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Child Heroes

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  1. Peace and Children
  1. -Matthews, Aubrey - Superhero...for a Day (USA Today)
      "Aubrey Matthews likes to swim, ride bikes and eat enchiladas. But the 6-year-old's real passion is being a superhero."

      "The imagination of the Cole Elementary first-grader came to life Friday when the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Idaho, Windermere Real Estate and others orchestrated Aubrey's wish to be a superhero for a day.” 06-07

  2. Teens Help Soldiers Call Home (USA Today)
      "At the holidays, for a soldier at war, there's nothing like a phone call home. Brittany and Robbie Bergquist have provided more than $1.4 million worth of them — 24 million precious minutes." 11-07

  1. -Scott, Alexandra - One Cup of Lemonade at a Time (ABC News)
      "When she was 4 years old, Alex told her mom she wanted to do something other kids do — open a lemonade stand. And she wanted the profits to go to her hospital — the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia"

      "Alex's first lemonade stand raised $2,000. Another stand brought in an astonishing $15,000. Friends and strangers were drawn to her mission and opened stands, too. In 2003, Alex Scott helped raise $100,000 for pediatric cancer research."

      "Her mother said that Alex never downplayed the importance of selling even one cup of lemonade. She said, 'Basically I don't care how much money I raised. Every little bit counts and I'm going to do it,' Liz said."

      "But soon after reaching her fund-raising goal [of $1 million], 8-year-old Alex lost her battle with neuroblastoma on Aug. 1, 2004. She left behind a movement founded on a simple concept: beating childhood cancer one cup of lemonade at a time."

      "And that legacy has flourished since her death." 7-05

  2. -Tipton, Suzie - Hero for Special Needs (
      "Suzie learned that as special-needs children grow, they require new equipment. This equipment is expensive and difficult to obtain. Suzie came up with a solution: families whose children outgrow their special-needs equipment could donate it to a 'loan closet,' which could then turn the items over to another special-needs child or adult for whom the equipment might fit perfectly. Suzie created just such a place, calling it 'Suzie’s Closet.' "

      "Since 2004, Suzie’s Closet has made over 75 equipment loans, and acquired enough donated equipment to fill 2,000 square feet."

      "She plans to start another fund to help provide travel expenses for special-needs families who must commute to their doctors and hospitals. To achieve this, Suzie is designing a calendar for 2006, featuring the people she serves and their stories. All the proceeds will go into a memorial fund for families’ travel expenses, and will be dedicated to the memory of one of the children for whom Suzie’s Closet had provided equipment."

      " 'When Suzie was born she wasn't breathing. But since that first breath, she has had an amazing zeal to live. She has taught me so much about not giving up, and to dream a larger dream of helping our communities become "communities" again, places where neighbors share with neighbors."

      "Suzie Tipton is only eleven-years old and confined to a motorized wheel chair." 7-05

  3. Brave Children of Afghanistan (BBC News - Miron)
      "There was no furniture, no cupboards, no spare clothes left hanging, not even any glass in the windows - just cardboard. And no fire to keep them warm at night." "Nasim earns about 30,000 Afghanis a day - about $1 - cleaning shoes. With that he buys the basics for his family, mostly just bread and sugar." Like many other children in Afghanistan, Nasim is literally the family breadwinner.

      "I asked him how he felt about his situation. 'I am happy and not happy,' he told me. 'Happy because I work, but not happy because I cannot earn enough to bring my family everything they need.' " 7-02

  4. Child Heroes (CNN News)
      Provides heroes who are under 18 years old. 08-07

  5. Cornale, Kayla - Music System for Children With Autism (
      "Motivated to help her 9 year old cousin who has an autism spectrum disorder to learn to spell and read, Kayla Cornale invented "Sounds and SyllablesT", a teaching system which applies the musical component of 'pitch' to the process of learning language."

      "Through extensive research, Kayla discovered that autistic children have an apparent talent for tone and pitch recognition." 12-07

  6. Crowe, Jason - Peace Hero (
      "Jason Crowe was awarded the Culture of Peace Award at the 2000 World Peace Ceremony held in Tokyo, Japan."

      "In 1997, a friend sent Jason Crowe an article that would transform him from ordinary 10-year-old kid into peace activist."

      "The Informer, Crowe's newspaper, is now distributed in 29 states and 15 foreign countries. In 1997, Crowe was honored at the United Nations Building in New York City, in a ceremony saluting seven youngsters from around the globe who have furthered the virtues of peace and tolerance through their creative talents. More recently, Crowe won the Swackhammer Peace Essay Contest with his essay 'Youth at Work: Building a Global Culture of Peace.' "

      "In 1999, Crowe started Youth for Peace in the Year 2000. This organization had two fund-raising events, 'The Chain of Hope' and 'Harmony in the Park 2002,' to raise money for the statue project. Crowe has raised nearly $25,000 toward the $50,000 needed for the peace sculpture." 7-05

  7. Dancers of Ibdaa (World Press)
      "Earlier this month, I watched Palestinian folkloric dance and theatre performed by the Ibdaa dance troupe. The group is the third generation of dancers, consisting of ten boys and ten girls from the Dheisheh refugee camp in the West Bank. The troupe performed at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst campus, the first stop in a countrywide tour to raise money for the Dheisheh refugee camp." 11-05

  8. Frank, Anne - Inspiring Writer During Tragedy (
      "Anne Frank wrote on the first page of her diary:"

      " 'I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.' "

      "Anne Frank has been called the 'human face of the Holocaust.' The diary she kept for 25 months, when she was in hiding from the Nazis, is a life-affirming record of her spirit and hope in the face of cruelty and danger. Her words help us in our struggle to understand how to deal with the violence and hatred we find in the world today." 7-05

  9. Gerson, Perez - Peace Hero (
      "Pérez and I met at the Hague Appeal Conference for Peace. He sold buttons for six weeks to raise the money needed for him and his father to attend. Since then, Pérez has been very successful in his outstanding and humble efforts in fighting against antipersonal landmines, which are a continuing threat to the residents of Colombia (see communiqué below)."

      "Pérez and the Children's Movement for Peace were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999, a few years after being awarded the National Peace Award from a pool of nominees that included bishops, NGOs and community leaders. Over the years, Pérez has met with three Latin American presidents, various ministers and ambassadors, Queen Noor of Jordan, Netherland´s Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureates Rigoberta Menchú and Jody Williams. Pérez was the first child to speak before the Colombian Congress." 7-05

  10. Hamilton, Bethany - Overcoming Tragedy (
      "She was bit by a tiger shark while surfing, and was able to compose herself, and swim to safety. She also overcame the loss of her left arm and rose to the challenge of going surfing out in the ocean again. This all happened within a month!"

      "Bethany was planning on being a professional surfer before her accident in the waves. She was ranked 8th in the world for amatuer surfers beforehand."

      "She is now a role model to many people for what she has done. She turned a negative into a positive, which many people can't do! She did this by taking the tragedy that occurred and remained positive and continued to go forward with her dream. This inspired millions of people all across the world to try to find something good in something that only seems bad." 7-05

  11. Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen (U.S. Department of Education)
      "Heroes are everywhere, and sharing stories about them can help children understand what qualities it takes to be a hero and what heroism really means." 7-05

  12. Hreljac, Ryan - Hero for Those Who Thirst (
      " 'What made you, even though you were 6 years old, feel like you just had to help the people in Africa?' "

      " 'The world is like a great big puzzle and we all have to figure out where our puzzle piece fits. I figure my piece fits with clean water. I just hope everyone else finds out where their puzzle piece fits too.' " 7-05

  13. Ibrahim, Alex - Peace Through Music (
      "Alex is a leading member of the Peace Links Musical Youths, a group of young Sierra Leoneans who write and perform music that spreads a message of peace, tolerance and reconciliation throughout their country." 7-05

  14. Johnson, Nkosi (The Nkosi Johnson AIDS Foundation)
      "Founded by Gail Johnson in April 1999 and named in honour of her 12 year old foster son and in memory of his biological mother who was unable to look after him, Nkosi’s Haven was officially opened on 14th April 1999. Infected with HIV from birth, Nkosi passed away on 1 June 2001 from an AIDS related disease. His legacy lives on."

      "Nkosi Johnson was South Africa's longest surviving child born HIV positive. He died at 5.40am on Friday, 1 June. His life was characterised by his brave fight for the rights of the HIV positive."

      "In July 2000, this slight child with the soulful eyes and full-blown Aids, captured the hearts of millions of TV viewers, when his address at the 13th International Aids Conference in Durban, South Africa, was televised worldwide. In a speech that he wrote himself, the then 11-year Nkosi spoke frankly to delegates about his experiences with HIV and about the issues surrounding Aids in South Africa."

      "An excerpt from this speech reads: 'Care for us and accept us - we are all human beings. We are normal. We have hands. We have feet. We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else. Don't be afraid of us - we are all the same.' " 11-04

  15. Keefe, Brandon - Hero of Books (
      "He was bored, playing his Game Boy, but half-listening, and so he heard that Hollygrove Home needed a library but didn't have any resources. All they had was an empty space and lots of kids without books."

      "The next day, when Brandon’s teacher asked the students to come up with ideas for a community service project, Brandon recalled his mother's conversation at the Hollygrove Home. There was a problem that needed to be solved. An idea occurred to him at once. What about all the books he had read and outgrown?" 7-05

  16. Kielburger, Keil - Labor Hero (
      "In 1995, when he was 12 years old, Craig Kielburger read a newspaper story that changed his life. Another 12-year-old boy, Iqbal Masih in Pakistan, had been murdered for bringing the world's attention to the terrible conditions endured by children working in the carpet-making industry. 'I saw him as a hero for speaking out about child labor,' says Kielburger. I suddenly understood that a young person can make a difference."

      "Kielburger set out to educate himself about human rights, and became so passionate about it that his parents reluctantly allowed him to accompany Alam Rahman, a Canadian human rights worker, on a trip through South Asia. There Kielburger saw, first-hand, the personal horrors behind child labor issues. He wrote about this experience in a book Free The Children."

      "Believing education to be one of the best ways to fight child labor, Free the Children [project] established 'Friendship Schools,' linking schools in developing countries with ones in North America, Europe and industrialized countries around the world. In all of these schools, it was children who saw the need and worked to find solutions...." 7-05

  17. Leanna, Anthony - Hero of the Heavenly Hats (
      "Anthony Leanna four years ago at the very young age of 10 started his own community service project called the 'Heavenly Hats Foundation.' "

      "Heavenly Hats donates brand-new hats to cancer patients and other medical patients who lose their hair due to cancer or any other medical condition."

      "Anthony decided to start 'Heavenly Hats' after he spent a lot of time in hospitals when his grandmother had breast cancer. He saw so many of the patients that did not have any hair and wanted to do something to help. 'I wanted to provide comfort, warmth and kindness to people who were going through a very tough time in their life,' said Anthony."

      "As of today's date Anthony and his 'Heavenly Hats' program have donated over 50,000 brand new hats (almost $1,000,000 worth of head wear) to more than 150 hospitals and clinics and thousands more have been sent to individuals in need. " 7-05

  18. Love, Deamonte - Six Year Old Babysitter in New Orleans (USA Today)
      "The stories of Americans pitching in to help each other, without regard to color or class, are inspiring."

      "After four days without food, seven young children were rescued from a New Orleans home last week by helicopter. In the chaos, the helicopter didn't return for their parents. The oldest child, Deamonte Love, watched over the others at an evacuation center — a 6-year-old in charge of six toddlers and infants." 9-05

  19. Masih, Iqbal - Labor Hero (
      "Iqbal refused to go back to the carpet mill where he had worked because he knew his rights as a citizen. (There was a Child Labor Law there, but it was not enforced). Soon he gained international interest. Iqbal eventually started making speeches around the world, talking about child labor and his life experiences."

      "Iqbal won many awards. He was honored by the International Labor Organization in Sweden, the 1994 Human Rights Youth Action Award by Reebok, and while in the United States accepting the Reebok award, he was nominated 'Person of the Week' by ABC."

      "Iqbal is one of my heroes because it takes a lot of guts to stand up to such powerful people and to speak out against evil. He is also my hero because one of my other heroes, Craig Kielburger, would probably never have done what he has done if Iqbal had not sacrificed himself to help others." 7-05

  20. Maynard, Kyle (
      "Kyle was born March 24, 1986 with a rare disorder called, "Congenital Amputation." This left Kyle with only three major joints: a neck and two shoulders. Despite his physical differences, Kyle is one of the top high school wrestlers in Georgia. His visit to the Georgia State Wrestling Championship left him with an impressive record of 35-16. Kyle also narrowly missed All-American status at the National High School Senior Wrestling Championships." 11-04

  21. Meyer, Amanda - Persistence for a Cause (USA Today)
      "A 15-year-old girl with a Web site, a summer of free time and an astronaut for a hero is trying to solve a 3-year-old dispute over one of NASA's earliest space suits."

      "It's not the first time Amanda has thrown herself at an issue, said her mother, Carolyn Meyer. She raised money for a local no-kill animal shelter, worked on a state representative's campaign and, after growing out her hair to the point where she could sit on it, abruptly cut it off and donated it to make wigs for cancer patients." 8-05

  22. Reaching the Young Through Music (Christian Science Monitor)
      "Hip-hop group Waayaha Cusub, or "New Era," is gaining the ear of Somalis from as far away as the US and Europe, but their controversial message challenges traditional norms and is attracting threats of violence."

      " 'The music is different now, we are bringing a change to the youth,' says the group's founder, manager, and main song writer, Shine Abdullahi. 'The big change is that we have inspired young kids in Somalia who were carrying guns and doing drugs.' "

      "Mr. Abdullahi says his group is one of the first groups anywhere to make Somali music for young people. The older generation only makes traditional music about their problems and old-school love songs, he says. But, besides the main theme of reconciliation among Somalia's warring clans and peace in the region, Waayaha Cusub sings and makes videos about how badly AIDS has ravaged their society. It's a taboo subject among Somalis, many of whom prefer to think of AIDS as a disease for Christians, especially white people, say group members." 09-07

  23. Sanberg, Mory - Hero for the Homeless (
      "She decided to focus her community service on helping homeless children and teenagers. She felt this was one place she might be able to make a difference. She contacted several organizations that basically ignored her because she was only 14 years old. The staff at The Night Ministry was different. Everyone embraced her enthusiasm and encouraged her to develop a program that would meet the needs of the homeless. They gave Mory the opportunity to develop a plan of her own."

      " Mory began to make hundreds of bag dinners each week during the summer, which were distributed by The Night Ministry to homeless teenagers. The meals, which included a sandwich, fruit, chips and cookies, were assembled in Mory's kitchen with support from her parents and friends." 7-05

  24. Stepanek, Mattie - Poems and Thoughts (
      "Young Poet and Peacemaker Hero Mattie Stepanek passed away on the morning of June 22, 2004 [at the age of 13 years old]. Mattie’s poems of peace and hope have touched millions of lives, his heartsongs will continue to reach people of all ages around the world for decades to come."

      A sample of Mattie's work is "Facing the Future":
      Every journey begins With but a small step.
      And every day is a chance
      For a new, small step
      In the right direction.
      Just follow your Heartsong. 6-04

  25. Students Give Peace a Chance (Christian Science Monitor)
      "100 Projects for Peace provides seed money for conflict-resolution programs." 04-08

  26. Unlikely Hero: 12-Year-Old (MSNBC News)
      "Swinson, a diabetic, began having problems with her sugar levels, and her health deteriorated. Sometimes she became listless, or her speech was slurred. More than once she fell into a diabetic coma."

      " 'It was then that young Ty Kenney took control. "I feel I had to take all the responsibility,' he said." 10-04

  27. White, Ryan - Hero for Those With AIDS (
      "Ryan White is important to me because even when sick he went out and told many kids about AIDS and spoke out the truth about it. Ryan White has made a difference in my life because he helpes teach me the importance of going out and telling the truth to everyone, even people you don’t know." 7-05

  28. Wilson, Johnny - Swimming for Hurricane Victims (CBS News)
      "Going stroke for stroke with two adult swimmers, fourth-grader Johnny Wilson made history as the youngest person to ever swim San Francisco Bay from the legendary Alcatraz prison island in just under two hours."

      "The 1.4 mile swim wasn't just for glory. It was Johnny's idea to raise money for charity — $30,000 in all."

      " 'Give it to the Red Cross for Katrina Victims Fund,' Johnny said." 10-05

  1. -Become a Habitat Hero (National Geographic)
      Pledge to take on a project to save the environment. 06-07

  2. -Scott, Alexandra - Be a Child Hero (
      Open a lemonade stand to fight cancer or do another project. Alexandra Scott's lemonade stand project has raised over $1 million. She died of cancer at age 8, but her legacy (and projects) continue. 7-05

  1. Peace Activities for Young Children (AbcTeach)
      Provides worksheets to help children appreciate the need for peace. 8-01

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