Where to Buy..
Charities/Ethical Inv.

Updated March 2007

Fruit,Vegetables & Herbs    Seeds    Dairy      Meat     Fish     Grains, Bread, Pastas etc   
Health Care    Alcohol     Feedstuffs     Equipment & Farm Supplies    Fertilisers    Wholesalers/Traders   Organisations and Services   Alternative Technology   Information Technology
Holidays   Property/Construction   Partners   Others  

Products, including services, mostly in Ireland and the UK. For detailed UK sources see www.organicdirectory.co.uk. Also, the Organic Food Co. has an attractive easily-accessed site with over 800 organic businesses listed conveniently by county. www.organicfood.co.uk/shopping/index.html 

Fruit, Vegetables & Herbs

Absolutely Organic, based in Walkinstown, Dublin have a well-organised box-scheme in operation serving the whole of Dublin. Customers are offered multiple choices of ingredients and prices. John Healy, a former globe-trotting IT worker, has built up a customer base of about 350 customers in the last couple of years. John sincerely believes in putting the customer first and gaining their trust. Tel: 01 4600467 and email; info@absolutelyorganic.ie. (Website on its way, apparently, but not up, Nov. 2004).

Irish Herb Garden  Denise Dunne, Dublin, Ireland has a wonderful site that, from now on, will be my favourite stop for knowledge about herbs  www.theherbgarden.ie  
Denise, " a one-woman cottage industry", as she describes herself, has over 130 varieties of dried herb seed on offer. The tidy, articulate, well-presented and well-edited site (she writes poetry - her literary bent tells in the text) is a model of what an information and selling site should be. Save it to your Favourites. Email; denise@theherbgarden.ie 

Simply Organic an off-shoot of traditional fruit and vegetable wholesalers, Begley Bros. of Smithfield, are a Dublin-based company that has quite quickly become one of the leading wholesalers of organic produce in Ireland. They are the main suppliers of organic fresh produce to the country-wide SuperValu chain. Contact details - tel. 01 8735833, email; Greg@simplyorganic.ie  Visit their website, www.simplyorganic.ie  Since the beginning of 2004, they have had a box-scheme in operation. 

Natural Organic Products Ltd., are wholesalers based in Killarney.They are now the main distributors of Bunalun products. Tel. 064 31871.

The Heubachs, a German couple living in West Cork, grow everything naturally, and ethically, without being certified. They offer a wide range of potted herbs and flower arrangements from their stall at Macroom (Tuesdays am) and the Coal Quay in Cork City on Saturday.

Caroline Robinson, at her very popular fruit and vegetable stall, sells a range of produce from her own gardens and those of friends. Caroline, like the Heubachs, is not organic certified but I, and many others, trust her produce completely. I always enjoyed the experience of dealing with the knowledgeable grower/activist ex-teacher Caroline. Coal Quay, Cork City, Saturdays. Usually sold out by lunch-time - you have been warned. 

Naturally grown comfrey, Bocking 14, the herbalist's and organic grower's indispensable plant, is available in large and small quantities from yours truly, Jim O'Connor, Beara Peninsula, Co.Cork, Ireland. Roots for planting and sun-dried leaves available. For full information on comfrey and delivery details, email: info1@planorganic.com 

Richard Todd, Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick has wonderful organic garlic. I think the variety, a hard-neck, is called Serpent. Richard also makes working copies of  spades or loys, the "lazy-bed" makers. Tel. 063 83479.

Natural Organic Products Ltd., are importers and wholesalers based in Killarney. Units 1&2  IDA industrial Estate, Tiernaboul, Killarney, Co Kery. Tel. 064 31871. Directors, Kieran Dunne and Jackie Daly. They took over the Bunalun label and list of products in 2002. The Bunalun Organic Farm, West Corkis now a separate entity, still run by the founders, the Cheadle family.

Wilson's Country Potatoes, are now a big seller in Ireland and the UK. They offer a range of conventional potatoes - in the usual plastic packaging. The range advertised as "chemical fertilizer free" are not to be confused with organic.They are grown using large amounts of slurry and FYM which replace chemical fertilizers. As far as I can ascertain, every other chemical used in conventional, intensive potato-growing is used in the growing of these, by implication, environmentally-friendly potatoes.
Wilsons, Portadown, Armagh, operation can be contacted at; email: info@wilsonscountry.com and www.wilsonscountry.com.
Despite the dubious nature of the above product, there is another Wilson's product and packaging which is admirable. Organic potatoes, presented in a 2.5 kilo, recycled paper bag, with a  small net window - exactly the type of packaging I have been advocating for some time.
This should be the standard packaging used for all potatoes from a health point of view. Light, even fluorescent light, causes potatoes to go green. Greening indicates a build-up of solanin, a toxin that causes various unpleasant effects and in extreme cases, death. Solanin is not destroyed by cooking.
The above were available in SuperValu but now, 2007, the stores have their own organic offering - in 2.5 kg plastic packaging!

The Big Green Company Ltd., Kinsale, Co. Cork have farm-pressed pure apple juice, organic cheeses, preserves and dried herbs. Tel. 021  4770878.


Mr Midleton Garden Shop Ltd., 58 Mary St., Dublin 1, offer organic "blight free" potatoes from Hungarian stock. They also have many heritage varieties and all can be ordered in small quantities and sent by post. Tel; 01 8731118

Organic Western Seeds is a dept. of Western Seeds Ltd are actively seeking business in Ireland. Their brochure is well designed and informative. Based in Pembrokeshire they can be contacted through their website. http://organic.westernseeds.com  

Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co. Leitrim. Tel. 072 54338. Almost 200 items in their seed catalogue now including many heritage varieties and some biodynamically grown ones. www.organiccentre.ie. Email: organiccentre@eircom.net

Manfred Wandel, Fruit Hill Farms, Bantry, supplies grain and legume seeds, green manure and grass seeds, potatoes, onion sets and garlic. Tel. 027 50710, email fhf@eircom.net and www.fruithillfarm.com .

M.G. Seed Co., Sutherland, Rathoath, Co. Meath supply commercial, organically produced vegetable seeds. Tel/Fax.  01 8256593 and mobile 087 2623133. 

Organic vegetable seeds, potatoes, onions and garlic, mail-order from Callinafercy Organics, Miltown, Co. Kerry. Tel. 066 9762447. callinafercyorganics@eircom.net  

Conventional and organic seed potatoes from Irish Potato Marketing Ltd. Co. Dublin. They had stands at both Dromcollogher and at the IOFGA conference in Killarney 2001 where the knowledgeable Colm McDonnell attended. Tel: 01 282 7600 and email: colmmcdonnell@ireland.com 

Organic seed potatoes, Texel, almost completely blight-resistant I have been reliably told, can be bought from vegetable producer Paul Schultz, 1, Glengariff Road, Bantry, Co. Cork. Tel 027 52758.

Irish Seed Savers' Association, Co.Clare, does wonderful work on a slender budget saving our heritage seeds. Founded by the inspiring Anita Hayes, 11 years ago. Email; issa@esatclear.ie 

Organic and non-chemically treated seeds available in Ireland from Europrise Co. Ltd., Blake's Cross, Lusk, Co. Dublin.  www.europrise.ie . Email: info@europrise.ie

Chase Organics, Deelish Garden Centre,  Skibbereen, Co. Cork, Ireland, provide organic seeds and other supplies. Tel. 028 21374. Email; chase@eircom.net

Acseed Ltd., Dublin, are providers of organic seed. Email; eosullivan@gofree.indigo.ie

Hundreds of UK and European suppliers on the database of, www.organixseeds.com  


Glenisk Ltd at Killeigh, Co. Offaly produces Ireland’s most widely-distributed, organic milk products. Vincent Cleary and his German wife have developed this side of the family business which is now booming. Sensational strawberry yoghurt -  huge hit when launched a few years ago at the National Ploughing Championships where farmers were buying it by the crate. And now Glenisk ave a rhubarb-flavoured one that is a superb accompaniment to fresh organic strawberries ( Please, please, would more Irish horticulturalists grow organic strawberries - the taste difference is startling?)  Contact Vincent by email; glenisk@eircom.ie  Website is on the way;  

I am
delighted to see a new organic ice cream on the market. Tipperary Organic Ice Cream, is the name of this Clonmel-based venture owned and run by Paddy and Joyce O'Keefe. Their absolutely delicious range of flavours, includes Chocolate and Hazelnut, Banana and Cinnamon and Hazel Amaretto Macaroon (can't wait to try that one).
The O'Keefes have their processing plant at Carrigeen, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel. 00 353 52 81905 - local 052 81905, mobile: 086 8577079. Email: organicicecream@hotmail.com 
It's sad to hear though that, despite the O'Keefes' best efforts, no ingredients are sourced in Ireland.

Tesco Ireland have introduced a new range of Irish organic yoghurts. It sells for the same price as Glenisk, IP 1.19  for a 500g. tub (450g. for Strawberry flavour) and in fact is produced by Glenisk. But they have an introductory offer of half-price on the second carton, which amounts to a 25% discount. Glenisk say this was Tesco's idea - Tesco say its Glenisk's idea. They are also selling, from this week, an Irish organic cheddar which, disturbingly, they sell for IP 4.79 per kilo.
I'm all for lower prices of course, but I would like to see a level playing field for the smaller outlets who often pioneered these products. Feature in Articles page soon on this subject. 
. July '01. Tesco say; "The Commercial Buyer for Dairy Products ... has informed me (the Customer Service Manager) that the offer on the Irish Organic Cheese is a Tesco Irish Mild Cheddar Cheese £4.79kilo" (sic). So now you know!  26th Sept. 2001. Tesco's own-label yogurt now selling at same price as Glenisk.

Golden Vale have a good strong-tasting, white cheddar on the market for the last six months, called Charleville Organic, IP 8.66 per kilo. It's interesting to hear that it is not produced in Ireland and to see that the organic certification is not an Irish one. 

Organic goat's cheese, St. Tola. Email: info@st.tola.ie.

Alternative Technology  

www.12voltz.com  and www.12voltz.co.uk  Wind turbines, solar panels, water turbines, etc. World-wide service, including mail-order to Ireland. Excellent, expert and unbiased advice. Email; help@12voltz.fsnet.co.uk Tel. UK - 01 539 822686. 

www.cat.org The Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales, has to be the first entry here. From its hippy drop-out beginnings in the 1970s it has become one of Wales' most visited tourist destinations - a source of pleasure, energy-profit and inspiration to millions. Email: renewables@reic.ie

www.irish-energy.ie  Irish Solar Energy Centre, Bandon, Co. Cork is a govt. sponsored organisation which is a  mine of information on altenative energy in Ireland and abroad. They publish good information sheets which you see increasingly at their stands at shows. 

www.solaris-energy.com  is an Irish business run by Fritz Raake, Macroom, Co.Cork. He supplies and fits, solar water heaters (flat plate collectors), solar air heaters and photo-voltaic systems. Fritz is very busy but generously informative and helpful when you contact him. Tel. 026 46312 and email: solaris@eircom.net.

www.kerryat.com  Kerry Alternative Technology, KAT, , based on a holding near Killarney, runs summer courses in alternative energy technologies. They obviously know their technical onions, if their polished website is anything to go by. Email; kerryat@eircom.net

www.veggiepower.org.uk. How to make your own bio-diesel and lots more. I like their description of Bio-diesel - "it smells like popcorn or French fries."

www.greendragonenergy.co.uk based in Wales run courses on alternative energy and design supply and fit large and small systems.

www.westwind.ie  Ireland-based West Wind supplies domestic and commercial wind and solar ystems. Example, 100 watt Ampair (www.ampair.com) wind turbine, with fittings, € 1,000 approx. Call Steven Lang, Co. Cork, on 022 23669 or mail: info@westwind.ie 

www.solartwin.com  Off-grid solar water heating. Fitted in one day from £ 2,499. Kits £1599 incl. VAT. Tel UK - 0845 1300 137.

www.solardawn.co.uk  Solar water heating kits plus installations.

Information Technology

West Cork Enterprise Board in Clonakilty, Co. Cork has great courses running throughout the year. Many allow poor websiters like myself to acquire assistance and skills that otherwise would be beyond their means. Deirdre Maher is the ever-helpful administrator there. www.wceb.ie 

Qualtron Solutions is based in West Cork. Started by Nick Ross and Darrin Sexton who both previously worked in the City, it provides computer network solutions to business, specialising in remote access VPV - whatever that is. The personable and ever-obliging Nick developed their website by my side on a Dreamweaver course in autumn, 2002.  www.qualtronsolutions.com 

Island Computers and Training in Clonakilty, West Cork, based in the new Technology Park there, offers computer training and development, customer services training and IT consultancy. Contact the MD Kieran Clifford at, 023 36600 and email, info@islandcomputers.ie . www.islandcomputers.ie

The Green Stationery Company, Bath, England, supplies a huge range of recycled office stationery, "re-manufactured" inkjet cartridges and lots more. www.greenstat.co.uk 

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