Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2003–05.

Appendix B. Notes Associated with Agencies Included in the Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: Volumes 33–53

These notes include explanatory information on Federal agencies' reports from volume 33 (which covered FY 1983–85) to volume 53 of the federal funds survey. For volume 53, actual data were collected for FY 2003 and estimates were collected for FY 2004 and 2005.

Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Service Data reported for the Agricultural Marketing Service have included funds for the Office of Transportation since 1989.
Agricultural Research Service The Human Nutrition Information Service merged with the Agricultural Research Service on 20 February 1994.
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service The Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service was abolished as of 20 October 1994.
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service The Cooperative State Research Service merged with the Extension Service on 19 October 1994, to become the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, due to reorganization of the Department of Agriculture.
Foreign Agricultural Service The Office of International Cooperation and Development became part of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in June 1994. Data reported for FAS have included funds appropriated to International Cooperation and Development programs within FAS since FY 1994.
Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration The Federal Grain Inspection Service was abolished on 20 October 1994, and the Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration assumed its functions.
Human Nutrition Information Service The Human Nutrition Information Service merged with the Agricultural Research Service on 20 February 1994.
Office of International Cooperation and Development The Office of International Cooperation and Development became part of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in June 1994. Data reported for FAS have included funds appropriated to International Cooperation and Development programs within FAS since FY 1994.
Office of Transportation Data reported for the Agricultural Marketing Service have included funds for the Office of Transportation since 1989.
Rural Business-Cooperative Service This agency's name changed from the Rural Business and Cooperative Development Service to the Rural Business-Cooperative Service on 30 January 1996.
Department of Defense Department of Defense (DOD) research has been reported separately from DOD development since volume 40 (FY 1990–92). More than 90% of development reported by DOD for universities and colleges is performed at off-campus, university-affiliated laboratories that are not involved in teaching.

DOD development obligations have been reported in two categories, advanced technology and major systems, since volume 44 (FY 1994–96).

Not all DOD agencies with development obligations are able to categorize them according to the advanced technology and major systems development breakdown. Therefore, in the volume 46 (FY 1996–98) survey cycle, total DOD development does not equal the sum of total DOD advanced technology development and total DOD major systems development.

Defense Agencies
Chemical and Biological Defense Before FY 2000, R&D of Chemical and Biological Defense was reported with the Washington Headquarters Services.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency This agency's name changed to the Advanced Research Projects Agency on 13 July 1993, and it was changed back to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in February 1996.
Defense Special Weapons Agency The Defense Nuclear Agency was renamed the Defense Special Weapons Agency in 1996, as a result of a new charter and an expanded mission.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) was established on 1 October 1998. DTRA was formed through a merger of elements of the Office of the Secretary of Defense staff, the Defense Technology Security Administration, the Defense Special Weapons Agency, and the On-Site Inspection Agency.

Defense Threat Reduction Agency The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) was established on 1 October 1998. DTRA was formed through a merger of elements of the Office of the Secretary of Defense staff, the Defense Technology Security Administration, the Defense Special Weapons Agency, and the On-Site Inspection Agency.
Joint Staff The name of this agency changed from Joint Chiefs of Staff to Joint Staff in FY 1986.
National Imagery and Mapping Agency The Defense Mapping Agency merged with the newly created National Imagery and Mapping Agency on 1 October 1996.
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Data for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences have been included with the Washington Headquarters Services' submission since volume 45 (FY 1995–97).
Washington Headquarters Services Data for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences have been included with the Washington Headquarters Services' submission since volume 45 (FY 1995–97).

Public Law No. 103-160, Section 1703, makes the Office of the Secretary of Defense responsible for the Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP). Section 1701 requires the creation of CBDP research, development, test, and evaluation program elements established in the FY 1996–97 President's Budget. Data for these new program elements have been included in the federal funds survey since volume 46 (FY 1996–98).

Washington Headquarters Services' basic research data were revised in volume 47 (FY 1997–99) to reflect changes that were not incorporated in volume 46 (FY 1996–98).

Before FY 2000, R&D of Chemical and Biological Defense was reported with the Washington Headquarters Services.

Department of the Army Civil Functions Department of the Army, Civil Functions (Corps of Engineers), development activities are appropriated by the Energy and Water Development Act and therefore cannot be categorized according to the advanced technology and major systems development breakdown. For accounting purposes the funds are shown in the advanced technology total for the Department of the Army.
Operational Test and Evaluation Force On 7 June 1999 the Secretary of Defense approved the disestablishment of the Office of the Director, Test, Systems Engineering and Evaluation. As a result of the restructure, the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, assumed management responsibility for the Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program and the Test and Evaluation Program, excluding the Joint Test and Evaluation Program.
Test and Evaluation, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense On 7 June 1999 the Secretary of Defense approved the disestablishment of the Office of the Director, Test, Systems Engineering and Evaluation. As a result of the restructure, the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, assumed management responsibility for the Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program and the Test and Evaluation Program, excluding the Joint Test and Evaluation Program.
Department of Energy In January 1996 the Bureau of Mines was abolished, and some of its activities were transferred to the Bureau of Land Management, the Geological Survey, and the Department of Energy.
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration on Aging In FY 1991 Human Development Services was replaced by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and by the Administration on Aging (AOA). Since FY 1992 data shown for ACF have been separate from obligations for AOA.
Administration for Children and Families Obligations reported for the Administration for Children and Families may be incomplete for FY 1992 due to unavailability of data.

In FY 1991 Human Development Services was replaced by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and by the Administration on Aging (AOA). Since FY 1992 data shown for ACF have been separate from obligations for AOA.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality In FY 1991 the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research became separate from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research was renamed the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality as stated in the Healthcare Research and QualityAct of 1999, signed by the President on 6 December 1999.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Before FY 2000, data reported for the Environmental Protection Agency included R&D data for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration Due to reorganization within the Department of Health and Human Services, the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration ceased to exist as of October 1992, and its R&D functions have been reported with National Institutes of Health data since FY 1992. However, research support for some fields (such as psychology) in FY 1992 seems to be underreported.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services The Health Care Financing Administration became the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as of 1 July 2001.
Human Development Services In FY 1991 Human Development Services was replaced by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and by the Administration on Aging (AOA). Since FY 1992 data shown for ACF have been separate from obligations for AOA.
National Institutes of Health Due to reorganization within the Department of Health and Human Services, the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration ceased to exist as of October 1992, and its R&D functions have been reported with National Institutes of Health data since FY 1992. However, research support for some fields (such as psychology) in FY 1992 seems to be underreported.

Since FY 2000 the National Institutes of Health has classified all of its development activities as research.

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health In FY 1991 the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research became separate from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health merged with the Office of the Secretary (OS) as of FY 1996. The merger created a new role for the Assistant Secretary for Health, who became head of the Office of Public Health and Science, a new division within OS.

Office of the Secretary The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health merged with the Office of the Secretary (OS) as of FY 1996. The merger created a new role for the Assistant Secretary for Health who became head of the Office of Public Health and Science, a new division within OS.
Office of Public Health and Science The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health merged with the Office of the Secretary (OS) as of FY 1996. The merger created a new role for the Assistant Secretary for Health, who became head of the Office of Public Health and Science, a new division within OS.
Social Security Administration Effective 31 March 1995, the Social Security Administration became an independent agency; it is no longer part of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Data for FY 2003–05 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) are estimates based on SAMHSA's obligations by program activity budget and previously reported funding for development.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management In January 1996 the Bureau of Mines was abolished, and some of its activities were transferred to the Bureau of Land Management, the Geological Survey, and the Department of Energy.
Bureau of Mines In January 1996 the Bureau of Mines was abolished, and some of its activities were transferred to the Bureau of Land Management, the Geological Survey, and the Department of Energy.
Geological Survey The Office of Water Research and Technology has been combined with the Geological Survey since 1985.

Funding for the National Biological Service (NBS) comes from the Geological Survey's congressional appropriation. Since FY 1996, data for the NBS have been included with the Geological Survey's submission.

In January 1996 the Bureau of Mines was abolished, and some of its activities were transferred to the Bureau of Land Management, the Geological Survey, and the Department of Energy.

National Biological Service The name of the National Biological Survey changed to the National Biological Service (NBS) on 5 January 1995. Since FY 1994 NBS has performed all biological research activities formerly funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service.

Funding for the National Biological Service (NBS) comes from the Geological Survey's congressional appropriation. Since FY 1996, data for the NBS have been included with the Geological Survey's submission.

National Park Service The name of the National Biological Survey changed to the National Biological Service (NBS) on 5 January 1995. Since FY 1994 NBS has performed all biological research activities formerly funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service.

Obligations for FY 2003–05 are for National Park Service's (NPS) natural resources program only; data for NPS cultural resources program were not available for this survey cycle.

Office of the Secretary The Department of Interior's Office of the Secretary has not funded any R&D activities since FY 1995.
Office of Water Research and Technology The Office of Water Research and Technology has been combined with the Geological Survey since 1985.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The name of the National Biological Survey changed to the National Biological Service (NBS) on 5 January 1995. Since FY 1994 NBS has performed all biological research activities formerly funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service.
Department of Justice
Bureau of Prisons The Bureau of Prisons was previously listed as the Federal Prison System.
Drug Enforcement Administration Large differences exist between the Drug Enforcement Administration's FY 1996 and 1997 R&D funding amounts due to changes in the agency's R&D programs.
Immigration and Naturalization Service FY 1997–99 figures for the Immigration and Naturalization Service are based on the agency's submission for volume 46 (FY 1996–98).
Department of Labor
Labor-Management Relations and Cooperative Programs In 1984 Labor-Management Relations and Cooperative Programs replaced the Labor-Management Services Administration.
Labor-Management Services Administration In 1984 Labor-Management Relations and Cooperative Programs replaced the Labor-Management Services Administration.
Department of State Increases in outlays and obligations reported by the Department of State during the volume 44 (FY 1994–96) survey cycle reflect reporting of moneys received through interagency agreements with the Agency for International Development. The Department of State transfers these outlays and obligations to other R&D performers.

Effective 1 April 1999, all functions and authorities of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency were transferred to the Department of State.

On 1 October 1999, the U.S. Information Agency was integrated into the Department of State.

Increases in outlays and obligations reported by the Department of State during the volume 44 (FY 1994–96) survey cycle reflect reporting of moneys received through interagency agreements with the Agency for International Development. The Department of State transfers these outlays and obligations to other R&D performers.

The Agency for International Development's (AID) new integrated system for budget and accounting records does not contain codes for determining either fields of science and engineering or performer data. The National Science Foundation has estimated these data based on AID's Budget Authority (FYs 2000–02) and AID's federal funds survey submission to volume 44 (FY 1994–96). More accurate data for AID will be reported in future volumes of this survey.

Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, formerly a part of the Federal Highway Administration, was established within the Department of Transportation on 1 January 2000, as stated in the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (Public Law No. 106-159, 113 Stat. 1748 [9 December 1999]).
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, formerly a part of the Federal Highway Administration, was established within the Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000, as stated in the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (Public Law No. 106-159, 113 Stat. 1748 [9 December 1999]).
Federal Transit Administration The name of this agency changed from the Urban Mass Transit Administration to the Federal Transit Administration on 18 December 1991.
Maritime Administration Since FY 1996 the Maritime Administration has had no directly appropriated funding for R&D activities.
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Due to reorganization of the Internal Revenue Service and subsequent unavailability of data, FY 1992 figures are taken from estimates made in the volume 41 (FY 1991–93) submission.

Large changes in obligations reported by the Internal Revenue Service for volume 44 (FY 1994–96) are due to shifts in research funding.

Office of Thrift Supervision In 1989 the Federal Home Loan Bank Board was replaced by the Office of Thrift Supervision. In 1990 the Office of Thrift Supervision became part of the Department of the Treasury.
U.S. Customs Service FY 1997–99 figures for the U.S. Customs Service are estimates based on the agency's volume 46 (FY 1996–98) submission.
Other agencies
Broadcasting Board of Governors The Broadcasting Board of Governors became an independent federal entity on 1 October 1999, as mandated by the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act (Public Law 105-277), signed by the President on 21 October 1998.
Environmental Protection Agency Before FY 2000, data reported for the Environmental Protection Agency included R&D data for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
General Services Administration Since 1985 the National Archives and Records Administration has been separate from the General Services Administration.
International Development Cooperation Agency Increases in outlays and obligations reported by the Department of State during the volume 44 (FY 1994–96) survey cycle reflect reporting of moneys received through interagency agreements with the Agency for International Development. The Department of State transfers these outlays and obligations to other R&D performers.

The Agency for International Development's (AID) new integrated system for budget and accounting records does not contain codes for determining either fields of science and engineering or performer data. The National Science Foundation has estimated these data based on AID's Budget Authority (FYs 2000–02) and AID's federal funds survey submission to volume 44 (FY 1994–96). More accurate data for AID will be reported in future volumes of this survey.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration During the volume 45 (FY 1995–97) survey cycle, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration made a statistical adjustment to the 1994 and 1995 field of science and engineering values to diminish a computational error introduced by its software.

In FY 2000 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration reclassified Space Station as physical asset, reclassified Space Station Research as equipment, and transferred funding for the program from R&D to R&D plant.

National Archives and Records Administration Since 1985 the National Archives and Records Administration has been separate from the General Services Administration.
National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation has made changes to its field of science and engineering coding system, producing changes to some of the FY 1996 field of science data (such as mechanical engineering). These changes are reflected in the historical data tables.
Office of Thrift Supervision In 1989 the Federal Home Loan Bank Board was replaced by the Office of Thrift Supervision. In 1990 the Office of Thrift Supervision became part of the Department of the Treasury.
Social Security Administration Effective 31 March 1995 the Social Security Administration became an independent agency; it is no longer part of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Tennessee Valley Authority During the volume 47 (FY 1997–99) survey cycle, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) made adjustments to its 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 R&D values to correct reporting errors. In recent years, most of the funds TVA has reported have been those invested by TVA's Office of Power, rather than congressionally appropriated funds. In addition, a substantial amount of congressionally appropriated funds earmarked for environmental compliance and site restoration was erroneously reported as R&D in past years. TVA has determined that these funds do not meet the criteria for classification as R&D spending. Some trend shifts are related to these adjustments, since TVA can only make revisions as far back as 1996.
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency FY 1994 figures for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency are estimates based on the agency's volume 43 (FY 1993–95) submission.

Effective 1 April 1999, all functions and authorities of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency were transferred to the Department of State.

U.S. Information Agency On 1 October 1999, the U.S. Information Agency was integrated into the Department of State.
U.S. International Trade Commission In 2000 the U.S. International Trade Commission stopped classifying any of its activities as R&D.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development.

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