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Des Moines Register carries LaSalle op-ed citing benefits of organics

“Organic farming can nurture a healthier planet,” Rodale Institute CEO Tim LaSalle wrote recently in a Des Moines Register op-ed.
“… The answer to the most pressing challenges of our time - worldwide hunger, climate change and human health - lies literally beneath our feet. By using organic agricultural methods and eliminating petroleum-based fertilizers and toxic chemical pest-and-weed control, we build - rather than destroy - the biology of our soil,” he argued.
He concluded by linking farmer economic incentives to sequester carbon with the national public interest in a time of innovative economic thinking. “[Organics] is a low-cost, tested, peer-reviewed, and immediately available technology, and the new administration has the opportunity to refocus our farm policy by immediately paying farmers and ranchers handsomely for carbon.” Full story: Des Moines Register