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Organic Field Crop Production and Marketing in North Carolina

Alternative Grain Crops
Press Releases

Organic Valley Forms Grower Pool, May 2008

In an unprecedented effort to provide market stability to both crop growers and livestock producers, Organic Valley Family of Farms is opening its membership to organic crop growers with the introduction of its Grower Pool. 

With more than 1,200 member farms, Organic Valley is America 's largest cooperative of organic farmers and is one of the nation's leading organic brands.  Growers joining the pool will benefit from a guaranteed floor price for their crops on a long-term contract basis and will be able to enroll all or portions of their crop acreage in the pool.  Organic Valley will offer contracts for feed-grade grains, beans, oilseeds and hay beginning with the 2008-2010 cycle.

Similar to Organic Valley 's current dairy, meat and produce pools, the Grower Pool's prices will reflect differences in the co-op's 15 grower regions. Members will form their own executive committee to develop policy and pricing guidelines. After one production year, any member can add a year to the contract at a newly set floor price, or can opt out of the pool.

"Our objective is to establish regional floor prices for crops that are clearly profitable for growers yet still affordable for our livestock producers," said Lowell Rheinheimer, farm resources manager for Organic Valley . "Growers also will have the benefit of becoming true partners in the production of organic food with other farmers who believe in environmentally-responsible farming - rather than selling their feed crops into an anonymous and turbulent marketplace.  "A substantial number of farmers are already seeking to join the pool," Rheinheimer added.

"The hallmark of Organic Valley for its 20 years has been the price stability it offers its member farmers," said George Siemon, chief executive officer of Organic Valley . "Our Grower Pool carries that tradition. It's a good opportunity to bring two groups of farmers together to negotiate in cooperation and to ultimately provide stability to both."

Farmers interested in joining the Grower Pool may contact CROPP Cooperative at 888-809-9297.

Source: Organic Valley Family of Farms


Two new grants support NCSU's Organic Grain Project, Feb 5, 2008

Two recent grants will support the organic grains program at North Carolina State University and provide education to promote the production of organic grain in the state, according to Dr. Chris Reberg-Horton, assistant professor of crop science and organic cropping specialist in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

The organic grains program recently received $100,000 from Golden LEAF, a foundation dedicated to the long-term economic advancement of North Carolina, and $35,000 from Organic Valley, an organic dairy cooperative. The funds will support education and extension programs on organic grains.

“Golden LEAF is excited to be a part of the expanding organic grains industry in North Carolina,” said Valeria Lee, president of Golden LEAF. “Providing opportunity for growth is paramount to the success of a competitive agricultural community.”

“Ensuring a strong supply of organic grains is key to the potential of organic livestock farmers in North Carolina and the nation. Organic crop growing is a viable long term market and we want to encourage conventional farmers to transition to organics,” said George Siemon, chief executive officer for Organic Valley Family of Farms. “We’re confident NC State’s efforts will help area farmers meet the current organic grain needs in the short-term, and we hope their efforts will make a positive impact for the generation and beyond. We’re happy to help them be a part of the solution.”

The organic industry is the fastest growing niche in the agricultural sector, with many mainstream food retailers joining the bandwagon. The organic market pays a premium for most crops, so organic grain can earn growers more cash per acre than conventional grain, according to Reberg-Horton.

Organic grain is particularly important to producers of organic poultry, livestock and dairy products, who rely on organic grains as a feed source. Currently, about $8 million in organic grain is imported to the state for this purpose each year. North Carolina is the nation’s leading producers of organic eggs, Reberg-Horton said.

The state has a limited market for organic grains for human consumption, but that market could increase as growers produce more grains and new grain processors come on line. The market for organic crops is expected to continue growing at an annual rate of over 20 percent.

The goals of the education and extension program in organic grains are to increase the number of farms producing organic grains, increase the profitability of organic grains on farms already producing organic grains, and expand the organic grain market by increasing the number of organically certified grain processors.

In planning for the grant, Reberg-Horton and his colleagues convened a meeting of farmers, county agricultural agents, non-profits and extension specialists to determine critical needs for expanding the organic grain industry in North Carolina.

“One item that received unanimous support was to showcase farms that are already growing organic grains. Most farmers in the state are unaware of our organic grain farms, and their successes will highlight the potential in this industry,” Reberg-Horton said. “The group wanted to host field days at these farms, do on-farm testing and demonstrations and have quarterly meetings where farmers could share information.

“Our planning group also identified weed management as the number one concern in the transition to organic, with soil fertility not far behind. We will conduct a series of tests on farms to improve weed and fertility management. Those tests will include cultivation practices, fertility sources, and the use of cover crop mulches to control weeds.” The group is organizing a bus tour of organic grain farms in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia for July 24 to 26, 2008.

For more information on the organic grains program at N.C. State, visit the Web site:

--Natalie Hampton




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@ 2005 North Carolina State University