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Guest Speaker: Joan Fox

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Testimonials (pdf)

YLC Meeting Homepage


Young Leaders Council Annual Meeting
April 30 - May 3, 2009
Hilton El Conquistador Golf & Tennis Resort
Tucson, AZ

The NSSGA Young Leaders Council (YLC) provides an annual conference for industry professionals 40 years of age and younger to develop leadership and management skills, address industry positions, build a national network of industry professionals, exchange ideas, and discuss areas of mutual interest that will help them and their companies become more successful in the aggregates industry.

Young leaders from both large and small companies come together from different fields of the industry to attend the YLC Annual Meeting. There are young leaders that work in Automation, Community Relations, Corporate Development, Engineering, Environmental Services, Equipment Management, Exploration & Planning, Finance, Government Affairs, Human Resources, Operations, Production, Safety & Health and Sales along with those who are Vice Presidents and Presidents of their own companies that attend the YLC Annual Meeting.