Reading Rockets offers a wealth of reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in working with struggling readers who require additional help in reading fundamentals and comprehension skills development.

Reading and Writing in the Wired Classroom

Reading and Writing in the Wired Classroom

Many teachers are uncertain about how to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms. Spend a day-in-the-life of this elementary school teacher who took on the 21st century technology challenge and has learned to successfully use laptops and the Internet to differentiate instruction, introduce kids to the "new literacies," and strengthen his students' reading, writing, research, and critical thinking skills. read more >

The Digital Whiteboard: A Tool in Early Literacy Instruction

Discover the basics of how a digital whiteboard works and its potential benefits in early literacy instruction. read more >

Reading Software: Finding the Right Program

Reading software has transformed instruction for struggling learners and students with disabilities. How can you identify the best program to meet the specific needs of your struggling reader? Start with these five web-based resources. read more >

Using Assistive Technology to Support Writing

Learn how text-to-speech devices, word prediction software, speech recognition software, and larger keyboards can support young writers with learning disabilities. read more >

A Wired Education

Watch how computers and multimedia are seamlessly woven into the curriculum at this technology-rich elementary school.
Learn more from Edutopia.

"Sound It Out" Blog: Our Wired Home

This month's Wired Classroom theme on Reading Rockets got me thinking about our wired home, and how our kids use technology. I know I'm not alone in my conflicted feelings about the role of media in my kids' lives. Here's a rundown of our Wired Home, what's yours like? read more >

Books & Authors

Read Aloud Magic: Our Video Interview with Mem Fox

Mem Fox

Best-selling Australian children's author Mem Fox is passionate about drama, storytelling, and reading aloud to your children, every day. Early years as a missionary's daughter in Rhodesia taught her enduring lessons about race and our common humanity — beliefs beautifully expressed in her latest book, Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.

Watch Mem Fox interview >

Dear Friend, Yours Truly


In the age of e-mail and text messages, there's something enduring and personal about good old-fashioned letters. From whimsical (cows that type) to sentimental (a loving grandfather writes to his granddaughter through the years), this collection of stories is perfect for reading aloud together.

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Choosing 'Just Right' Books

How can parents help their children select books that are not too hard and not too easy? Show them the five finger rule.

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Sharpen Your Quills! "Letters from the White House" Creative Writing Contest


Reading Rockets and our sister site Adlit.org join the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance in launching a national creative writing contest. "Letters from the White House" encourages students to explore the history of America and tap into their own creativity when they write letters about themselves in a role from a past, present, or future White House. Entries due on February 16th, Presidents' Day.

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"Letters from the White House" is presented in celebration of Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out, the NCBLA's critically acclaimed publication about American history. Listen in to Mary Brigid Barrett, co-founder of NCBLA and co-editor of Our White House as she describes how a serendipitous lunch with historian David McCullough led to the creation of the book.

Watch Mary Brigid Barrett interview ("Lunch with David McCullough") >

Reading Your Child's Report Card

Disfluency? WCPMs? Rigby levels? Having trouble deciphering your child's report card? Join our blog conversation.

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Follow Us on Twitter!


Connect with Reading Rockets on our new Twitter page. You'll find links to the newest articles on reading, highlights from the literacy calendar, inspiring quotes from children's authors, dispatches from literacy events, and more.

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Featured Partners: NCTI and CITEd

The National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI) advances learning opportunities for individuals with disabilities by fostering technology innovation and facilitating opportunities for partner collaboration.

The Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) promotes the integration of instructional technology so that all students can achieve academically. Services include identification of evidence-based practices, online technical assistance tools, and professional development.

Both centers are funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).