Oxfam America


When disaster strikes around the world, Oxfam and our partners move quickly to provide life-saving assistance to those in need. Once the immediate danger has passed, we work to rebuild lives and reduce the risk of future disasters.

Cholera Crisis in Zimbabwe

Emergency page thumbnail - Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is in the grip of a cholera epidemic that is threatening the health of 300,000 people already weakened by hunger. Oxfam has been responding to the growing crisis since October. more »

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Conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo

Emergency page thumbnail - DRC

Oxfam is providing water, sanitation, and public health outreach to people who have fled the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and have sought safety in camps and villages in the eastern part of the country. We are working in the regions of North Kivu, South Kivu, and Ituri. Latest update: November 2008 more »

Donate now to Oxfam's Democratic Republic of Congo Relief & Rehabilitation Fund »

Conflict in Darfur

Emergency page thumbnail - Darfur

This ongoing conflict—in its fifth year—has driven millions from their homes. The latest from Sudan and Chad. Latest update: October 2008 more »

Donate now to the Sudan Crisis Relief and Rehabilitation Fund »

Global Food Crisis

Global Food Crisis

Oxfam is factoring higher food prices into the work we do at many different levels. In our humanitarian response, we are already employing a broad range of tools adapted to local conditions. more »

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2008 Myanmar Cyclone

Emergency page thumbnail - Myanmar Cyclone

Oxfam's partners are providing life-saving support to some of the 2.5 million people in need of aid following the cyclone that hit Myanmar on May 3. Latest Update: June 2008 more »

Donate now to the Myanmar Cyclone Relief and Rehabilitation Fund »

2008 China Earthquake

Emergency page thumbnail - China Earthquake

Oxfam has launched an emergency action plan to help survivors of the most devastating earthquake to strike China in three decades. Latest Update: June 2008 more »

Donate now to the China Earthquake Relief and Recovery Fund »

Struggle in Somalia

Oxfam has been working in Somalia since the mid 1960s. A conflict that flared in early 2007 exacerbated a crisis stemming from drought and floods the year before. Through local organizations, Oxfam has been helping to improve water supplies and sanitation, provide food and basic household necessities, and offer cash-for-work programs. more »

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U.S. Gulf Coast Hurricane Recovery

In 2005, back-to-back hurricanes devastated wide swaths of Louisiana and Mississippi. Today, countless people are still struggling to rebuild. Oxfam is working to ensure fairness in the recovery for low-income and vulnerable communities. Latest update: August 2008 more »

Donate now to the Gulf Coast Recovery Fund »

Beyond the Media Spotlight

Emergency page thumbnail - Ethiopia Millions of people around the world are caught in conflicts, droughts, floods, and other crises that never make headline news. Ethiopia is experiencing more than one such "forgotten emergency." Latest update: Jan. 2007

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Other Recent and Ongoing Emergencies

Oxfam has responded to other emergencies around the world, including:

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Contribute to Oxfam America's Global Emergencies Fund.

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Learn more about this important Oxfam America rapid-response tool.

Join Oxfam's Humanitarian Action Team »

Join a core group dedicated to creating lasting change by influencing US legislation on humanitarian issues such as the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the earthquake in China, and the global food crisis.

Saving Lives: Oxfam's Humanitarian Response & Disaster Relief Services »

Disasters, and the way we respond to them, can be catalysts for social change—a chance to create lasting solutions to poverty and injustice.
The Semblance of Disaster

The Semblance of Disaster »

When disaster strikes there's no time to lose in getting aid to survivors. Simulations are one way Oxfam ensures that staff are prepared to respond quickly and effectively.

Oxfam International Humanitarian Policy Notes »

These policy notes describe key issues for humanitarian organizations in the twenty-first century and provide recommendations derived from our experience working in the field as well as in the policy arena.

Oxfam Humanitarian Field Studies »

Research on critical social, economic, and health issues that affect both those who have survived disasters and those who are vulnerable to future disaster risks.

Reducing the Risk of Disasters »

One of the most far-reaching goals of our humanitarian program is to help prevent natural events like floods and earthquakes from developing into full-scale disasters for vulnerable communities.

Oxfam's Emergency Response Department Expands into Public Health »

New public health practice is part of a three-pronged effort to sharpen the effectiveness of the agency's emergency response.

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Oxfam America is proud to partner with Reuters AlertNet for up-to-the-minute news and photographs of ongoing and unfolding humanitarian crises worldwide.