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External Advisory Group Reports

Superfund Basic Research Program

In February of 2003, the NIEHS established an ad hoc External Advisory Group (EAG), a working group of the National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences (NAEHS) Council, to examine all aspects of the SBRP since its inception, to make recommendations based on their findings and to provide guidance on future directions for the Program.

The EAG members were provided with three volumes of programmatic information:

As summarized in the Executive Summary ( brp/1/eag/docs/eag_execsummary.pdf)  Download Adobe Reader(701 KB), the EAG determined that SBRP-funded research remains highly relevant to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund goals, noting that the SBRP has been successful at enhancing investigations and remediation work at many hazardous waste sites as well as in translating research findings into public health practice.

The complete EAG effort was documented in a final report ( brp/1/eag/docs/eag_report.pdf)  Download Adobe Reader(3,671 KB), which reflects the two phases of its review. Specifically, the report summarizes the findings of the EAG's examination of the SBRP on the programmatic level, which includes comments on the quality of science, communications efforts, and programmatic management. The report also details the EAG guidance on future directions for the SBRP.

SBRP staff responses are documented in a summary report ( brp/1/eag/docs/eag_response_8_16.pdf)  Download Adobe Reader(19 KB) and a comprehensive table ( brp/1/eag/docs/comment_table_v2.pdf)  Download Adobe Reader(145 KB) that presents comments made by the EAG and the SBRP response.

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Last Reviewed: August 20, 2007