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News Archives 2003

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November 2003

Report Documents Status, Potential of DER Technologies
The U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is directing substantial programs in the development and encouragement of new energy technologies. Among them are renewable energy and distributed energy resource technologies. As part of its ongoing effort to document the status and potential of these technologies, DOE EERE directed the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to lead an effort to develop and publish Distributed Energy Technology Characterizations (TCs) that would provide both the department and energy community with a consistent and objective set of cost and performance data in prospective electric-power generation applications in the United States. Toward that goal, DOE/EERE - joined by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) - published the "Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations" in December 1997.As a follow-up, DOE EERE - joined by the Gas Research Institute - is now publishing this document, "Gas-Fired Distributed Energy Resource Technology Characterizations." (PDF 5.2 MB) Download Adobe Reader

July 2003

2003 Power Technologies Energy Data Book Online
In 2002, the Strategic Energy Analysis Center of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed the first version of the Power Technologies Energy Data Book for the U.S. Department of Energy. The analysis group has now posted the 2003 edition of the Power Technologies Energy Data Book, which provides updates from our previous edition. The primary purpose of the data book is to compile - in one central document - a comprehensive set of data about power technologies from diverse sources. This publication features more than 200 pages of energy supply-side data and complete technology profiles for renewable energy and distributed power technologies. The data book also contains a variety of charts on electricity restructuring, power technology forecasts and comparisons, electricity supply, electricity capability, electricity generation, electricity demand, prices, economic indicators, environmental indicators, and conversion factors. Please contact Jørn Aabakken with any questions.

June 2003

Renewable Energy Modeling Series Strives to Improve Capabilities

When the Renewable Energy Modeling Series was initiated in October 2002, the organizers envisioned a forum for analysts to assess the status of energy modeling and to discuss the potential for improvements to existing models. With the third event in June in Washington, D.C., the group made major progress in achieving that goal.

The Renewable Energy Modeling Series grew from the interest of government and private-sector organizations to better understand the environmental benefits of renewable energy and how to achieve those benefits. While current models have made huge strides in demonstrating these benefits, the group agreed that existing gaps have slowed progress.

Working together, the American Council for Renewable Energy (ACRE), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the series of meetings to improve understanding of future opportunities and challenges for these technologies. The organizers seek to use this information to determine how the technologies may be used to meet energy and environmental needs and to create business opportunities.

January 2003

Domestic Energy Scenarios
This NREL technical report, "Domestic Energy Scenarios" (PDF 524 KB) Download Adobe Reader, attempts to organize and evaluate scenarios of markets and technologies that could impact renewable and distributed electricity-generating technologies during the next 20-100 years in the United States. For the purposes of this report, scenarios are defined broadly as any projection or forecast that helps illuminate the potential of Renewable Electric Technologies (RETs) in the United States. Scenarios vary widely in terms of their scope - some focus on supply of fuels or narrow segments of markets with limited timeframes, while others are broader in scope and time span. There are several factors that influence the market penetration of renewable energy and distributed generation technologies. Most notable among these are natural gas prices, technology improvements, and policy measures. Natural gas prices are important because most new generating capacity, as well as marginal generation units, generally are natural-gas fired. Assumptions about the rate of improvement in renewable and distributed generation technologies also can have a significant impact on market penetration. Finally, policy measures that support these technologies, such as tax credits or interconnection standards, can contribute to their accelerated adoption. Authors are Jorn Aabakken and Walter Short, both of NREL.


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