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Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

U.S. Forest Service - Southern Research Station - Asheville, North Carolina
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Future Tools

Coming soon! The following tools are being developed in order to deliver the latest information concerning forest threats and to aid in decision making. To learn more, contact Karin Lichtenstein at the University of North Carolina Asheville's National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) at or (828) 250-3892.

CRAFT puzzle piecesOnline GIS Viewers

View online forest threat GIS data from multiple USFS and collaborator sources.

Comparative Risk Assessment Framework and Tools (CRAFT V2)

CRAFT is a process for improving the quality of land management decisions through use of probability and web-based technology. The CRAFT framework integrates diverse objectives, science, perspectives, and assumptions. CRAFT technology facilitates this process using online databases, interactive map-viewers, software, and online tutorials.

See CRAFT V1, as developed by the Pacific Southwest Research Station.


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