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World Peace

Heroes and Heroism
Holocaust and Genocide
Human Rights
Nuclear Nonproliferation
Peace Documents
Peace Groups
Peace and Children
Peace and International Law
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Living

Also Try
  1. Anti-War
  2. Bullying
  3. Civil Liberties and Security
  4. Conflict Prevention and Mediation
  5. Corporate Power
  6. Countering Terrorism
  7. Fighting Intolerance
  8. Helping Children Cope
  9. Intercultural Communication
  10. Multicultural
  11. Multicultural Training
  12. Our Future
  13. Pro-War
  14. Religious Diversity
  15. Volunteering
  16. Young Leaders
Lesson Plans
  1. 06-10-04 Imagining a World at Peace (PBS)
      "Invite students to brainstorm the basic rights of people everywhere, explore in basic terms the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights and UNICEF's Committee on the Rights of the Child, and then use international photography galleries as part of a multimedia creative writing assignment imagining a world at peace." 6-04

  2. Peace Day (
      Provides projects and lesson plans for Peace Day, September 21. 09-07

  3. USA and China Meet Over Plane Collision (CNN)
      Provides lessons for studying the relationship between the USA and China in terms of international politics. 5-01

  4. Using MyHero to Promote Peacemaking (
      "The primary goal of this lesson is to help students learn how to become involved in peace missions and translate this awareness into action. By identifying peacemaker heroes and participating in an activity that promotes peace in their community, students will learn that they, too, can impact the world and make a difference." 7-05

  5. Workable Peace Role Playing (
      "Workable Peace role plays are set in international hot spots around the world. There are currently six full-length Workable Peace role plays, and one Introductory role play. Each role play includes several parts: the historical background and general instructions, confidential instructions for each role, a teaching note, worksheets and evaluation forms." The role playing materials are for review only. 10-04

  1. Freshwater - International Freshwater Conflict Prevention (Green Cross International)
      Provides sources of information on the availability of freshwater globally and identifies the areas of conflict, along with the intensity of conflict. Suggests approaches to preventing or easing conflict. 02-07

  2. Globalization Issues (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources that discuss the pros and cons of globalization and "Americanization." 8-02

  3. International Affairs Resources (WWW Virtual Library - Selcher)
      Provides over 2200 carefully selected, annotated links in 37 international affairs categories. 2-02

  4. International Relations (Windmueller)
      Provides a dozen resources related to international conflict resolution or promoting peace.

  5. Iraq and War (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources of information on Iraq. 1-03

  6. North Korea and War (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources of information on North Korea. 1-03

  7. Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center (Wi'am Center)
      "The Center aims to improve the quality of relationships by: addressing injustices rather than avenging them, dignifying persons on both sides of the conflict, promoting human rights and advocating for peace among all people." 6-02

  8. Peace Organizations (
      Describes several dozen sites that promote peace and cultural understanding. Also provides a "banner for peace," literature related to peace, projects that promote peace, and more. 10-03

  9. Peace and Conflict Resolution (Yahoo)
      Provides dozens of resources related to conflict resolution or promoting peace.

  10. Peace and Conflict Resources (Contamine)
      Provides organizations and Web sites devoted to peaceful resolution of conflicts.

  11. Volunteering - International Opportunities
      The Directory on International Voluntary Services provides hundreds on sources of information. 07-06

  12. World Peace Resources (UNESCO - Culture of Peace)
      Provides sources of information and projects to support world peace. 12-01

  1. -Bias, Prejudice and Attitudes (IAT Corp and - Greenwald and Banaji) star
      Provides a test of attitudes regarding age, race, gender, and obesity. Your responses are measured by your speed of associations. Most of us do have biases (preferences) that may conflict with our values. Biases can work invisibly and give us a tendency to treat others unfairly (with prejudice). By uncovering our biases, we can combat our prejudices more effectively. 9-05

  2. Cards - World Peace Cards (
      Provides four cards for world peace. 11-01

  3. Map of the Middle East During World War I (Lavarone)
  4. Women United Against War (
      Provides an online petition for women to express their opposition to a pre-emptive strike against Iraq. 1-03

  1. Happy People Dancing Across the Earth (
      "Many humans on Earth exhibit periods of happiness, and one method of displaying happiness is dancing. Happiness and dancing transcend political boundaries and occur in practically every human society. Above, Matt Harding traveled through many nations on Earth, started dancing, and filmed the result. The video is perhaps a dramatic example that humans from all over planet Earth feel a common bond as part of a single species. Happiness is frequently contagious -- few people are able to watch the above video without smiling." 07-08

  2. Peace Day (
      Provides a video introducing world Peace Day, September 21. 09-07

  1. -01-17-08 Freedom Losing Worldwide (Christian Science Monitor)
      "A new report by Washington watchdog group Freedom House says a clampdown on political rights made 43 countries 'not free' in 2007."

      "A second consecutive year of freedom's decline – particularly in South Asia, but also in the region of the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa – is the main conclusion for 2007 of the annual survey by Freedom House, which monitors trends in political freedoms and advocates their expansion. This is the first time in 15 years the group has seen two consecutive years of decline." 01-08

  2. -02-23-06 UN Proposes New Human Rights Council (BBC News)
      "The new council would replace the Human Rights Commission, which has been largely discredited for giving seats to nations with poor rights records."

      "A new compromise proposal by General Assembly president Jan Eliasson would create a council of 47 members who would be reviewed on their record." 02-06

  3. -09-22-07 Giving Globally (MSNBC News)
      "A doctor, a banker, an engineer and a scientist are working separately—and together—to bring lifesaving vaccines to children around the world. How inspired individuals can take on and conquer some of the world's biggest problems." 09-07

  4. -10-14-07 Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize (PBS News)
      "This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the former vice president and a U.N. panel of scientists for creating greater consciousness and a growing consensus about climate change and the dangers it poses." 10-07

  5. Congress Gives President Bush Approval to Wage War (MSNBC)
      "The Senate joined the House on Friday morning in voting solidly to give President Bush the authority to use force against Iraq, approving a resolution endorsed by the president and leaders of both parties."

      "But some influential Democrats remained opposed, and the resolution’s leading opponent, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, did not go down without a fight, accusing Congress of 'handing the president unchecked authority.'

      Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., agreed. “The power to declare war is the most solemn responsibility given to Congress by the Constitution,” he said. 'We must not delegate that responsibility to the president in advance.' ”

      "A majority of Democrats voted against the resolution, even though their House leader, Dick Gephardt of Missouri, was one of its authors." 10-02

  6. Global Peace News (Human Rights Watch)
      Provides news on progress in supporting human rights globally. "Human Rights Watch works to end...summary executions, torture, arbitrary detention, restrictions on the freedom of expression, association, assembly and religion, violations of due process, and discrimination on racial, gender, ethnic and religious grounds. The standards we use are universal civil and political rights as embodied in international laws and treaties. 7-99

  7. International Development and Humanitarian Organizations (Interaction)
      "InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international development and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations." List key organizations providing assistance in each global campaign. 2-03

  8. News from the United Nations (United Nations)
      Provides news related to work of the United Nations. 6-02

  9. Peace Groups Blossom ( - The Nation - Kaplan)
      "Even with an enemy as easy to hate as Saddam Hussein, the Bush Administration's war plans in Iraq have awakened 'huge reservoirs of unease' in the American public, says Peace Action spokesperson Scott Lynch. The Administration's bullying autumn war drive, its explicit discussion of pre-emptive strikes and regime change, its overtly corporate agenda on energy and oil, and its early, arrogant attempts to make war without Congress, let alone the United Nations, unleashed a flood of antiwar sentiment and activity across the country. The sheer breadth of this opposition could help to birth one of the largest antiwar movements in US history--that is, if these politically diverse antiwar eruptions can join forces as a movement at all." 12-02

  10. Peace and War (Waging Peace)
      Provides articles and news stories regarding peace and war. 5-02

  1. -A Third Way: Coercive Inspections (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Mathews) star
      "This paper proposes a third approach, a middle ground between an unacceptable status quo that allows Iraqi WMD [weapons of mass distruction] programs to continue and the enormous costs and risks of an invasion. It proposes a new regime of coercive international inspections. A powerful, multinational military force, created by the UN Security Council, would enable UN and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection teams to carry out 'comply or else' inspections. The 'or else' is overthrow of the regime. The burden of choosing war is placed squarely on Saddam Hussein."

      "Inspections backed by a force authorized by the UN Security Council would carry unimpeachable legitimacy and command broad international support. The effort would therefore strengthen, rather than undermine, the cooperation the United States needs for long-term success in the war against terrorism. It would avoid a direct blow to the authority of the Security Council and the rule of law. It would avoid setting a dangerous precedent of a unilateral right to attack in 'preventive self-defense.'

      "The inspection teams would return to Iraq accompanied by a military arm strong enough to force immediate entry into any site at any time with complete security for the inspection team. No terms would be negotiated regarding the dates, duration, or modalities of inspection. If Iraq chose not to accept, or established a record of noncompliance, the U.S. regime-change option or, better, a UN authorization of 'use of all necessary means' would come into play."

      "War should never be undertaken until the alternatives have been exhausted. In this case that moral imperative is buttressed by the very real possibility that a war to overthrow Saddam Hussein, even if successful in doing so, could subtract more from U.S. security and long-term political interests than it adds." 9-02

  2. -Essay: How Peace May Be Achieved Between Tibetans and China (New York Times)
      "One signal is this: For the first time, the Dalai Lama is willing to state that he can accept the socialist system in Tibet under Communist Party rule. This is something that Beijing has always demanded, and, after long discussion, the Dalai Lama has agreed to do so."

      " 'The main thing is to preserve our culture, to preserve the character of Tibet,' the Dalai Lama told me. 'That is what is most important, not politics.' 07-08

  3. -Former British Prime Minister Focuses on Faith (
      "In two long conversations with Blair recently, I explored his conviction that religion matters—that it shapes what people believe and how they behave, that it is vital to understanding our world, that it can be used to improve the lot of humankind. But if not engaged seriously, Blair thinks, faith can be used to induce ignorance, fear and a withdrawal of communities into mutually antagonistic spheres at just the time that globalization is breaking down barriers between peoples and nations. 'Faith is part of our future,' Blair says, 'and faith and the values it brings with it are an essential part of making globalization work.' For Blair, the goal is to rescue faith from the twin challenges of irrelevance—the idea that religion is no more than an interesting aspect of history—and extremism. Blair and those working with him think religion is key to the global agenda. 'You can't hope to understand what's happening in the world if you don't know that religion is a very important force in people's lives,' says Ruth Turner, 37, formerly a top aide to Blair in 10 Downing Street, who will head the foundation. 'You can't make the world work properly unless you understand that, while not everyone will believe in God or have a spiritual life, a lot of people will.' Blair, she says, has been thinking about these issues 'for decades and decades and decades.' Over time, says Blair of the foundation's work, 'this is how I want to spend the rest of my life.' " 05-08

  4. 10 Ways to Change the World (ABC News)
      "Billionaires donate their fortunes. A 12-year-old gives up his dream to keep his school from closing. examines how people are changing the world in ways large and small, from advances in medicine to volunteer efforts across the globe. See how you can find ways to change the world." 07-06

  5. Atom Bomb Survival (Kajiya - Hayashi)
      Provides a first hand account of an atom bomb explosion. The speaker recounts the experience from the first grade. 6-99

  6. Bridging the Digital Divide (BBC)
      Provides facts about how access to the Internet is shaping up globally, with very few in poorer economies having access.

  7. Common Society Movement for Building Peace (
      "It is now possible, working together, to begin the creation of a new society - a society created in common and held in common by everyone on the planet. Instead of race, nationality, class or religion, a Common Society is based on one simple fact - that all of our lives are inextricably linked and that the world must work for all beings, or it doesn't work at all." 12-03

  8. Conversations with History (UC Berkeley - Institute of International Studies)
      Provides Provides transcripts of interviews of key international figures regarding key world developments. The interviews are conducted by Harry Kreisler. 8-99

  9. Dalai Lama Peace Message on March 10 (Awesome Library)
      Provides a message for world peace from H.H. the Dalai Lama of Tibet, Nobel Peace Laureate. 3-02

  10. Education Programs for Understanding Causes of War and Peace ( - Star Tribune - Ford and Sternberg)
      "As antiwar activists are again taking to the streets to protest a possible war with Iraq, their ranks include a growing number of protesters who are earning college degrees in peacemaking." 12-02

  11. Essay - Democracy and Transnational Corporations (Policy Alternatives - Dobbin)
      Argues that transnational corporations have purchased control of the democratic process whenever they needed the control. 3-02

  12. Essay - Three Views of America's New Power in the World (BBC News - Reynolds)
      Provides three points of view about the expression of American power in the world. 5-03

  13. Essays - What the World Needs Now (
      "The qualities we look for in each other, if adopted by governments and corporations, could prove to be revolutionary in their effect." 11-02

  14. Ethics - Encouraging Ethical Reflection (SUNY - Lickona)
      Provides examples of how children can reveal their stages of ethical development through responding to hypothetical ethical problems in an interview format.

  15. Explaining War to Teens (
      Provides one parent's attempt to talk to his teens about war and its justification. 7-01

  16. Flags of World Peace - By Children (United Nations and International Olympic Committee)
      Shows pictures of flags drawn by children to depict world peace. 10-01

  17. Fueling War - Oil and Iraq (Christian Science Monitor - Francis)
      "With the cold war over, more global conflicts are being spurred by a scramble for natural resources rather than by geopolitics, and poor countries rich in mineral deposits are the new focal point." "Altogether, about a quarter of the roughly 50 wars and armed conflicts active in 2001 had 'a strong resource dimension,' says Michael Renner, a senior researcher with Worldwatch Institute in Washington." 1-03

  18. Fueling War - Oil and Iraq ( - Klare)
      "As the United States gears up for an invasion of Iraq, the great unanswered question continues to be: Why is the Bush Administration so determined to topple a government that has been effectively contained by American power for eleven years?"

      "Growing worries about the stability of Saudi Arabia, principal US supplier there, heightened by revelations of Saudi extremists' involvement in the September 11 terror attacks, have prompted US strategists to seek a backup should future instability lead to a drop in Saudi oil production, which could trigger a global recession." "With proven reserves of 112 billion barrels of oil (compared with 49 billion for Russia and 15 billion for the Caspian states), Iraq alone can serve as a backup for Saudi Arabia. At the same time, control over Iraqi oil would allow US leaders to more easily ignore Saudi demands for US action on behalf of the Palestinians and would weaken OPEC's control over oil prices."

      "Whoever gains possession of these fields will exercise enormous influence over the global energy markets of the twenty-first century."

      "This could prove to be the biggest oil grab in modern history, providing hundreds of billions of dollars to US oil firms--many linked to senior officials in the Bush Administration--and helping to avert a future energy crunch in the United States. But is oil worth spilling the blood of American soldiers and Iraqi civilians who get caught in the way? This is the question Congress must ask if we are to have an honest debate on the merits of invading Iraq." 1-03

  19. Fueling War - Opposition to War for Oil (
      Provides articles to peacefully oppose going to war with Iraq for the purpose of gaining stable oil supplies. "No conflict can ever be understood by looking at just one factor – factors other than oil (e.g. supposed links to terrorism and possible weapons of mass destruction) clearly contribute to the rationale for war – but the dominant economic interest in the region and Iraq has been, is, and will continue to be oil. The peace movement’s rallying cry of 'No blood for oil' has resonance and power because it holds more than a grain of truth when talking about any proposed military action in Iraq." 2-03

  20. Half the World's Children Suffering (Guardian Unlimited)
      "More than half the world's children are suffering extreme effects of poverty, war and HIV/Aids, denying them a healthy and safe childhood, according to a report published today."

      "The report said the world had the capacity to reduce poverty, conflict and HIV/Aids and improve the plight of the world's children. It said Millennium Development Goals, which aim to improve the world through human development by 2015 and were agreed to by the UN's 191 member states in 2000, could be achieved at an annual cost of $40bn (£20.8bn) - $70bn (£36.4bn). World spending on military last year was $956bn (£497.4bn)." 12-04

  21. Indigenous Peoples (Center For World Indigenous Studies)
      "The Fourth World Documentation Project is an online library of texts which record and preserve our peoples' struggles to regain their rightful place in the international community."

  22. Islamic Reformation and the Trial of Hashem Aghajari ( - The New York Times - Friedman)
      "What's going on in Iran today is, without question, the most promising trend in the Muslim world. It is a combination of Martin Luther and Tiananmen Square - a drive for an Islamic reformation combined with a spontaneous student-led democracy movement."

      Hashem Aghajari has been sentenced to death for calling for reformation in Iran. "Watch this story. It's the most important trial in the world today." "This movement faces a formidable opponent in Iran's conservative clerical leadership. It can't provide a quick fix to what ails relations between Islam and the West today. There is none. But it is still hugely important, because it reflects a deepening understanding by many Iranian Muslims that to thrive in the modern era they, and other Muslims, need an Islam different from the lifeless, anti-modern, anti-Western fundamentalism being imposed in Iran and propagated by the Saudi Wahhabi clerics. This understanding is the necessary condition for preventing the brewing crisis between Islam and the West -- which was triggered by 9/11 -- from turning into a war of civilizations." 12-02

  23. Jihad Vs. McWorld ( - Barber)
      Presents world politics as a contest between between alternative world views, the Western vision of globalization (or McWorld) versus the movement back to tribal communities (or Jihad). Argues that neither approach necessarily supports democracy but that democracy can be fostered within both approaches. (This was written in 1995.) 10-01

  24. Kniting Project (
      Describes a project to help refugees of Kosovo to find meaning and some income by providing them with the tools for kniting. 1-01

  25. Listening with Compassion (Positive Futures Network - Thorene)
      Provides an example of how people from opposite sides can be brought together and begin a process of reconciliation. 1-00

  26. Meeting the Challenge of Conflicts (
      Provides a paper and two opponent views. 10-05

  27. Muslim Rage (Awesome Library)
      Discusses the sources of Fundamentalist Muslim rage against the United States. (Notes that many Muslims are very sympathic with the United States.) 10-01

  28. National Missile Defense (PBS NewsHour)
      Provides different perspectives on the USA missile defense strategies, including the ABM Treaty. 7-01

  29. National Missile Defense - Bush to Deploy Missile Defense System in 2004 (Bloomberg - Cappacio)
      "President George W. Bush ordered the Pentagon to begin deploying the first elements of a missile defense system by 2004." 12-02

  30. National Missile Defense - Death of the ABM Treaty (BBC News)
      Provides a short statement against the Bush administration's proposal to break the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. 7-01

  31. National Missile Defense - Global Nuclear Arsenel (BBC News)
      Describes how many nuclear warheads each country has and the distance it can deliver them. 7-01

  32. Nobel Peace Prize Awarded (Fox News)
      "Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for her work as leader of the Green Belt Movement, which has sought to empower women, better the environment and fight corruption in Africa for almost 30 years." 10-04

  33. Nobel Peace Prize Laureates for 2001 (BBC News)
      Describes why the United Nations and its Secretary General, Kofi Annan, were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2001.

  34. Observers Sent to Monitor American Elections (The Independent - Gumbel)
      "This is the first time international monitors have gone to the United States. The OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has been campaigning for some time to improve electoral standards in some of the older, established democracies."

      "Their task: to see if the world's most powerful democracy has learned anything from the disastrous 36-day showdown between George Bush and Al Gore in 2000, in which the world saw every wart in Florida's deeply flawed electoral system without ever discovering for sure who had won." The Independent is a British newspaper. 10-02

  35. Palestinian Perspective on the Peace Process (PASSIA)
      "In Oslo, a culture of peace was started between Palestinians and Israelis based on mutual recognition. This encompassed a revolution in thinking on the Palestinian side: the acceptance of a two-state solution and a reduction of the Palestinian territory to 22% of its original size. It also encompassed a revolution on the Israeli side: the acceptance of the PLO as a partner in negotiations."

  36. Peace Across Cultures (
      Provides information and highlights related to the video "Tutu and Franklin, A Journey Toward Peace." Includes discussions between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Dr. John Hope Franklin. 2-01

  37. Peace Prize Goes to ElBaradei and IAEA (Norway)
      "In its announcement the Nobel Committee states that 'the Nobel Peace Prize for 2005 is to be shared, in two equal parts, between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei, for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way. At a time when the threat of nuclear arms is again increasing, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to underline that this threat must be met through the broadest possible international cooperation. This principle finds its clearest expression today in the work of the IAEA and its Director General.' " 9-05

  38. Peace Programs and Articles (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
      Provides programs and articles related to world peace.

  39. Peace Proposals by Level (
      Provides examples of work done for peace at an individual, family, community, and world level. 11-02

  40. Peace Symbols (
      Provides words and images related to peace. 10-01

  41. Peace Travellers (
      "Peace Travellers Centers will form a global network of small locally operated bed and breakfasts." "These Centers will each feature a local social or environmental participatory Project which will develop according to the need and traditions of each community. They will be primarily places of exchanges between the local communities and international travellers." 11-02

  42. Planning a Media Campaign for Peace (
      Provides nine steps to an effective plan of action. 1-03

  43. Planning a Media Campaign for Peace - Dealing with Media (
      Provides suggestions for effective presentation of a message to mass media. 1-03

  44. Prayer for Unity Among People of the Earth ( - Arif-ur-Rehman)
      Provides a short prayer for unity among all people. 7-02

  45. Preventing Conflict and Warfare by Region (Forum on Early Warning and Early Response)
      Provides historical context and analysis of regions of conflict in order to prevent further conflict or warfare. Uses PDF format. 1-02

  46. Preventing Deadly Conflict (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Ramer and Sharma)
      Summarizes some of the points made in David Hamburg's book, No More Killing Fields: Preventing Deadly Conflict. "For the first time in history, weapons of mass destruction and terrorism with a global reach mean that conflict anywhere in the world has the potential to spread. In this globalized world, however, power is concentrated primarily in the hands of the United States. As the United States debates how to use that power it chooses whether to use its military and economic might freely to influence the affairs of other nations, including preventing conflict around the globe, or to lead by example and let others follow from a distance. Because multilateral efforts often depend on American involvement, how the United States resolves this internal debate will affect conflict prevention efforts by actors around the world, she [Jane Holl Lute] said." 10-02

  47. Quarter of the World in Armed Conflict in 2002 (
      "About a quarter of the world's countries struggled with armed conflict this year, mostly low-intensity battles against terrorists or guerrillas, the kind of conflict that poses the greatest threat to global stability, according to a report released Monday." 12-02

  48. Sanctions as a Tool for Peace (CNN)
      "In his research, Pape identified 115 instances of economic sanctions being used by the U.N. or individual countries. In only five occurrences did sanctions produce a successful outcome and those usually involved minor issues, like the release of hostages, he said."

      "Cortright, however, said that sanctions have succeeded in bringing countries to the bargaining table. He said diplomats have credited sanctions as the primary form of leverage on former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic during the peace negotiations that ended the conflict in Bosnia."

      " 'But it's also true that the sanctions undermined the middle class, the very forces of opposition that eventually won, reinforced the power ... of some of these gangsters and warlords over there, it centralized power in the hands of Milosevic and his political cronies,' Cortright said. 'It had both positive and negative effects.' "

      According to Denis Halliday, former head of the humanitarian relief program in Iraq, " 'the issue is we cannot have the United Nations, the guardian of well-being of the people of this world, sustaining a regime of embargo or sanctions on a people that impacts only on the people, not on the decision makers, not on the government, not on the people who made the decision to go into Kuwait,' he said in an interview with CNN. 'It more than impacts, it kills the people.' " 10-02

  49. Take a Day Off for Peace on September 11th (
      "We take this day to grieve the innocent and courageous Americans who died on September 11, 2001. We will set aside all work in order to gather with family, friends and neighbors and deepen our commitment to peace." 8-02

  50. UN Criticizes USA for Racial Discrimination (United Nations Committee to End Racial Discrimination)
      Provides a summary of UN findings against the United States.

  51. United Nations Millennium Summit (United Nations)
      Provides coverage for the meetings of the heads of state meeting to discuss plans for peace. 9-00

  52. View - U.S. Increasing Reliance on Nuclear Weapons (NRDC)
      "The logic and assumptions underlying the administration's hostility to arms control, and its infatuation with nuclear weapons, deserve vigorous public scrutiny and debate. Not since the resurgence of the Cold War in Ronald Reagan's first term has there been such an emphasis on nuclear weapons in U.S. defense strategy." 6-03

  53. View - U.S. Not a Nuclear Threat (U.S. Department of State Sokolsky)
      "Arms control advocates are sounding the alarm over recent press reports about the Bush administration's new nuclear posture review, which calls for developing nuclear plans and capabilities to deter or defend against nuclear, biological or chemical weapons attacks not only by Russia and China but also by Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Libya."

      "The critics of the nuclear review claim that increasing the number of instances in which the United States might consider using nuclear weapons could well make their use more likely and is liable to stimulate further proliferation of such weapons."

      "These arguments do not stand up under scrutiny. In fact, the Bush administration deserves praise for its candor in dealing with the security dilemmas posed by the post-Cold War strategic environment. The United States is right to redefine the requirements of deterrence in order to meet new threats to its security, its forces abroad and its allies." 6-03

  54. Water Disputes and Peace (The Hashemite Royal Court of Jordan - Noor)
      Calls for a plan to prevent water disputes from resulting in warfare. 10-01

  55. Workable Peace Framework (
      Outlines a conflict management framework. 10-04

  56. Young Peace Leaders (
      Highlights several leaders of peace movements globally. Describes a symposium "dedicated to creating a vision of global peace by exploring the role young people play as peacemakers in the 21st century." 11-02

  1. -09-24-08 $10 Million for a Good Idea (CNN News)
      "Got an idea that could change the world, or at least help a lot of people? Google wants to hear from you -- and they'll pay as much as $10 million to make your idea a reality." 09-08

  2. -U.S. Department of Peace Legislation (Awesome Library)
      Provides rationale for a U.S. Department of Peace. 4-03

  3. -U.S. Department of Peace Legislation (Department of Peace Campaign)
      Provides the text of a proposed U.S. Department of Peace, initiated by Senator Kucinich. He proposes "A BILL To establish a Department of Peace. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled...." The mission of the new U.S. Department of Peace includes:

      -Hold peace as an organizing principle in our society

      -Endeavor to promote justice and democratic principles to expand human rights

      -Strengthen non-military means of peacemaking

      -Work to create peace, prevent violence, divert from armed conflict, use field-tested programs, and develop new structures in non-violent intervention, mediation, peaceful resolution of conflict, and structured mediation of conflict

      -Address matters both domestic and international in scope

      -Submit to the President recommendations for reductions in weapons of mass destruction, and make annual reports to the President on the sale of arms from the United States to other nations, with analysis of the impact of such sales on the defense of the United States and how such sales effect peace

      -Encourage the development of initiatives from local communities, religious groups, and nongovernmental organizations

      -Facilitate the development of peace summits at which parties to a conflict may gather under carefully prepared conditions to promote non-violent communication and mutually beneficial solutions

      -Develop new programs that relate to the societal challenges of school violence, guns, racial or ethnic violence, violence against gays and lesbians, and police-community relations disputes

      -Sponsor country and regional conflict prevention and dispute resolution initiatives, create special task forces, and draw on local, regional, and national expertise to develop plans and programs for addressing the root sources of conflict in troubled areas

      -Provide for the training of all United States personnel who administer postconflict reconstruction and demobilization in war-torn societies

      -Sponsor country and regional conflict prevention and dispute resolution initiatives, create special task forces, and draw on local, regional, and national expertise to develop plans and programs for addressing the root sources of conflict in troubled areas 4-03

  4. -U.S. Department of Peace Legislation (U.S. House of Representatives - Kucinich)
      Provides rationale for a U.S. Department of Peace. "Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH-10) today [July 11, 2001] introduced legislation to create a cabinet level agency dedicated to peacemaking and the study of conditions that are conducive to peace."

      "Kucinich’s legislation to create a Department of Peace focuses on individual, group and national responsibilities of holding peace as an organizing principle. The Department of Peace will focus on nonmilitary peaceful conflict resolutions, prevent violence and promote justice and democratic principles to expand human rights." 4-03

  5. Bridging the Digital Divide (Technology Access Foundation)
      Provides projects and opportunities to assist ethnic minorities to gain greater access to the Internet and technology.

  6. Exhortations for a Better World (Muller)
      Provides nineteen exhortations on what to decide in order to have a better world for ourselves and for the world.

  7. Fight Hate and Promote Tolerance (Southern Poverty Law Center -
      Provides activities for countering hate groups and for promoting tolerance. 4-01

  8. Ideas and Dreams for Peace (Muller)
      Provides 2000 ideas and dreams for world peace.

  9. Meditation and Prayer on New Year's Eve (Institute for World Peace)
      Provides a prayer for the new millenium. 7-02

  10. Multicultural - Grade 10 - 12 Integrating Global Education (Peace Corps)
      Provides educational materials on an international basis.

  11. Peace Day (
      Provides projects and lesson plans for Peace Day, September 21. 09-07

  12. Philosophy Paper Contest for K-12 Students (
      Provides an essay for the competition each year. This is the question for 2004: "Is world peace possible, or does human nature make war inevitable?" 9-04

  13. Teens - Organizations for Peace (Idealist)
      Action Without Borders includes volunteer opportunities for teens from among 14,000 organizations devoted to world peace.

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