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(Date all these links were most recently checked: October 29, 2001)


Health and Nutrition

International Natural Hygiene Society
The organization that carries on from the teachings of Dr. Herbert Shelton, Tilden, and others. Anyone seeking a hygienic doctor, or further knowledge of the subject, anyone wishing a supervised fasting experience, should begin at this site. There are two other NH organizations: the ANHS, Shelton's American Natural Hygiene Society, changed name and bylaws in the 90's and now is National Health Association, NHA --- with Dr. Burton, Dr. Scott, Dr. Goldhamer, Dr. Sidhwa, etc etc. There also is Healthful Living International --- with Dr. Vetrano, Dr. Sniadach, Dr. Tim Trader, and others.

National Health Federation
Almost all non-allopathic healing systems are, in one way or another, suppressed by the medical establishment—what has been called The Medical Model. Attempts are constantly being made to eliminate the use of non-patentable healing substances such as vitamins and protomorphogens. Alternative or holistic therapists who have remarkable success with "uncurable" (and highly profitable) diseases like cancer or arthritis are often charged and jailed and certainly their energies and efforts become focused on maintaining personal liberty instead of helping the sick. The NHF is a centre for resistance to these sorts of suppression and should be supported—even when the system a person believes in is opposed to some of the things the NHF is encouraging. What I mean by this is that Natural Hygienists, who are oppposed ot the use of vitamins or other healing substances, should still support the NHF, which also maintains the right of the Hygienist to practice.

Selene River Press
Closely linked with Royal Lee's Standard Process Laboratories and Mark Anderson, co-author of Empty Harvest. Dedicated to preserving and disseminating nutritionally-based health information in the tradition of Royal Lee, Sir Robert McCarrision, Weston A.Price and others. Many interesting items may be downloaded free of charge from this site. Also available are a set of recorded lectures by Royal Lee and most of his writings.

Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
These folks protect and make available the works of Weston Price and Francis Pottenger. They also put on educational events. Especially useful is their collection of articles on aspects of health and nutrition. To view a list of them, click here.

The Weston A. Price Foundation
Another group supporting and promulgating the works of Weston Price and others in that circle. The site is new (5 October 2000) but promises to offer considerable information as time goes on.

International Foundation For Nutrition And Health
A highly admirable group that publishes books of Royal Lee, Melvin Page and others of similar orientation. The IFNH owns the copyrights of Royal Lee's works and of the books that were published by the Lee Foundation For Nutritional Research. Many of the more obscure books published by the LFNR are available in this library and this with the approval of the Board of the IFNH.

Gerson Institute Homepage
Dr. Gerson, a M.D., developed one of the early, effective, alternative cancer cures. Many interesting books for sale; many useful links.

Life Extension Foundation
Here there's extensive information plus an enormous link network connecting you to the universe of nutrition-based medical research. If you take food supplements you should find out about the Life Extension Foundation because theirs are top quality and available at very reasonable prices. Why not be on the cutting edge? The LEF is generally a year or more ahead of anyone else. If you don't take food supplements you should find out about the Life Extension Foundation. They may convince you to do so.

Three American Institutions of Naturopathic Studies
For those who wish to pursue a career as a practitioner, these first two are fully accredited long-standing institutions where one attends traditional chasses and becomes "properly" licensed: National College of Naturopathic Medicine Portland, Oregon; Bastyr University, Seattle, Washington. The next, Clayton College of Natural Health, Birmingham, Alabama, provides distance education that, in the words of one of its teachers, " . . .offer(s) something genuine . . . about than half our entering students have on-campus college degrees, and a good many of these already have a master's or higher, plus there are many others who have a less-than-complete undergraduate education. We make available programs that aren't found in most other (distance-education) colleges, and lots of our students already work in one healthcare field or another, so it seems to me that a many are using our programs to add a natural health component to whatever they are doing."

Health Research Press
Since the early 1950s, has published many old hygiene texts in rather crude form that resemble a bad photocopy or good quality mimeograph bound with plastic comb. Get their catalog and support the new owners. Health Research, Box 850, Pomeroy, WA 99347, USA. Toll-free in the United States during business hours: 1-888-844-2386.

Kessinger Publishing Company
Diverse online catalog of old-book reprints on natural health, all sorts of esoterica and self-help (psychology). Kessenger publishes most of John Tilden's titles and nearly 1,600 titles all together. A request at their website gets you their entire catalog in your email inbox within hours. Roger & Joanne Kessinger, Kessinger Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920 Phone: 406.756.0167 Fax: 406.257.5051 Email: books@kessingerpub.com

Online Library in India
What an amazing discovery this was for me! Another LARGE online library of full-text health books AND also several Indian online magazines. Most of the material is "alternative medicine"; the library is done well and the data delivers fast. The Indian holistic health tradition has long been in advance of western medicine; there's a great deal to learn here.

Whale (Whale Books)
A broad assembly of useful data about holistic treatment of Cancer, vaccination, medical politics and ethics, and other topics of interest to its creator, including a full text version of Dr. Kelly's flamboyant One Answer To Cancer. This ambitious and valuable site reflects huge quantities of hard, high-quality work. Also presents a UK bookstore stocking many interesting titles in this area.

This site and its links introduces you to the world of orthomolecular medicine. It offers a hefty selection of writings of Dr. Fred Klenner. "Orthomolecular" means straightening out the molecule; it involves curing by using vitamins and other vitamin-like substances as drugs and medicines.

Fruitarian Network
A very useful place to initiate an exploration of the world view and opinions of fruitarians--usually people who generally avoid not only dairy and egg products, but also seed-based foods. And believe this sort of diet is the key to all sorts of benefits.

Dr. Andrew Saul/doctoryourself.com
If you would enjoy access to a huge library of health-related articles with an orthomolecular approach, on a website made by a man with an outrageous sense of humor, who jokes about EVERYTHING, try doctoryourself.com. Dr. Saul has also begun a free email newsletter of admirable quality that can be subscribed to through his website.

Nothing on this site is said (yet) about who (in Japan?) is putting this great health-diet information on the www, but waisays offers sensible, intelligent observation on correct eating. The idiosyncratic and flamboyant style can be mind-blowing.

This site is attempting an online library much like soilandhealth.org, but with different foci and a different creator. Quite interesting. Major areas of interest include cancer and AIDs debunking.

Find here a Christian/naturopathic viewpoint, quite a few articles and most impressively, an "updated, modernized and corrected(?) text of Lindlahr's classic: Nature Cure, in .pdf format, which this site calls "Nature Cure 2000".

Lantern Books
Here is one rare occasion when we will link to a site that is selling product. But Lantern Books is doing somethings very right: they are selling e-books online right along with their print-on-paper versions, and the e-books are priced at about 1/3 the paper book. This is righteous! Lantern Books are radical in orientation, spiritual, essene christian (lower case "c" used intentionally). They also promote love of animals and vegetarianism.

International Foundation for Health and Nutrition
Find here a unique library of nutritionally-based health systems including the inspired writings of Melvin Page and Royal Lee and others. Royal Lee, especially, was a powerful force for health-freedom, who paid for his beliefs with considerable restriction on his liberties from Government for "practicing medicine." His business, Standard Process Labs, offers a wonderful line of endricinologically-based nutritional remedies only available through holistic health professionals.

Health Freedom Resources
Center for a complete database on healing, rawfood diets, fasting, personal help, all of the highest quality and integrity.

Dr. Juergen Buche/Preventorium
Materials on alternative medical therapies, including cancer, fasting, breatharianism. Dr. Buche is a practicing naturopathic doctor in Quebec.

Dr. Rath Foundation
An impressive collection of articles on holistic treatment modalities and a few complete books, mainly concerned with health freedom issues. Quite admirable!

Raw BC
Much useful information about eating raw, presented by the Raw Food Society of British Columbia.

Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
Offers a fantastic collection of e-books, downloadable without charge, the books, mostly classics and quite old, mainly about herbal medicine. This site represents the investment of a huge labour of love by its creator.

Nature Cure Kingston File
A site created by the Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths, UK, to celebrate the tradition of the Kingston Clinic and the Thomsons. Contains many discussion papers of interest.

Cloesy River Health Farm
Run by Dr. John Fielder, near Cairns, Queensland. Accepts residental clients for fasting, detoxification and best, lifestyle education in raw food eating and healthful living. Dr. Fielder also provides a correspondence course, fully described on the site. Recommended by Steve Solomon.

Holistic Agriculture

Journey To Forever
This site is not merely a rapidly-growing library of farming/gardening information, now domiciled in Tokyo.

The Organic Center
The Organic Center for Education and Promotion has a singular mission to provide consumers, health care professionals, educators, public officials, and government agencies with credible, scientific information about the organic benefit. Lots of information!

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Their job is to provide extensive bibliographic information. You'll find in-print title lists going back five years and an extensive assortment of topic bibliographies. Most of the books they mention are available through the interlibrary loan system and at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland. Jane Gates, Director, is serious about forwarding alternative agriculture. Anyone wanting to study this area should become acquainted with these fine folks. See also: The National Agricultural Library.

The Homestead.org Online Homesteading and Small Farming Resource.
Imagine the Mother Earth News/Whole Earth Catalog, online. That is something like what you'll find here. A very well done, highly admirable site that any back-to-the-lander will want to spend time visiting. Again and again.

Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture
A private non-profit funded from the personal assets of Robert Kerr, a wealthy native-american oilman who became Oklahoma's Governor and later US Senator. Kerr Center makes a sensitive effort to revitalize the small/family farm and encourage sustainable rural development. These folks have an active and intelligent program, a beautiful research center in eastern OK, and a print-on-paper newsletter you can subscribe to by email.

The Elite Farmer
The site connects to a huge assortment of information, well organized, drawn from all over. Will mainly interest people who are farming or interested in beginning the lifestyle. An admirable work.

The Land Institute
Wes Jackson, whose books appear in the Agricultural Bibliography, was an independent-minded university professor who started his own private "post-graduate" school. His main interest is working out permaculture agricultural systems for prairie areas that produce perennial grain crops without or with a very minimum of plowing. The institute also manages a conference center and accepts a limited number of interns.

Sustainable Farming Connection
A well-crafted site, chock-full of news and information, run very professionally by former editors of the New Farm magazine. It is primarily for farmers and others involved in commercial agricultural interested in furthering sustainability.

McGill University Ecological Agriculture Project
A voluminous online library of publications, magazines, journals and books. Also access to other publications provided quite inexpensively.

National Mailorder Garden Association
The national association of mail-order garden-related businesses. Of interest for their extensive collection of online links to state extension service offices, world-wide research organizations and etc.,

The Soil Association
The organic farming and gardening association of England. Their website has useful free data sheets and links to their organisation.

The Biodynamic Association
The American BD association's site can put you in touch with the world of BD. They also run an online bookstore with a very complete offering of everything related to the world of biodynamics.

ATTRA - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
The national sustainable farming information center operated by the private nonprofit National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). Has an extensive online library and links to all sorts of information. Highly valuable site.

Paolo's Permaculture Links
A single source for a myriad of links to permaculture and permaculture-related sites.

A wide collection of ag-related materials, especially of permaculture and apiculture, but broadly into other areas as well. The host for Ecolandtech is ibiblio, a most interesting non profit that is essentially concerned with preservation and dissemination of public domain materials on the world wide web. Whatever your interest, ibiblio is worth a look-at.

Acres, U.S.A.
Acres owns William Albrecht's copyrights; Acres provides a forum for all sorts of radical agricultural opinion and also a functions to sell numerous hard-to-find books, some of which Acres publishes. No one is well-educated in agriculture until they have studied William Albrecht's papers, numerous times, repeated over many years.

Remineralize The Earth
This site offers free downloads of Hamaker's/Weaver's books and has extensive info about soil remineralization. The copies in the Soil and Health Library are courtesy of these folks.

Kansas State Unversity Agricultural Experiment Station Publications
A complete digitalization in .pdf format of almost all publications between 1888 and the present.

The Wholesome Food Association
At last, an alternative to "official" organic certification has surfaced in the UK. With minimal cost and with minimal enforcement, this group allows right-minded growers to label their food so the consumer can choose quality. All this without tithing to a certification bureaucracy. Well done!

Offers a wide range of articles from agriculture, economics, the science of biotechnology, and ethical issues surrounding biotechnology. Abstracts and full-text articles are available free-of-charge to all users, with a broad intended audience of academics, scholars, and college and high-school students.

Fukuoka Farming
Larry Haftl has done a fine job of summarizing Fukuoka's methods and techniques, offering substantial quotations from his writings without overtly violating Copyright rules. This site is packed with information.

TM Organics has been created by Tim Marshall and Doug Adamson to provide a definitive online resource for growers, farmers, and consumers of organic produce. Tim Marshall has had key involvement in nearly all significant organic agriculture industry growth and development forums in the last 25 years. He writes regularly about organics for many magazines and newspapers, and is also the author of a book about compost; "Recycle your Garden".

Permaculture Association of Tasmania
The Permaculture Association of Tasmania is a network for the advancement of permaculture in Tasmania. It exists to promote and support permaculture through attendance of public events, member meetings, field days, and workshops in order to share the skills, knowledge, and social wealth that exists within our membership. Find global links to other permaculture sites and organizations.



Homesteading and Self-sufficiency

Solar Cooking Archive
A large compendium of information about self-constructed solar stoves and similar materials, including more efficient wood-burning cookers made of local materials. Much of the material has been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Catalan, etc., etc. A highly admirable effort!

Country Plans
For the prospective owner builder, find heaps of valuable information about house design, plan sets for download that don't cost much, a friendly forum to discuss rthe area with others. Generally Soil and Health Library does not link to sites that sell a product, but in this case the benevolence of the site's underlying intention is so obvious.

The Biomass Energy Foundation's website, offering a full range of publications detailing how to make and use gas. A marvellous site! chockablock full of information.


Social Criticism

Good Life Center
Carrying on with the work of Helen and Scott Nearing, the Center offers access to all the publications of the Nearings.

Rue Cottage Bookstore
What's a commercial concern doing on this links page? Well, this business is a business of passion and purpose--an in-the-country online bookstore offering a wide collection of well-considered and sometimes very unusual "Luddite" or anti-globalization literature.

Ludwig von Mises Institute
A US based libertarian thinktank that provides, among other services, interesting articles and an extensive e-brary amounting to in excess of 1,000 titles in PDF format, including many works by Murray Rothbard.

Conscious Media Network
Offers lengthy, detailed and interesting video interviews with some of the most significant people working to expand awareness, people who are changing the climate of opinion--neh- the (un)reality most people are living in. The interview clips are generally in excess of 30 minutes; there are dozens of them and more will be added steadily. The site requires registration, but this is safe; your email details will not be abused. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


Spiritual Matters

The Gastonbury Archive
Palda Jenkins says of her site, "I publish works which are largely of esoteric/alternative orientation - muchly out of frustration at having been involved as an editor and censor (as in 'making manuscripts work in the market') in the publishing industry." Here you find some quite remarkable and rare books, whose presentation is of the highest quality.

Campbell Theosophical Library
The Campbell Theosophical Research Library is a specialist research and reference facility. It has a comprehensive collection of e-books, periodicals and pamphlets relating to theosophy, the theosophical movement, its history, and other subjects related to the objects of The Theosophical Society. It also has material that, while not directly related to the theosophical movement, gives a wider historical and cultural context for theosophical authors and their works including a Steiner collection.

Finding Books

ABE Book Exchange
A clearing house for used book dealers worldwide. Using an ABE search will, in a few seconds online, turn up numerous sources offering books of any given title or the works of any author. The prices are often reasonable and the suppliers can all be depended upon--so far at any rate. Many of the titles being worked on for the Soil and Health Library are now coming from this source. Far better and less expensive than Amazon.com for finding used, out of print books.

Another source the equal of ABE Book Exchange. Sometimes a particular supplier's offering of a given title will appear on one of these two sources and not on the other. Usually though what one has the other has too.

Merry Hall
A great online used bookstore with a major specialty in agricultural, gardening and homesteading books. Located in Australia.

Other Online Libraries

Historical Library of Agriculture
Courtesy of Cornell University, find here over 4,000 titles, full text.And growing. Includes titles by Bolton Hall, A.D. Hall, Cyril Hopkins, Russell Lord, Gifford Pinchot, E. J. Russell and Paul Sears.

University of Pennsylvania
Another part of the wonderful beginning of the Universal Online Library Project--a project that seems to be underway with increasing momentum. Well catalogued. As this is written (October, 2001) over 14,000 titles.

Backed by Adobe, this library is in formation and will soon include many thousands of fully rendered books by many major academic and scholarly publishers, with promise to go far beyond that.

U. Michigan Internet Public Library
Yet another. An attempt to form a non-specialist's public library for all internet users. Pretty soon one of these, U. Penn, U. Mich, Cornel, U. Virginia . . . will get the whole thing right.

Questia Library
In existence several years before I noticed it, this online full-text library has thousands of titles of use to students doing research.

University of Virginia elibrary
Find here a substantial collection of mainly literature, much in other than English language. The click-link takes you to the main library homepage; from there, follow the links to the e-library.

The Internet Sacred Text Archive
Religious texts from all regions, religions and viewpoints. Lovely collection.