Oxfam America

Issues We Work On

While Oxfam specializes in helping communities realize individualized solutions to their problems, our work takes on universal themes. From community to community and region to region, we see people facing like challenges—and pursuing like solutions to their needs.

U.S. Presidential Transition

Oxfam America has assembled a number of policy recommendations for President-Elect Obama and his new administration focused on these core issues. more »

Making a Living

Working largely with rural communities, Oxfam helps people understand their rights, build skills and assets, and find new ways of working—to move beyond poverty towards greater security.

Learn more about these issues:

Natural Resources

With powerful interests vying for some of the world’s most valuable commodities, many natural resources are being polluted or dangerously depleted. Oxfam empowers farmers, fishers, and others to defend their right to life-sustaining resources.

Learn more about these issues:

Climate Change

Oxfam America is campaigning to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, and increase funding so that poor people can survive the effects of global warming. We are engaging with the public, government, private sector, and the international community. Each group has a part to play in responding to the crisis. more »

Peace & Security

Oxfam helps communities analyze the root causes of conflict and find creative ways to build peace. more »

Equality of Women

About 70 percent of the 1.2 billion people who live in extreme poverty are women and girls. Oxfam recognizes the inherent value of women, both individually and within their communities, and promotes investments in women as an investment in families and communities. more »

Indigenous & Minority Rights

Diversity should be a social asset, but in many places there is little respect for indigenous people and minorities. Oxfam specializes in strengthening organizations to overcome racism and discrimination. more »


World trade could be a powerful force for reducing poverty, if poor people could sell their products at a decent price. Oxfam and our partners are joining together to ensure international trade provisions benefit all people. more »

Learn more about this issue through Oxfam's ongoing trade-related campaigns:

Aid Reform

US foreign aid is still under-performing and often fails to reach the people who need it most. Oxfam America is seeking reform of US foreign aid to make it more efficient, more modern, and more focused on ending global poverty. more »