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African American
American Indian
Asian American
Cultural Competence
Hispanic American
Intercultural Communication
Languages Preservation
Middle East
Multicultural Competence
Multicultural Toolkit
Multicultural Training
Native American
Native American Groups
Religious Diversity

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  1. Equity
  2. History
  3. Languages
  4. World Peace
  1. Email Pals for Classrooms (ePALS Classroom Exchange)
      "ePALS connects students and teachers from different countries on joint projects pertaining to curriculum and culture via the Internet. ePALS is available in English, French and Spanish."

Lesson Plans
  1. Holocaust - Lessons for Grades K - 4 (Stahl)
      Provides lessons for grades K - 4 to help children appreciate differences and avoid prejudice and stereotypes that led to the holocaust. Does not recommend teaching about the actual holocaust before the fifth grade. Sometimes misspelled as holacaust, holacost, or holocost. 5-00

  2. Holocaust - Lessons for Grades K - 8 (State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education)
      Provides lessons for grades K - 8 to help children appreciate differences and avoid prejudice and stereotypes that led to the holocaust. Sometimes misspelled as holacaust, holacost, or holocost. 5-00

  1. Cultural Similarities Search (ABC News)
      Searches the countries of the world by language, religion, type of government, or any combination of these.

  2. Cultures of the World (Web of Culture)
      Provides resources on gestures, cuisine, language, religions, and more.

  3. Drums and Rhythm (Rhythmweb - Stuer)
      Provides a comprehensive starting point for studying drums and rhythm across cultures. 11-99

  4. Ethnic Studies - Scholarly Works (American Political Science Association)
      Provides email addresses of scholars of research studies related to political action, social inequalities, and ethnic groups. 11-99

  5. Geography Clip Art (Miningco - Rosenberg) 2-01
  6. International Affairs Resources (WWW Virtual Library - Selcher)
      Provides over 2200 carefully selected, annotated links in 37 international affairs categories. 2-02

  7. Migration, Ethnicity, and Refugees (Benschop)
      Provides over 70 sources of information. 11-99

  8. Multicultural American West (Washington State University)
  9. Music - By Country or Culture (Yahoo)
  10. Sources of Multicultural Education Information (TEAMS)
      Provides dozens of sources of information. 3-01

  11. White Privilege and Anti-Racism (Gorski)
      Provides almost two dozen sources of information. 1-02

  1. -Bias, Prejudice and Attitudes (IAT Corp and - Greenwald and Banaji) star
      Provides a test of attitudes regarding age, race, gender, and obesity. Your responses are measured by your speed of associations. Most of us do have biases (preferences) that may conflict with our values. Biases can work invisibly and give us a tendency to treat others unfairly (with prejudice). By uncovering our biases, we can combat our prejudices more effectively. 9-05

  2. Multicultural and Multilingual Search Engine (
      Provides a search engine that can search in a variety of languages. 9-02

  1. -Multicultural Pathways (Gorski) star
      Organizes multicultural resources by ethnic group, topics, type of resource, archives, and types of multicultural issuse. 2-03

  2. Abenaki Nation History (First Nations) 2-00
  3. Bilingual Education Issues and Research (Crawford)
      Provides resources to help discuss the issues and research findings related to bilingual education. 10-99

  4. Book Reviews - Multicultural Books (Mele)
  5. Critical Behaviors and Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students (ERIC Digests - Burnette)
      Recommends teacher behaviors and other school factors that have worked well with culturally diverse students. "Of all of these factors, the personal and academic relationships between teachers and their students may be the most influential." 6-02

  6. Cultural Customs (Evans Elementary - Team 50055)
      Provides simple descriptions of some of the customs, foods, and climate of 11 countries. 10-99

  7. Cultural Sensitivity for Young Children ( - Snow)
      Provides suggestions for encouraging young children to treat each other with respect and to appreciate children who are from a different ethnic group. 6-00

  8. Culturally Congruent Education (Clark)
      Provides suggestions for making the education of Native American children congruent with their culture and thereby reducing their drop out rate. 7-99

  9. Heritage and Traditions (CHICO)
      Cultural Heritage Initiative for Community Outreach (CHICO) provides information and stories from a variety of traditions.

  10. Holocaust - Answers to 36 Questions - High School Level (Wiesenthal Center)
      Provides answers to 36 frequently asked questions about the holocaust. Sometimes misspelled as holacaust, holacost, or holocost. 5-00

  11. Holocaust - Teaching Guidelines - High School Level (Wiesenthal Center - Weitzman)
      Provides guidelines on how to discuss the issues of the holocaust with students. Sometimes misspelled as holacaust, holacost, or holocost. 5-00

  12. Holocaust - Teaching Guidelines for Grades K - 4 (Florida Center for Instructional Technology)
      Provides guidelines for teaching topics that lead up to discussion of the holocaust in the eighth grade through high school. Sometimes misspelled as holacaust, holacost, or holocost. 5-00

  13. Indigenous Peoples (Center For World Indigenous Studies)
      "The Fourth World Documentation Project is an online library of texts which record and preserve our peoples' struggles to regain their rightful place in the international community."

  14. Legends and Myths (World Design InterActive)
  15. Legends and Myths by Country (Siren)
  16. Magic, Spells, and Tales (Rosiland Miller)
      Provides stories of heroes and heroines. 9-04

  17. Multicultural Pavilion (Gorski)
      Provides a variety of formats for exploring mulitcultural education. 2-03

  18. On the Edge (Rosiland Miller)
      Provides a novel about the Amazons. 9-04

  19. Race and Racism in American Law (Randall)
      "Race and Racism in American Law considers the intersectionality between race and American Law, racial distinctions in the law, and the role of the law in promoting/alleviating racism. It includes statutes, cases, excerpts of law review articles, annotated bibliographies and other documents."

  1. Connecting to the World and Inventions (
      Provides over a dozen creative projects for K-6 grade. 2-02

  2. Fight Hate and Promote Tolerance (Southern Poverty Law Center -
      Provides activities for countering hate groups and for promoting tolerance. 4-01

  3. World Wise Schools (Peace Corps)
      Provides educational materials on an international basis.

Purchase Resources
  1. Collaborative Learning - Tribes (CenterSource Systems - Gibbs and Johnson)
      "Tribes is a step-by-step process to achieve specific learning goals. Students learn a set of collaborative skills so they can work well together in long-term groups (tribes)."

  2. Story of Your Life (Infinite Humanity)
      Provides an opportunity to record the key stories of your life for posterity. Allows the traditions and story heritage from many cultures to be preserved. Includes a search engine to find stories by nationality, name, date, and other variables.

  1. Multicultural Education (Child and Family WebGuide)
      Provides sources of research information. 10-02

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