Oxfam America

Conflict in DRC

Since 1998, sporadic conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has cost an estimated 5.4 million people their lives—many of them lost through disease and malnutrition. Many others have fled to neighboring countries for safety, and countless people remain in camps far from their homes. Congo is at a critical point in its history. Despite recent successful elections, government structures remain fragile. Without continuing support, there is a chance that the country could slide back into conflict and chaos.

Video Update

November 2008


Since war broke out in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998, more than 5 million people have died—most of them from lack of access to food and health care. And though the conflict officially ended in 2003, fighting has continued, mainly in the country’s eastern provinces. more »

What Oxfam is Doing

Oxfam is one of the leading agencies providing water and sanitation in Congo. Our work includes both longer-term development projects, such as improving schools, as well as help for people displaced by conflict. more »

What You Can Do

Real Lives

Cheka Kidogo: Portraits of Congo's survivors
Cheka Kidogo: Portraits of Congo's survivors
Photographer Rankin captures the bravery, strength, and determination of people in the DRC, who long to return home after years of war.
An aid worker's diary from Congo
An aid worker's diary from Congo
Helen Hawking, Oxfam’s public health coordinator in eastern Congo, relates her day-by-day experiences coping with the crisis.
Just a Boy: Meeting Child Soldiers in the Eastern Congo
Just a Boy: Meeting Child Soldiers in the Eastern Congo
Humanitarian press officer Rebecca Wynn reports from eastern Congo.
Audio Update on Congo - November 2008
Audio Update on Congo - November 2008
Michael Gratton, from Oxfam Quebec, reports on the needs of displaced people around Goma.
Escalation of the Crisis in Congo: November 2008
Escalation of the Crisis in Congo: November 2008
Thousands of displaced people are dispersed across a vast area in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Audio updates - October 2008
Audio updates - October 2008
Oxfam's humanitarian coordinator in Goma gives a first-hand account of what's happening in the DRC.
Eyewitness in Congo: Godefroid Marhegane
Eyewitness in Congo: Godefroid Marhegane
A first-hand account from staff member Godefroid Marhegane, who lives in Goma with his wife and six children.
Pumped up: Lake Water Meets the Needs of Displaced People
Pumped up: Lake Water Meets the Needs of Displaced People
Clean water, sanitation services, and public health outreach are part of Oxfam's program to help keep families healthy in crowded camps.
More news and stories
Read more news and stories about Oxfam's work in DRC.

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Contribute to Oxfam's Democratic Republic of Congo Relief & Rehabilitation Fund.

DRC Fact Sheet »

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Oxfam Ambassador Emile Hirsch visits DRC

Oxfam Ambassador Emile Hirsch visits DRC »

In June 2008, actor Emile Hirsch joined Oxfam America on a visit to the eastern region of the DRC. His story has been featured in Men's Journal magazine and elsewhere. Learn more and view a slideshow from his trip.