Psychologist Locator

A psychologist can help you cope with many of life's problems. To locate a practitioner in your local area using our new and growing online Psychologist Locator Service,

  • enter your zip code and click "Search", or
  • enter your city and state and click "Search"

You can also obtain a referral to a psychologist in your area by calling 1-800-964-2000. The operator will use your zip code to locate and connect you with the referral service of the state psychological association.

Neither APA nor the operators answering the 800 number can respond to specific questions regarding:

  • personal situations,
  • appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or
  • otherwise provide any clinical opinions.

If you do not live in the United States or Canada, contact your national psychological association or local mental health facility.

If you believe you need immediate assistance, please call your local emergency number or the mental health crisis hotline listed in your local phone book's government pages.

Because APA does not operate, supervise, or exercise any control over any of the above-referenced referral services, it makes no representations or warranty whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding any information or advice provided by these referral services. In no event shall APA be liable to you or anyone else for any decision or action taken in reliance on information provided by these referral services.

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