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Editorial Board
PR Shepherd - Auckland

Vice Chair, The Americas
G Salvesen - La Jolla, CA

Vice Chair, Asia-Pacific
T Xu - Beijing

Vice Chair, Reviews
A Toker - Boston, MA

Deputy Chairs
DR Alessi - Dundee
M Blatt - Glasgow
L Goodyear - Boston, MA
SV Graham - Glasgow
D Hoekstra - Groningen
NM Hooper - Leeds
S Huber - Urbana, IL
J Ladbury - Houston, TX
M Lemmon - Philadelphia, PA
C MacKintosh - Dundee
KH Mayo - Minneapolis, MN
M Murphy - Cambridge
S Roberts - Manchester
D Tosh - Bath
HM Wallace - Aberdeen

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Take a look at the first three reviews in our series to celebrate the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of “On the Origin of Species”.
by Kevin Padian and Nicholas Matzke examines the ongoing evolution-versus-creationism controversy in American jurisprudence. This review is now freely available to all users!

by Gustavo Caetano-Anollésand colleagues examines the structure of the contemporary protein world, and discusses how evolutionary genomics and structural bioinformatics have helped in delineating the origin and history of modern proteins.

by Greg Moorhead, Veerle De Wever, George Templeton and David Kerk discusses comprehensively the evolution of the three major families of protein phosphatases, highlighting examples of convergent evolution and phosphatases that are unique to plants.

The next review in this series covers insulin/IGF-like signalling and aging.




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