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  1. -01-11-06 Survey: Attitudes More OK With Overweight People (CBS News)
      "A survey finds America's attitudes toward overweight people are shifting from rejection toward acceptance. Over a 20-year period, the percentage of Americans who said they find overweight people less attractive steadily dropped from 55 percent to 24 percent, the market research firm NPD Group found." 01-06

  2. -01-29-07 McDonald's to Go "Trans-Fat Free" (USA Today)
      "McDonald's (MCD) has finally selected a new trans-fat-free oil for cooking its famous french fries after years of testing, the fast-food chain said Monday." 01-07

  3. -02-21-06 Feeling Full (ABC News)
      "Scientists are learning more about a hunger hormone called ghrelin. When you're hungry, this hormone is secreted in your stomach and intestines and sends a message to your brain to say it's time to eat."

      "Nicole Beland, a senior contributor at Women's Health magazine, says you can suppress ghrelin by eating certain foods, so you will then feel full. Carbohydrates and lean protein have been found to slow the production of ghrelin, while foods that are high in fat do not." 02-06

  4. -04-03-08 Study: "Weight-ism" More Widespread Than Racism (ABC News)
      "It's illegal to discriminate against someone because of race or gender, but our culture condones a bias against people who are overweight."

      "Weight discrimination 'occurs in employment settings and daily interpersonal relationships virtually as often as race discrimination, and in some cases even more frequently than age or gender discrimination,' the researchers report in the current issue of the International Journal of Obesity." 04-08

  5. -04-16-07 Is Cardio-Free the Way to Be? (ABC News)
      "Dr. Jennifer Mieres, a cardiologist and American Heart Association spokesperson, "thinks people should build and strengthen their muscles, especially women who face the possibility of developing osteoporosis" through strength training."

      " 'But the evidence is overwhelming,' she says. 'You need to do some cardio workout to change your cardiac profile to make it better, to prevent death from heart disease and stroke.' " 04-07

  6. -08-11-08 Healthy Obesity? (
      "You can look great in a swimsuit and still be a heart attack waiting to happen. And you can also be overweight and otherwise healthy. A new study suggests that a surprising number of overweight people — about half — have normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while an equally startling number of trim people suffer from some of the ills associated with obesity." 08-08

  7. -10-03-07 Twice as Many Americans Obese Compared to Europeans (MSNBC News)
      "Nearly twice as many U.S. adults are obese compared to European, a key factor leading Americans to suffer more often from cancer, diabetes and other chronic ailments, a study released on Tuesday found."

      "Treatment of these and other chronic diseases adds between $100 billion and $150 billion to the annual health care tab in the United States, according to the report comparing U.S. and European health published online in the journal Health Affairs."

      "The United States spends significantly more per capita than any European country on health care, about $2 trillion annually, or 16 percent of the gross domestic product. While the big discrepancy has been linked to higher U.S. prices for medical treatment, the report said a sicker population may also be a factor." 10-07

  8. -11-06-06 Mind-Stomach Link (MSNBC News)
      "After years of sometimes unorthodox research, Wansink argues that a good way to lose weight is not by obsessing over carbs or banning trans fats, but by addressing dietary 'hidden persuaders.' " 11-06

  9. -11-06-06 Study: Eat More, Weigh Less (MSNBC News)
      "Surprisingly, the component of foods that has the biggest impact on how much food you eat is water. Water adds weight and volume to foods without adding calories — it lowers the calorie density of foods. Water-rich foods include vegetables, fruits and soups. Our studies show that eating a diet low in calorie density helps people eat fewer calories while still eating a satisfying amount of food." 11-06

  10. -11-29-06 Want to Make It to 85? (MSNBC News)
      "One of the largest, longest studies of aging found one more reason to stay trim and active: It could greatly raise your odds of living to at least age 85." 11-06

  11. -12-14-05 Scientists: Marketing of "Junk" Food Effective - Stop It (MSNBC News)
      "SpongeBob SquarePants, Shrek and other characters kids love should promote only healthy food, a panel of scientists recommended."

      "In a report released Tuesday, the Institute of Medicine said television advertising strongly influences what children under 12 eat." 12-05

  12. -12-20-06 Gut Microbes Provide Clues to Obesity (ABC News)
      ""By changing our diet, we can change the kind of bugs found in our colon, from those found in an obese person's colon to that of a lean person's colon," said Dr. Samuel Klein, director of the human nutrition center at Washington University." 12-06

  13. -12-28-06 Study: Preschool Children Are Too Fat (CNN News)
      "Far too many kids are fat by preschool, and Hispanic youngsters are most at risk, says new research that's among the first to focus on children growing up in poverty." 12-06

  14. Obesity - Food Industry Sued (CBC News)
      "The same lawyers who took on Big Tobacco met this summer in Washington to explore whether similar tactics can be used against the food industry." "And just like tobacco, the lawyers would target junk food advertising and gimmicks directed at children." 8-02

  1. 10 Weight-Loss Myths (MSN)
      "When does a lie become an accepted truth? When the lie is repeated often enough." 10-05

  2. Healthy Dining Finder (
      "Healthy Dining Finder provides you with nutrition information for delicious meals at restaurants near you." 11-06

  3. Obesity - Diagnosis (
      Provides a chart to diagnose whether a person is obese. Editor's Note - The chart is designed for women and the person's level of fitness is not considered in the chart. A male athlete who weighs 200 pounds and is 6 feet tall, for example, would not be overweight, despite what the chart implies. 3-02

  4. Obesity Linked to Cancer ( - Hellmich)
      "Excess body weight may contribute to about 20% of all cancer deaths in women and 14% of all cancer deaths in men. This translates to about 90,000 cancer deaths a year in the USA, according to a landmark study on the link between obesity and cancer."

      "About 65% of Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity is defined as 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight; overweight is 10 to 30 pounds over a healthy weight." 4-03

  5. Obesity Overview and Treatment (
      "Affected individuals should seek treatment through clinical programs provided by licensed health care professionals. Bariatric physicians are specialized in treating obesity and its related diseases. Treatment is also offered through nonclinical commercial enterprises such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Nutrisystem." 11-06

  6. Trans Fats
Purchase Resources
  1. Big Underwear (
      Awesome Library does not endorse this product but provides it as an example. 08-07

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