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University of California-Davis: Details

Superfund Basic Research Program

Biomarkers for Assessing the Effects of Reproductive Toxins

Project Leader: Bill L. Lasley
Grant Number: P42ES04699
Funding Period: 1995-2010
Grantee Website ( Exit NIEHS Website


In this project, new laboratory methods and computer algorithms are being developed for use in epidemiologic studies of women's health. These include methods for assessing pituitary function and early fetal loss by the identification of different molecular forms of the secreted pituitary and trophoblastic gonadotropins. New assays are being tested and validated for the corresponding metabolites of these pituitary and trophoblastic hormones in urine. Algorithms for assessing abnormalities of menstrual function and early fetal loss in epidemiologic studies are being designed to utilize biomarker data which can be generated by existing and new urinary assays. Improved field and laboratory methods are being developed which will reduce the cost and effort of future population based studies. The pattern of ovarian and trophoblastic hormone metabolite excretion is being studied to characterize normal and abnormal reproductive cycles and pregnancies. Clinical studies provide matched blood and urine samples for the validation of new assay methods and testing of all algorithms.

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