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Home >Policies & Resources >EEO Policies >EEO Critical Element for SES/SBRS/Title 42

EEO Critical Element for Supervisors and Managers Appointed Under SES, SBRS or Title 42 Promotes Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Work Force Diversity Programs

Through both personal leadership and appropriate managerial actions, management officials shall proactively develop and promote Departmental and NIH EEO and Work Force Diversity Programs designed to achieve the following:

  1. Compliance with relevant EEO laws, regulations and NIH policies

    Expected Output: Addressed IC EEO Complaints and issues in a timely and effective manner
    Guidance: Describe the steps taken to ensure that IC EEO complaints are processed in strict accordance with the procedures set forth by EEOC, DHHS, and the NIH (i.e., respond to complaints in a timely manner, demonstrate efforts to resolve complaints at the lowest level, describe efforts to ensure IC staff comply with EEO complaint policies and procedures, monitor discrimination complaints to identify patterns of discrimination and initiate actions to correct these patterns, etc.).

    Attend and support EEO training sessions for all staff, including sexual harassment.

    Describe the steps taken to ensure your IC's compliance with EEO laws, regulations, and policies

  2. A diverse NIH workforce by developing goals to address underrepresentation of minorities, women and persons with disabilities
    Expected Output: Implemented the IC's Affirmative Action Plan that addressed underrepresented groups

    Guidance: Describe the size and diversity of staff by race, gender, national origin, and disability. Describe efforts, such as workforce profile studies that address underrepresentation within the IC. Identify any goals set by the IC to improve the diversity of the workforce and how these goals have been/are being accomplished. Identify special efforts made to monitor organizational accomplishments in maintaining a diverse workforce and supporting the IC's Affirmative Action Program. Discuss focused recruitment efforts (i.e., Historically Black Colleges and Universities [HBCUs], Hispanic Serving Institutions [HSIs], Tribal Colleges and Universities [TCUs], and Community-Based Organizations, etc.).

    Describe the use of special hiring authorities to fill vacancies with underrepresented group applicants.

    Describe your IC's progress in meeting NIH's "Stretch Goals" to hire 945 individuals with disabilities by 2005.

  3. Career development, training, recognition, and advancement opportunities for employees at all levels

    Expected Output: Provided equitable training and education opportunities for staff at all grade levels (example - use of IDPs)
    Guidance: Describe the efforts or initiatives implemented to ensure the equitable development and recognition of staff at all levels (i.e., NIH Management Intern Program, STRIDE, COTA, etc.). Identify awards or changes in your workforce that reflect the success of these initiatives. Highlight the steps taken to remove any "barriers" that impede the accomplishment of this element.

  4. EEO and Work Force Diversity Program goals by enhancing outreach programs designed to attract and retain minorities, women, and persons with disabilities
    Expected Output: Initiated targeted recruitment for minorities, women, and persons with disabilities where underrepresentation exists

    Guidance: Describe any new or innovative approaches to implement and manage a diverse workforce. Address efforts that support IC and NIH-wide outreach, recruitment, and retention programs.

  5. A fair and equitable work environment by encouraging the use of, and when appropriate, utilizing problem solving and dispute resolution processes
    Expected Output: Disseminated information on workplace dispute resolution programs and promoted training that created a fair and equitable work environment
    Guidance: Describe EEO, Diversity, and workplace management initiatives developed to: ensure that the work environment is free from all forms of harassment and intolerance, including sexual harassment; encourage and support the development and use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in managing conflict within the workplace. Provide specific examples of successful ADR/workplace resolution techniques and strategies that have been effective. Highlight initiatives that have created an inclusive work environment in which employee concerns and ideas are utilized in problem solving, decision-making, and planning workplace activities and initiatives.

  6. EEO and Work Force Diversity Program objectives by allocating adequate staff and fiscal resources
    Expected Output: Allocated adequate staff and fiscal resources

    Guidance: Consistent with workload requirements, describe the degree of support/resources for NIH-wide educational efforts and IC EEO and Diversity programs. Describe any initiatives, Memorandum of Understandings or collaborations with other agencies or ICs.

  7. Accountability at all management levels for accomplishing EEO and Diversity Program objectives in their areas of responsibility
    Expected Output: Conducted periodic evaluations of subordinate managers' EEO and Diversity responsibilities
    Guidance: Describe management initiatives, policies, or procedures implemented that address EEO and Diversity program responsibilities. Highlight efforts that reflect a subordinate manager's awareness and support for NIH's EEO and AEP efforts (i.e., participation in mandatory sexual harassment and EEO/Diversity Management training, etc.).

    Describe the procedures implemented for monitoring a subordinate manager's EEO and Diversity program responsibilities