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American Flag
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Showing Respect
Printable Flags
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Patriotic Activities
Patriotic Songs
Flag Related History
Flags of Native Americans
The World

Many Americans have turned to the symbol for national unity, the American flag. American flag resources are provided below.

    Showing Respect
  1. Showing Respect for the American Flag (United States "Flag Code" - Title 36 Chapter 10) star
      Provides patriotic customs and rules of etiquette, called the "Flag Code," for displaying the flag, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the National Anthem (Star-Spangled Banner), and much more.

  2. Showing Respect for the American Flag ( - Streufert)
      Highlights portions of the Flag Code (above) on how to treat an American flag.

  3. How to Fold a Flag (United States "Flag Code")
      Shows how to fold an American flag.

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    Printable Flags
  1. Flag of the USA Resources (
      Provides pictures of the American flag, flag history, and information related to American patriotism. Also displays an animated flag.

  2. Flag of the USA to Color (
      Provides a printable black and white flag for coloring.

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    Other Patriotic Materials
  1. Flag Day ECards (
      Provides free ecards to send in honor of Flag Day, June 14th.

  2. Essay - What We Have Learned (Wallstreet Journal - Noonan)
      Describes what many Americans have learned from the September 11th attack on the USA.

  3. Flag of the USA - Screen Wallpaper (
      Provides a printable picture of the flag of the USA that can also be used as screen wallpaper.

  4. Flags of the USA - Screen Wallpaper (T and P SC Screensavers)
      Provides American flags and patriotic themes in screen wallpaper.

  5. Pencil "Remember September 11th" Flag - Printable and Double-Sided (
      Provides a small paper flag for remembering September 11th. It can be printed and folded for a picture on both sides of the paper. Can be used at the top of a pencil, just below the eraser.

  6. Commemoration Graphics (
      Provides graphics that can be printed or used on Web pages.

  7. Car Antenna Flag (
      Sells flags of the USA that can be used on car antennas. Editor's Note - Awesome Library does not endorse this product, but only provides it as an example.

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    Patriotic Activities
  1. Flag Mural for School (Education World)
      Provides a lesson plan for creating a mural flag for school.

  2. Pledge of Allegiance for the American Flag (United States "Flag Code" - Chapter 10, Section 172)
      Provides the Pledge of Allegiance and a short history of the Pledge of Allegiance. (In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled that school children could not be forced to recite it.)

  3. Make a Flag (
      Provides a worksheet for designing a flag.

  4. American Flag Lesson Plan (PBS)
      Provides a lesson plan and activities for a range of ages related to the flag of the USA.

  5. American Flag Lesson Plan (Montgomery Public Schools - Furr, Campos, and White)
      Provides activities related to the flag of the USA.

  6. Flags and Belonging Lesson Plans (
      Provides lessons on flags and belonging, by general grade level.

  7. Flag of the USA - Activities ( - Kemsley)
      Provides an American flag that can be printed and then colored. Provides additional activities to help children cope with the crisis of September 11th.

  8. Flag of the USA - Puzzles (
      Provides an online puzzle of an American flag that can be moved around within a two minute deadline. Provides additional activities.

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    Patriotic Songs
  1. America (
      Provides the words and the tune.
  2. America the Beautiful (
      Provides the words and the tune.
  3. God Bless America (
      Provides the words and the tune.
  4. My Country 'Tis of Thee (
      Provides the words and the tune.
  5. Star-Spangled Banner Lesson (National Park Service - Fort McHenry)
      Provides activities related to the national anthem. Includes a handout with the words to the Star-Spangled Banner.
  6. The Star Spangled Banner (
      Provides the words and the tune.
  7. This Land Is Your Land (
      Provides the words and the tune.

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    Flag Related History
  1. History of Flags of the USA (Betsy Ross)
      Shows pictures of flags of the USA.

  2. History of American Flag (USACityLink)
      Provides a history. This may be particularly helpful to teachers of K-12 education.

  3. History of American Flag - Old Glory ( - Streufert)
      Provides a story about how the American flag gained the nickname of "Old Glory."

  4. History of Flags of the USA (Mastai)
      Shows pictures of flags of the USA.

  5. State Flags and Historical USA Flags (
      Provides pictures of the flags of states. Also includes pictures of each of the major historical flags of the USA. Shows flags with more than 13 stars and less than 50. Also includes flags the Confederate States of America, the Confederacy.

  6. Flag Day (
      June 14h is Flag Day in the USA. Provides a history of the day of recognition.

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    Native American Flags
  1. Native American Flags by State (Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States)
      Shows pictures of flags of Native American tribes, by state.

  2. Native American Flags by Tribe (Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States)
      Shows pictures of flags of Native American tribes, by tribe.

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    The World
  1. Flags (
      Provides national flags for different countries. Awesome Library does not endorse these products but provides them as examples.
    • World Response to American Crisis (CNN)
        Shows that leaders of almost all nations, even traditional adversaries of the USA, such as Cuba and Libya, stated their support for the USA in its time of grief and even in stopping acts of terrorism. In the face of such pain, the world has become one home for us all.

    • Flag of the Earth (
        Provides a printable copy of an Earth flag, to remind us that we share one home. We are interconnected. (Click on the flag for the printable picture. Uses PDF format.)

    • Picture of the Earth (AMU)
        Shows a picture of the Earth from space, to remind us that we share one home. We are interconnected. The picture can be printed and used as a flag.

    May we find a way to honor each of our heroes, 
    firefighters, police, rescue, and emergency crews.  May it be our honor to care
        for the many in great need.

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