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Montana Weed Control Association Scholarship

The MWCA awards three scholarships annually to students pursuing a degree in a natural resource managment field at an accredited four-year Montana university.  For complete details on this scholarship please see the application.  The deadline for applications is July 1st
     Adobe format  MWCA Scholarship Application 
     Word format MWCA Scholarship Application

2008 MWCA Scholarship Recipients

This year, the MWCA handed out three $1,000 scholarships to Valerie Riter, Kailee Bickford and Michel Kohl.   Valerie is a sophomore at Montana State University majoring in crop science.  Kailee is a junior at MSU majoring in natural Resouces & Rangeland Ecology with a Minor in animal sciences.  Michel is a senior at the University of Montana majoring in Wildlife Biology. 


MWCA Memorial Fund
(formerly known as the Barb Mullin Memorial Fund)

The Barb Mullin Memorial Fund was established in 2003 for the purpose of awarding an outstanding weed professional in Montana on a yearly basis for the indefinite future. Due to the overwhelming response to the call to fund this program (contributors listed below), the Montana Weed Control Association decided to rename this fund to benefit diversity in the organization. This fund now supports two cash $100 awards to the best noxious weed project at the Montana State Science Fair for the high school and middle school level, it supports the $100 cash award and creation of the plaque for the Barb Mullin Award given each year at the annual conference to deserving weed professionals, and it supports gifts and contributions towards the families of those members who pass on. Pending future funding, there has been talk of adding a Barb Mullin Memorial Scholarship.  If you would like to contribute to the MWCA Memorial Fund, please go to our registration page.

Barb Mullin passed away unexpectedly in 2002. At the time, she was the state weed coordinator, a position she held at two different times for a total of 9 years. Barb was greatly respected in local and national circles for her efforts in noxious weed prevention and management in Montana.


It’is time to think awards! Who is a super weed fighter? What weed district is doing a great job? Which young person or group is battling weeds? If someone worthy comes to mind, please submit a letter of nomination of this person, group or business to the MWCA Awards Committee for consideration for a Montana Weed Control Association Award.

Nominations have to be received by  November 1st.

The review of the nominations and selection of the award winners will take place November 18th in Billings in conjunction with the November board meeting.  All members are invited to participate in the selection process.

Eleven major awards may be presented at the MWCA Annual Awards Ceremony during the banquet dinner at the annual conference in January. All awards may not be given every year.

The awards are:

WEED FIGHTER OF THE YEAR: This person is a proven leader who cooperates well with other departments, agencies and people; has instituted an aggressive attack on weeds; and uses unique and innovative approaches to weed control. This award is for non-professional.

AGENCY WEED FIGHTER OF THE YEAR: This has the same criteria as the Weed Fighter Award, but is for a person working for a local, state, or federal agency.

WEED FIGHTERS UNITED: This has the same criteria as the Weed Fighter Award, but is for two or more people working together. Please think integrated control as well.

OUTSTANDING WEED DISTRICT: This award is given to a weed district that has:

  • increased public awareness of weed problems
  • involved county government and the general public in weed control efforts
  • used integrated and innovative approaches to overwhelming problems
  • has provided cost-effective means of control within the program
  • has shown improvement through on-the-ground treatment at a significant level within the county
  • A weed coordinator may only receive this award once within a five year period unless they have moved to another county. Please refer to the attached list to see who has been nominated in the past.

YOUTH AWARD: This award is given to young person or group who has completed a unique or effective weed management project. The award consists of a $100 cash prize.

WEED STOPPER AWARD: A cash award of $100 will be awarded to each person who identifies an initial infestation of one of the category  III species in a county. Districts are eligible to receive one cash award per year. In addition to the letter, the criteria on the attached form must also be completed.

INDUSTRY AWARD: This award will be given to a business member of the MWCA who goes above and beyond the call of duty. This person or business may include equipment dealers, company representatives, and private, commercial and aerial applicators. These folks assist private landowners as well as governmental agencies, they participate in MWCA activities, support the programs of the MWCA, and are very involved in the weed fight in Montana.

WEED BOARD MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD: This award is given to an outstanding weed board member who displays commitment and dedication to the cause of fighting weeds and making a difference in their Montana county.

MONUMENTAL SCREW-UP OF THE YEAR AWARD: This award is for an MWCA member who has had a screw-up of some sort this past season. A very special plaque will be given in the honor of the “screw-upee”.

OUTSTANDING COMMISSIONER AWARD: This award is to be given to an outstanding County Commissioner who is a member of the MWCA. This commissioner takes an active and supportive roll in county weed management programs. They actively participate in county, agency and private weed management programs.

BARB MULLIN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: This award is given to a person who has been active in the MWCA for 10 years or more, demonstrates leadership abilities, and successfully deals with agencies and the public in the noxious weed effort. There is a cash award of $100 to go along with this award. Both public and private individuals may qualify for this award.

Letters of nomination for the above awards should be received (not postmarked) by November 1st to:

P.O. Box 315
Twin Bridges, MT 59754

They can also be emailed to becky.kington@mtweed.org  or madweed@3rivers.net A picture of the recipient would be very helpful in producing our annual awards ceremony!