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Preventing Hantavirus Disease
Educational Video
September, 1994 
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Page 31 of 44

Dr. Ronald Servi DR. SERVI:
At the present time there's no specific treatment for the Hantavirus infection, What we do know is that if patients are recognized early...
Rushing patient towards helicopter ...and are taken to an intensive care unit, some patients may do better with this form of treatment.
Patient being placed in helicopter Norma - Wife of survivor of hantavirus Disease Patient being rushec into hospital (Norma, wife of survivor):

When I would talk with the nurses and some of the doctors -- a lot of it was the nurses -- they would say that you were lucky to get him in when you did because he wasn't under a lot of distress, you got him in right before he got the full impact. And we were able to start the medicine right away, whereas a lot of the individuals who died from the disease came in when they were under full distress and it was really hard for them to do anything for them.

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This page last reviewed February 28, 2000.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases
Special Pathogens Branch