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Topic - Special Needs

This page summarizes Government Innovators Network content about Special Needs.

This section focuses on innovative developments concerning children, teens, and adults with special needs. Interested parties can learn about the many integrated problem-solving techniques being currently created in this field. Topics covered include advances in classroom planning and special education, community supports, family supports, learning disabilities, and inclusion studies. Improvements in the understanding of pathologies such as ADD, ADHD, Down

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Related Awards
Project Resolve for Special Education (74%)
Innovations in American Government Awards
Housing Unit Accessible to Disabled Persons in Housing Sites of Social Interest (64%)
The Public Management and Citizenship Programme in Brazil
June 15, 2005
Charter School Law (59%)
Innovations in American Government Awards
March 28, 2005
Impumelelo Innovation Award Trust
A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) (45%)
Innovations in American Government Award

Most Relevant News
Click here to read Innovators Insights, a bi-weekly roundup of news compiled by Government Innovators Network® editors

Most Relevant Documents
Are We Responding to Their Needs? States' Early Experiences Serving Children With Special Health Care Needs Under SCHIP (100%)
Ian Hill,Amy Westphal Lutzky,Renee Schwalberg
Urban Institute
May 1, 2001
Revitalizing Commerce for American Cities: A Practitioner's Guide to Urban Main Street Programs (84%)
Karl F. Seidman
Fannie Mae Foundation
September 1, 2004
Innovation: Applying Knowledge in Development (83%)
Calestous Juma and Lee Yee Cheong
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Survey of Recent Innovations in Education (66%)
Staff of the Government Innovators Network
Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation
September 1, 2005
Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through Innovation (64%)
Ceciliah Kinuthia-Njenge (organizer)

January 1, 2008
State and Local Governments: New Initiatives in Low-Income Housing Preservation (64%)
Mary K. Nenno
Fannie Mae Foundation
Using Public Schools as Community-Development Tools: Strategies for Community-Based Developers (63%)
Connie Chung
Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
October 1, 2002

Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events related to Special Needs at this time. If you know of one, please add it to the calendar!



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