Oxfam America

What We Do

Oxfam America works on the scene, helping people gain the hope, skills, and direction to create a new future. We are also active in the global arena, addressing social injustice through our advocacy, public education, and emergency assistance programs.

Where We Work

Oxfam and our partners work together in 26 countries in 7 regions. View the map to learn more about the regions we work in, or follow any of the links below for articles, news and in-depth reports about our regional prorams.


When disaster strikes, Oxfam's worldwide network of partners is already on the scene, providing emergency assistance. Once the immediate danger has passed, Oxfam seeks out the root causes of crises and works to bring about lasting change.

Issues We Work On

Making a Living
Natural Resources
Other Issues

Campaigns & Initiatives

You can help Oxfam spread the word about the causes of poverty and social injustice. Learn about Oxfam America's advocacy campaigns and initiatives and take action today!