Miscellaneous Articles

NOTE: No attempt is made to update links found within these articles. Some of them have been in existence for several years and now contain obsolete URLs and email addresses. Please do not contact the Soil and Health Library about this.


Interview with Aajonus Vonderplanitz presented by Dr Stanley Bass.

Aajonus (rhymes with homo-genous) has some remarkable views for a raw fooder, in that he believes the consumption of large quantities of raw red meat, raw chicken, raw fish, raw butter and raw honey are, for most people, the keys to health. The article contains links to find out more and to obtain Vonderplanitz's book We Want To Live.

Life Extension Magazine, March 2001 - Report: "Vegetables Without Vitamins."

Compares two sets of nutritional analyses done on a wide range of vegetables, one recently, one done about two decades ago. Points out a shocking and dangerous decline in nutritional content across the board. To contact the Life Extension Foundation:

Remarkable Recoveries From Severe Health Problems. Dr. Stanley Bass.

This brief document explains the remarkable benefits of a raw food based diet for healing serious and life-destroying disease conditions. A PDF of 60 kb. Thanks for this to Dr. Bass' website, http://www.drbass.com/

With Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists. Dr. Stanlay Bass.

This brief document chronicles a remarkable family of hygienists and discusses the proper dietary for health--with what will be some surprising conclusions for fruitarians and vegans. A PDF of 45 kb. Thanks for this to Dr. Bass' website, http://www.drbass.com/

Aerobic Composting Chart.

A library client has done some original and accurate record keeping on carefully-organized composting bins done along the Indore System, as close to what Sir Albert Howard described in his Waste Products of Agriculture as he could manage. The results are expressed as a single chart, reproduced here.

"Nutritional Quality of Organically Grown Food" by Steve Diver

Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas  -- ATTRA Fayetteville, Arkansas.  "Farmers often ask ATTRA for data on the nutritional quality of organic food (grains, fruits, vegetables) in comparison to conventionally raised food.  This publication summarizes some of the facts and viewpoints surrounding this issue, and provides resources for further reading."

"Variation in Mineral Composition of Vegetables." FIRMAN E. BEAR, STEPHEN J. TOTH, and ARTHUR L. PRINCE

This study conducted at Rutgers University (Bear et al., 1948) is frequently misquoted as evidence supporting the position that organically grown vegetables are significantly superior in minerals and trace elements to conventionally grown vegetables. In reviewing the original publication, one can clearly see that this was not the intention of the study nor does it give support to this premise. The purpose of the study was to compare the mineral composition of vegetables "as one proceeds from south to north and from east to west in the United States."

"Bibliography: Nutritional Quality of Organically Produced Foods." From the United States National Agricultural Library at Beltsville, Maryland, produced by Mary Gold, Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

This rather complete compilation lists over 200 citations, books and articles. The article will also introduce you to the NAL and its many services.

"NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS of ORGANIC, FRESHLY STONE-GROUND, SOURDOUGH & - CONVENTIONAL BREADS" by Judy Campbell, B.Sc., Mechtild Hauser, and Stuart Hill, B.Sc., Ph.D., P.Ag.. McGill University, Canada.

"SOIL, FOOD, HEALTH AND VALUES" by Stuart B. Hill. McGill University, Canada.

Modern Muesli, by Perry Spinner. A brief critique of what passes these days for a so-called health food. The author is from Nature's Way, a New Zealand producer of free range eggs. Perry was President of the Soil & Health Association of New Zealand for many years. Downloads as a PDF file. Not a particularly large document. This article is made available here with the permission of the author.