Science and Engineering State Profiles: 1998-99

The data included here represent an electronic version of the database titled Science and Engineering State Profiles: 1998-99. The Division of Science Resources Studies (SRS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) publishes the report, Science and Engineering State Profiles, annually. This year's report, available only in this electronic version, provides state-specific data obtained from numerous surveys of NSF/SRS and other Federal Government agencies. Including a data source page, the report provided here is a set of 52 one-page science and engineering (S&E) Profiles (including ones for D.C and Puerto Rico) that summarize varied state-specific data on personnel and finances.

The SRS-surveyed databases include the following: doctoral scientists and engineers; S&E doctorates awarded, including by major S&E fields; S&E graduate students and postdoctorates; Federal R&D obligations, by agency and performer; total and industrial R&D expenditures; and academic R&D expenditures, including by major S&E fields.

Data from non-SRS sources include population, civilian labor force, per capita personal income, Federal expenditures, public higher education expenditures, patents, small business innovation research awards, and gross state product originating in sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, trade, government, and services.

State rankings and totals are for the 50 States, D.C., and Puerto Rico. For the Puerto Rico profile, the data sources for some variables differ from those used to obtain state data. Comparable data do not exist on total and industry R&D performance for Puerto Rico.

Data Sources for Science and Engineering State Profiles

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U.S. Map


Alphabetic listing of States

[Alabama] [Alaska] [Arizona] [Arkansas]

[California] [Colorado] [Connecticut]

[Delaware] [District of Columbia]




[Idaho] [Illinois] [Indiana] [Iowa]

[Kansas] [Kentucky]


[Maine] [Maryland] [Massachusetts] [Michigan] [Minnesota] [Mississippi] [Missouri] [Montana]

[Nebraska] [Nevada] [New Hampshire] [New Jersey] [New Mexico] [New York] [North Carolina] [North Dakota]

[Ohio] [Oklahoma] [Oregon]

[Pennsylvania] [Puerto Rico]

[Rhode Island]

[South Carolina] [South Dakota]

[Tennessee] [Texas]


[Vermont] [Virginia]

[Washington] [West Virginia] [Wisconsin] [Wyoming]

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