SWS Wetlands Concerns Committee

Position Papers Now Available!
The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) Ad Hoc West Nile Virus Committee   Download PDF
Wetland Mitigation Banking (Feb 2004) view HTML Coming!
Performance Standards for Wetland Restoration and Creation (Jan 2003) View HTML Download PDF (18k)
Definition of Wetland Restoration (Aug 2000) View HTML Download PDF (16k)

Purpose of SWS Position Papers

One of the Society's objectives is to increase public understanding of wetland issues and promote sound public policy through the development and communication of position papers that are based upon the best available scientific information. Demand for accurate, scientific information on wetland issues exists at all levels of government and in the private sector.

As the Nation's principal wetland scientific organization, the Society of Wetland Scientists has a professional responsibility to address regional, national, and international issues that affect the current and future status of wetlands. We not only want you, SWS members, but we also need you to make this possible. The Wetland Concerns Committee provides the mechanism while you provide the scientific expertise.

We need YOU to help draft or peer review SWS position papers on the following issues:

  • National Wetland Definition
  • Regional Wetland Definitions
  • Restoration Definition
  • Net Gain Goal
  • Wetland Categorization
  • Wetland Mitigation Banking
  • Performance Standards for Compensatory Mitigation
  • Nationwide permits
  • Wetland assessment

Are you qualified and willing to take the lead in drafting a position paper on any one of these topics?

Do you know of someone besides yourself who would be qualified to take the lead in drafting a position paper on any one of these topics? If so, provide his/her name and we will contact to determine willingness.

Are you qualified and willing to serve as peer reviewer for a draft position paper on any one of these topics?

Do you know of someone besides yourself who would be qualified to serve as peer reviewer for a draft position paper on any one of these topics? If so, provide his/her name and we will contact to determine willingness.

Can you offer additional topics for future position paper development?

Get involved! Email Dennis Whigham (whighamd@si.edu) with your ideas.