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Topic - Public Infrastructure

This page summarizes Government Innovators Network content about Public Infrastructure.

This section spotlights innovations taking place in public infrastructure, which is comprised of topics including community networks and services, energy supply and distribution, highways, public transit, sanitation, traffic control, and water supply and distribution.

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Related Awards
Northern Cape Household Sanitation Programme (98%)
Impumelelo Innovations Award Trust
April 4, 2005
Ethekwini Water and Sanitation Programme (90%)
Impumelelo Innovations Award Trust
April 1, 2005
Impumelelo Innovation Award Trust
Idaho Dairy Pollution Prevention Initiative (80%)
Innovations in American Government Awards
Durban Sewage Disposal Education Programme (73%)
Impumelelo Innovations Award Trust
April 5, 2005
Improvement of the Environmental Conditions in Four Marginalized Districts of North Lima (72%)
The Participation and Local Management Program in Peru
Quil Ceda Village (71%)
Honoring Contributions in the Governance of American Indian Nations in the United States
April 8, 2005

Most Relevant News
Click here to read Innovators Insights, a bi-weekly roundup of news compiled by Government Innovators Network® editors

Most Relevant Documents
Transit Supportive Home Loans: Theory, Application, and Prospects for Smart Growth (100%)
Kevin J. Krizek
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 2003
New Highways, House Prices, and Urban Development: A Case Study of Toll Roads in Orange County, CA (100%)
Marlon G. Boarnet, Saksith Chalermpong
Fannie Mae Foundation
January 1, 2001
Innovation: Applying Knowledge in Development (100%)
Calestous Juma and Lee Yee Cheong
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Water Supply and Health in Lumajan District, East Java Province (91%)
Eleonora Suk Mei Tan, with C. Clarita Kusharto and Sri Budiyati
The World Bank - Indonesia and the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation International Innovations Liaison Group
July 1, 2005
Contracting for the Delivery of Education Services: A Typology and International Examples (90%)
Norman LaRocque
Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University
October 1, 2005
Frontiers of Innovation Conference: Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation in Government (89%)

Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation
May 31, 2008
Using Public Schools as Community-Development Tools: Strategies for Community-Based Developers (86%)
Connie Chung
Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
October 1, 2002

Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events related to Public Infrastructure at this time. If you know of one, please add it to the calendar!



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