana Pienaar

From: JoOhio1@aol.com
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 11:37:36 EDT
Subject: A plea
To: ssolomon
MIME-Version: 1.0

Dont ever shut your webpages down, Steve. I continue to profit from them and
send them to people that are open to learning.


From: "Nenad Maljkovic" <nenad.maljkovic@zg.tel.hr>
To: <ssolomon
Subject: Muriel Chan
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 07:25:03 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3\

Thank you for you on-line library.

I would like to contact Muriel Chan regarding translation rights for Psychic
First Aid. I would like to translate and print Croatian edition of this
book. Also, I would like to know if Muriel Chan is giving her workshops in
Europe. Please advice.


Mr. Nenad Maljkovic, Director
Medius Learning Institute
Nova cesta 188, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
phone: +385 1 383-48-48
fax: +385 1 383-50-16
e-mail: nenad.maljkovic@zg.tel.hr

Reply-To: <PKewin@lonet.ca>
From: "PETER KEWIN" <PKewin@lonet.ca>
To: <ssolomon
Subject: soil and health site
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:08:26 -0600
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
MIME-Version: 1.0

STEVE - congrats! - great site - it's refreshing to see principles of
freedom, health, responsibility together - as they should be - i have many
hygiene writings, including books by t.c. fry- i loved his stuff although
it was somewhat vindictive and in your face re medicine (true but not
peacefull) - i have most of his health reporter series, but am missing vol.
18 on allergies - which i would love to obtain or see on the web - it's not
copyrighted (according to v. bidwell) - any ideas? - peter kewin, d.c.,
london, ont., canada


Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 21:43:25 -0600
From: Hometown Marketplace of Winnipeg <hometown@solutions.mb.ca>
Reply-To: hometown@solutions.mb.ca
Organization: Zuwala Enterprises
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: ssolomon
Subject: Excellent


Thank you for providing us with such valuable articles?

Which are your favourites?

I just read Muculess diet it is excellent.

Big George

From: Jon Kortebein <JKortebein@pointgrp.com>
To: "'ssolomon
Subject: Thank you
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:54:34 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0


I want to thank you for establishing your soil and health web site. I've
started reading Dr. Bieler's book, and it's fascinating. Reading Bieler's
book is like being given an entirely new vantage point from which to look at
life and health. Thank you for making it available to me.

Best regards,

Jon Kortebein
Inventory Analyst
Point Group / Chumbo Holdings Corporation

Reply-To: <tonye@gensec.com>
From: "Tony Evans" <tonye@gensec.com>
To: <ssolomon
Subject: Your Web Site - soil and health
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 01:16:28 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4

Dear Mr Solomon,

A heartfelt THANK-YOU for the excellent work you have done on your site and
for freely sharing such valuable information and insight with your fellow
human beings.

Best Regards,
Tony Evans.

Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 01:11:15 -0800
From: Denise Lawrence <ladcorp@bellsouth.net>
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: ssolomon
Subject: Fascinating

Fascinating My Dear Fellow......Astoundingly, Absolutely Fascinating...Quite to my surprise to insert hygienics into the search engine and find you.

I would be glad to offer some financial assistance (small though it might be).  The reason for my email, in addition to expressing my delight is this.  Is it possible to "borrow" any of those title from you OR my good fellow do you have copies in printed form for purchase?

I've just purchased 187AC of property on which I am erecting a holistic health retreat.  I have a city clinic which has seen successess merely practicing hygienics.  We will have some educational training as well.  These titles would be an overwhelming asset.

We are doing this strictly on Faith.  Finances are bleak, but good health is not expensive.  Fascinating......absolutely fascinating

Dr. Denise Lawrence, NMD

X-Originating-IP: []
From: "rambha mitra" <rambhamitra@hotmail.com>
To: ssolomon
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 04:15:04 PST



From: Wyndym Farm <wyndym@vaxxine.com>
Reply-To: "wyndym@vaxxine.com" <wyndym@vaxxine.com>
To: "'ssolomon
Subject: Compliments
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:26:29 -0500
Status: O

Mr Solomon,

I just visited your site and am so thrilled to have found it...
I can see I will be spending hours reading the works you have written and
compiled (this is the off season basically for this part of the world) to
continue my learning .

I was raised in a small city and moved to a farm 5 years ago....in the last
year I have quit a very comfortable job and started a business based on
this organic farm and ran this enterprise...this has entailed a lot of
interest from others and some press coverage on TV and in print....alot of
my opinions and hermeteutical attempts bring about the "cow looking
uncomprehensively at a passing train" look so I am planning to suggest your
website and library for those who truly are interested....you say it better
than I and we seem to have very similar views ....so this is very uplifting
to me.....sometimes views that you know are worthy of pursuing are termed
"radical" and leave one feeling a bit isolated...agriculture being such a
small percentage of society now lends to all of that and information has
been hard to gather,...my best source has been farmers that were active in
the 30's and 40's...and I have been lucky to find a few that are willing to
share their knowledge...(they all say they can't find "younger fellas" that
want to do it the way they were taught, so I feel less "radical" while with

So best of luck with your Soil and Health site and thank you for presenting
it to this corner of the world.

Dave Perkins
Wyndym Farm
Niagara on the Lake
Ontario, Canada

Reply-To: "Edward White." <edwhite@telus.net>
From: "Edward White." <edwhite@telus.net>
To: <ssolomon
Subject: Thanks
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:00:05 -0800
Organization: White's Labeler.
X-Priority: 3

I love the reading material.
Thanks again for saving so many and me.


From: "Edda West" <eddawest@netidea.com>
To: "Steve Solomon"
Subject: Re: note from Edda West - Canada
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 14:43:08 -0800
X-Priority: 3

Hi Steve,

[snip] Thank you so much for all the work you are doing to compile this amazing library. I am very grateful for your work.

Best wishes to you,

Edda West

From: "Kenton & Bronwyn Smith" <natchild@iafrica.com>
To: <ssolomon
Subject: Thank you for a great web page!!
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 22:09:56 +0200
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Importance: Normal

Hello Mr. Moser

Thank you for a great web page!! My wife (Bronwyn) and myself (Kenton) has
been interested it how to live a more natural life without doctor bills
since we got married. In South Africa the word "Alternative Health" is still
a swear word. And to get hold of any decent health book is impssible.

May we please print and distribute some of the books among our friends that
do not have Internet access or computer know how?

Please keep your good work up!!! It will change people's lives

Do you know of any other health library like yours on the net?
Is Mr. Moser of "How to be your own doctor" still alive - are you in touch
with him?

Greetings from South Africa, Pretoria
Kenton & Bronwyn Smith

Subject: A massively brilliant site!
From: "Robert E. Front" <robert@mgt.ncu.edu.tw>
To: ssolomon
X-Priority: 3


A massively brilliant site! Not only is there great wisdom here but also
impeccably good writing which makes the reading not only informative but

I have recommended the site and its materials to my students not only for
its distinctive theoretical point of view but, moreover, as an excellent way
of sampling writing which achieves a perspicuity only found in the best
writers in philosophy, the writings of Wittgenstein come to mind here.

Well done! If I do come across any volumes that seem appropriate for your
site that are in the public domain I would be most willing to loan them to
you for inclusion on your archive. What about the works of R. Steiner,
especially his work on agriculture (I believe I have that volume).

Best blessings on your good works,

Robert Front
English Department
National Central University
Chung-Li, Taiwan

From: "Jo Schaefer" <joohio@earthlink.net>
To: <ssolomon>
Subject: Always keep coming back!
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:50:13 -0400
X-Priority: 3

Hello Steve,
I wrote you last year, but wanted to update and say that I still continue to profit from the readings on your website.
Information in this particular medium can come and go in the blink of an eye so this letter is sent to reiterate how valuable your site is--as a reference point for elevating the spirit and, as a friendly reminder (when I stray) of the personal goals and aspirations I wish to strive for in this life.
Thank you.


All things in life form a circle...whether we see the circle or not

From: "Salud Garcia" <saludb@mindspring.com>
To: "Steve Solomon" <ssolomon
Subject: Re: Dryland Gardening
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 09:12:53 -0700
X-Priority: 3


Thank you very much for answering my questions so quickly.


Thanks again. Love your work. I was so impressed with Dr. Moser's book I
began one day a week fasts and so shocked by Nutrition and Physical
Degeneration (which you inspired me to read) that I nearly fell out of my


From: "JERRY ERICKSON" <jerickson@soilsoup.com>
To: <ssolomon
Subject: Ag. Library
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 13:27:11 -0700
X-Priority: 3

Dear Steve
Thank you for making N. A. Krasil'nikov's SOIL MICROORGANISMS AND HIGHER
PLANTS available on the web. This book is an answer to a lot of spiritual
begging on my part and one that will allow us to teach our customers the
value of healthy soil with some authority. What a find!

We are a small struggling company with plans to help change the worlds
agricultural practices. Our web site is www.soilsoup.com

Thanks again, Jerry Erickson

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Reuven BenYuhmin" <robert@im.mgt.ncu.edu.tw>
> To: "Steve Solomon" <ssolomon
> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Hazzard's Scientific Fasting

Hi Steve,

You are a marvelous health angle--thanks so very much!!!

Hazard's & Moser's book are not only highly informative and detailed
expositions on the subjects of fasting, nutrition, and enema/colonics but,
moreover, are so well written (Tilden should also be mentioned here) that
they can be read over and over & yet remain always engaging. A must read for
anyone interested in real hands on experience in the treatment of disease
through fasting and nutrition & so I always feel pleased to recommend them
to others. I feel fortunate to have had the chance to read them--your
efforts are truly appreciated.

All best blessings on your work,

I have just read "This Ugly Civilization" by Borsodi, Ralph.
Many of the critical views put forward have been in my mind for many years but the way he integrates it all together into a "simple" theory about the effects and dominance of the factory system has swept my mind. I can now continue my life with new enlightenment, with meaning and a goal at sight. Saving civilization and saving myself from the enslavement of our factory society. We can all only hope that more will people will be enlightened by such brilliant work as his.

P.S: Would be nice to zip the html file collections of each book so to download and read the books offline :)

Cheers from Denmark

Kristian Mandrup


Dear Steve,

Enclosed is $25 as a contribution toward maintenance of the library. I really appreciate the Soil and Health Library. I hvae spent a lot of time, money & effort to get an agriculture degree from Washing ton State University, but tthe best part of my education has come from the library you keep going.

Thank you!

John Weil