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Billy Roberts

Billy Roberts is a member of the Data Analysis and Visualization Group in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center.

GIS Analyst
On staff since 2007
Phone number: 303-275-3824

Analysis expertise

  • Spatial analysis and cartography

Primary research interests

  • Renewable energy and cartographic technique

Education and background training

  • M.S. in geographic information systems, (expected 2010)
  • B.S. in geographic information systems, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX

Prior work experience

  • GIS analyst, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, TX
  • GIS analyst, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Austin, TX
  • GIS analyst, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, TX

Personal interests/hobbies
Reading non-fiction, writing, computer graphics, hiking, gardening, fishing, volunteering and taking an active role in the local, organic, slow food revolution

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