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Involving Family

Behavior Problems
Foster Parenting
Home Schooling
Low Income Resources
Parental Control
Single Parenting
Virtual Communities

Also Try
  1. Aging and Senior Citizens
  2. Babies
  3. Conflict Prevention and Mediation
  4. Dating
  5. Divorce and Custody
  6. Family Fitness
  7. Just for Teens
  8. Medical
  9. Obesity
  10. Young Leaders
Lesson Plans
  1. Teach With Movies (Frieden and Elliott)
      Provides reviews of movies that include elements of lesson plans and background materials. Films rated by age appropriateness. Designed for parents, but appropriate for teachers. Also includes a section on films that have merit, but provides reasons why the films are not a preferred medium for use in teaching children.

  1. Adoption Resources (AdoptionNetwork)
      Provides information for birth parents, adoptees, and parents.

  2. LookSmart Web Organizer for the Family (LookSmart, Ltd.)
  1. Coupons for Discounts (Awesome Library)
      Provides coupons for discounts in thousands of retail stores. Also includes a coupon for a free 8x10 JCPenney portrait, including a free sitting, for Awesome Library visitors. 06-06

  2. Personal Finance (Awesome Library)
      Provides online information on personal credit and financial planning.

  1. -03-24-06 Instilling a Love for Reading (MSN)
      "A great way to help your child become a lifelong reader is to start early. If a young child doesn't like reading, he may have a hard time comprehending what he reads later in life." 03-06

  2. -07-10-07 Report: Americans Become More "Adult-Centered" (Christian Science Monitor)
      "Americans' child-free years are expanding as empty-nest seniors live longer and more young adults delay – or skip – childbearing. In 1960, nearly half of all households had children under 18. By 2000, the portion had fallen to less than a third, and in a few short years it's projected to drop to a quarter, according to a report from the National Marriage Project." 07-07

  1. Articles for Parents by Topic (
      Provides hundreds of articles with suggestions for parents. 7-02

  2. Babies (
      Provides suggestions for parents who have babies. 7-02

  3. Child Care Search (
      Provides day care centers by city. Also has a more personalized search, but it requires registration. 2-01

  4. Children Ages 6 - 12 (
      Provides suggestions for parents who have children who are 6 - 12 years old. 7-02

  5. Eating - Children and Eating (Radiance Online - Satter)
      Suggests a division of diet responsibility between parents and children, based on research on healthy eating habits. The division of diet responsibility is that "the parent is responsible for what, when and where. The child is responsible for how much and whether." This division of responsibility is often different from what parents of large children or teens try to enforce. 7-00

  6. Explaining War to Teens (
      Provides one parent's attempt to talk to his teens about war and its justification. 7-01

  7. Family Education Network
  8. Family Retreats (
      Provides a search for 1,200 family retreats.

  9. Family Together Time Has Decreased (
      Reports on a study that shows the time families (parents with kids) spend together has decreased in recent years and free play time for kids has also decreased. 9-01

  10. Folic Acid and Spina Bifida (Spina Bifida Association of America)
      Provides basic facts about folic acid, which research has shown prevents spina bifida and other neural tube defects. 8-02

  11. Helping Your Children Cope with the News of Reported Terrorist Attacks (drSpock - Dr. Jana)
      Provides several suggestions to help children be less fearful. Suggestions include
      a. emphasizing that members of the immediate family were not hurt (hopefully, this is true for you),
      b. maintaining a regular structure,
      c. keeping the television off while young children are in the room (or, if the television must stay on, stay near them and talk to them about what they are seeing),
      d. letting your children know that people in charge are taking care of the danger,
      e. reassuring them that it is very, very rare that planes crash or buildings collapse,
      f. making sure that if you are upset or sad that your children are assured that they did not cause it.
      In addition, the author warns that young children may become fussy or throw tantrums as a way of dealing with the stress, which is a natural reaction. The author reminds parents that they need to take care of their own stress also, and work with their network of friends and relatives. 9-01

  12. How to Live With Just 100 Things (
      "Excess consumption is practically an American religion. But as anyone with a filled-to-the-gills closet knows, the things we accumulate can become oppressive. With all this stuff piling up and never quite getting put away, we're no longer huddled masses yearning to breathe free; we're huddled masses yearning to free up space on a countertop. Which is why people are so intrigued by the 100 Thing Challenge, a grass-roots movement in which otherwise seemingly normal folks are pledging to whittle down their possessions to a mere 100 items." 06-08

  13. Missing and Exploited Children Database
      Provides information by state and city.

  14. Obesity - Walking to School (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides a guide to make walking to school safer and more frequent. Recommends steps for the community and families so that groups of children, accompanied by adults, walk or ride bicycles to and from school. This may help reverse obesity in children and start them on a healthier lifestyle. 6-01

  15. Parent Involvement Resources (ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication)
      Provides a dozen sources of information, including some bilingual. 2-01

  16. Parenting Adolescents ( - Witmer)
      Provides tips, recipes, suggestions regarding overweight teens, a slang dictionary, and more. 2-01

  17. Parenting Articles by Age Group (2000 Families Plus, LLC - ParentingQA)
      Provides suggestions for more effective parenting, presented by experts in the topics selected. Includes behavior problems, child development, child care, and more. 1-00

  18. Personal Finance Basics (
      Provides tips on personal finances. 6-01

  19. Preschool Experts (ParentsPlace)
      See the Ask Our Experts Box.

  20. Suggestions About Teens (
      Provides articles to help parents with their teens. 7-02

  21. Teens (
      Provides suggestions for parents who have teens. Also provides good suggestions for teens. 7-02

  22. Ten Ways to Help Your Children Learn Math ( - Gisler and Eberts)
      "Your children will need to reach a certain level of competency in math to take many advanced high-school courses, to be admitted to college, and to have a wide variety of career choices." 7-02

  23. Toddlers (
      Provides suggestions for parents who have toddlers. 7-02

  24. When Kids Hate Math ( - Gisler and Eberts)
      Provides suggestions for improving your child's interest in math. "You need to pinpoint your son’s weaknesses in math so that he can improve his work." "In helping your son, you and the tutor should avoid relying solely on drill type work, as it can kill interest in math. Instead, find games that will let him use the skills he needs." 7-02

  25. Worker Rights - For Teens (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
      Provides examples of dangerous situations for teens. Also summarizes laws that protect the rights of teens who work. 7-01

  1. Family Articles (
      Provides articles for parents and families.

  2. Senior Leisure Activities (
      Rated the number one education site by WEb 100.

  3. The Disney Channel
  4. Working Families (AFL-CIO)
      Provides information for working families. 3-00  

  5. WorldVillage
  1. Activities to Share (Your Time - Their Future)
      Provides a long list of activities an adult can share with a child.

  2. Developmental Games for Children Ages 1 - 9 (American Psychological Association - KidsPsych)
      Provides nine developmental games to teach basic concepts and to promote interaction with parents. Requires Shockwave software (available for free from the site). Loads slowly.

  3. Fight Hate and Promote Tolerance (Southern Poverty Law Center -
      Provides activities for countering hate groups and for promoting tolerance. 4-01

  4. Fund Raising for Schools Online (
      Provides opportunities for schools to conduct online fund raising projects and for parents to participate. 3-00

  5. Homework Assignments from Teachers (Data Sense, Inc. - SchoolNotes)
      Provides homework assignments and other notes from teachers participating in the program. A free service for parents to keep up with their children's homework and encourage better communication between parents and teachers. If you want your children's teachers to participate, you will probably need to initiate the process by asking the teachers to post their assignments on this Web site. 9-05

Web Library Sponsors
  1. Affordable Health Insurance Quotes (What a Quote)
      "We know that when you shop for health insurance for yourself, your family, or your small business you look for the solution that will best meet your needs. Contact us today and learn how we specialize in the self employed, individual and family health insurance market place." 06-08

      What a Quote

  2. Health Savings Account Information (
      "Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) were created by the Medicare bill signed by President Bush on December 8, 2003 and are designed to help individuals save for future qualified medical and retiree health expenses on a tax-free basis." 08-08

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