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  • City-wide crime rally to be held Friday; events to honor 580 killed since Katrina

    by Brendan McCarthy, The Times-Picayune
    Thursday January 08, 2009, 7:25 AM

    Silence Is Violence, the nonprofit group that helped organize thousands in a historic anti-crime march on City Hall two years ago, has scheduled a rally across the city Friday to show that New Orleanians will not be held hostage by violence.

    "We are refusing to go through the motions of normalcy," organizer Baty Landis said. "We are not going to stand by and accept these conditions that are unacceptable."

    A procession will lead to the spot where a father allegedly discarded his 2-year-old son's body last week. One man is asking others to stand with him on a Central City street corner for 580 consecutive minutes of silence, one for each person killed in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina.

    At noon, a group will gather on the steps of City Hall to read the name of each person murdered in the past year.

    Countless others have pledged donations of money or volunteer time in community playgrounds and parks.

    The organization's game plan is different from the march two years ago. Organizers are asking citizens to pause and ponder, then make a personal, concerted effort to improve the community and affect the city's endemic state of crime and violence.

    The rally aims to express "collective distress and disgust over the violence in our city," said organizer Ken Foster, and to search for effective grassroots solutions.

    Since forming in the wake of the high-profile murders of Hot 8 Brass Band drummer Dinerral Shavers and Marigny filmmaker Helen Hill, the group has held community meetings, marches and vigils.

    Foster, a co-founder, said he and others are displeased with city leadership and criminal justice officials. They tried working with leaders, but found City Hall to be a dead end.

    "They seem to be in a protected castle, from the rest of us," Foster said.

    Foster noted that crime has prodded some to leave New Orleans, and local leaders have called public safety a major issue affecting the city.

    Foster and Landis printed up thousands of stickers and 1,000 yard signs that read: Crime Happened Here. The signs have blank space on the side for citizens to fill in the date, time and type of incident.

    In addition, more than 25 local businesses -- including diners, bars, boutiques, coffeehouses and bookstores -- have pledged to donate 5 percent of Friday's proceeds to public safety groups and organizations.

    The idea, Foster said, is that the collections will represent the public's purchasing power.

    Several other events are scheduled throughout the day.

    At 10 a.m., Nakita Shavers, 21, sister of Dinerral Shavers, will lead a motorcade by the sites of several recent murders. The motorcade will begin at the corner of Gov. Nicholls Street and North Claiborne Avenue in the 6th Ward, the spot where a 22-year-old man died last week in an alleged shootout with police.

    From noon to 5 p.m., art and musical instruction, along with king cake and hula hoops, will be provided at the Lyons Center playground near Delachaise and Annunciation streets.

    Babs Johnson, a children's advocate involved in playground revitalization, said volunteers will be highlighting and passing out information on several youth resource programs.

    A vigil will be held at 6 p.m. at New Hope Baptist Church, in the 1800 block of LaSalle Street in Central City. After that, citizens and several second-line groups are slated to march to nearby Van McMurray Park, where 2-year-old Ja'Shawn Powell's body was found last week, hours after his father allegedly slit the toddler's throat and dumped him there.

    • See a full schedule of events.

    . . . . . . .

    Brendan McCarthy can be reached at bmccarthy@timespicayune.com or 504.826.3301.

    COMMENTS (184)Post a comment
    Posted by midcity42 on 01/08/09 at 8:15AM

    Friday is a workday. Who can make it?

    Posted by bayoustjohn on 01/08/09 at 8:19AM

    Let's try this. But let's try other things.

    Things like:
    Getting rid of Riley.
    Making criminals less comfortable.
    Ensuring communities awash in criminals know how important it is to turn them in.
    Protecting witnesses.
    Using the media to get at the friends and family of the criminals.
    Encourage neighborhoods to set up their own system of crime cameras.
    Indoctrinate our schoolkids with the idea that it's not "OK" to be a criminal.
    Making sure our education system is great.
    Making sure our students have good jobs when they graduate.
    Work on economic development to encourage folks to move here for economic opportunity so we can stop our population decline and have people who are willing to work to make New Orleans work. Diluting the criminal class and making it more likely the victims will press charges.

    People trying things to rid this city of crime and criminals are 10,000 percent more useful than people who would suggest that the problem of crime is intractable.

    Posted by artist1234 on 01/08/09 at 8:26AM

    there is safety in numbers. (to many witnesses)

    Posted by 5inchheels on 01/08/09 at 8:28AM

    My heart is still aching for Ja'Shawn Powell. . .these crimes wound us all. Has our mayor spoken out yet? (I don't watch much television and may have missed it.) I know the ministers have protested a police shooting; have they also collectively and officially condemned the murder of Ja'Shawn, or is theirs another example of selective indignation.

    Cops seem to be the sole target of ministerial pontificating. Some are definitely bad, and some others are incompetent. But they are a small number in comparison with the huge violent class of criminals who happily returned after Katrina, took up residence, and resumed their old ways.

    Posted by accinkenner on 01/08/09 at 8:30AM

    Please don't honor the persons who are dead only because their intended victim was a quicker/better shot than them. Some of the dead included in this number would have contributed to this number had they themselves not been a statistic.

    Do "honor" these people in the same breath that you are honoring innocent victims sullies the "honoring" of innocent victims.

    And are they REALLY going to be quiet for 580 consecutive minutes? That's 9.67 hours. Really, quiet for 9.67 hours?

    Posted by accinkenner on 01/08/09 at 8:32AM

    should read: "To honor these people"
    "Do honor these people"

    Posted by beagoodgirl on 01/08/09 at 8:40AM

    I can't believe the ugliness and negativity spewed by people who can only criticize instead of thanking those who try to make things better, or god forbid, participate. This is a wonderful city, but at about one-tenth the population of NYC, it feels about one-tenth as safe. Yeah sure, it's mostly thugs killing thugs, but innocent people get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and lately, it's been small children. So just do nothing? That's sounds like a great plan. We need to demand change. Like Baty says, this is unacceptable. I can't go out after dark, or carry a purse when I go for a walk. I fear for my toddler's safety. And no, I do not want to move - yet. I think it's fair to ask that the leaders of the city acknowledge this culture of hate/anger/detached breeding more of the same, with teh mothers and the criminals getting younger and younger. Yeah, do nothing.

    Posted by Astrid on 01/08/09 at 8:43AM

    This march is an attempt to take jobs away from the city's young professional underachievers who have honed at least one craft down to an art.

    With the help of no parental guidance, these celebrated hoodies have sucessfully removed any feelings of guilt, remorse or love for mankind from their awareness. Long term survival means nothing - only to survive a few minutes or hours after killing a competitor to be the DOPE KING of the street. Imagine looking at a dead competitor and feeling that moment of glory. The moment when you are The Man.

    Think before you rally. What will become of these thugs should you succeed. Are you condemning the up and coming untried street warriors yet to be born to sleeping under the overpasses, or looking for handouts on the city hall lawn? After all when all the abandoned houses are finally torn down, where else could they go.

    Look at it from their point of view and leave Mayor Nagin and Chief Riley alone. Their ineptitude ensures jobs for all.

    Of course, there is always baby making activities and a few girl friends that could take them in.........................

    Posted by Jarntrell on 01/08/09 at 8:44AM

    It sounds like were are having a citywide second line for the thugs. I guess now we support thugetry.

    I know, I know, not everyone killed was a thug. Some were good ol boys who neva done nothin to nobody.

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 8:46AM

    You might want to go read today's BLOG entry on the Ja'Shawn Powell Human Decency Association website.


    There are some ideas there that are WORKABLE AND REASONABLE AND ARE TRUE ACTIONS. I'm not about to belittle the actions of Silence is Violence. They are fighting against the biggest enemy this city has in its crime fight: citizen apathy.

    All of you have posted here today. What are you willing to DO to stop crime and violence??

    Posted by exlaxcity on 01/08/09 at 8:47AM

    I agree completely.

    To honor the 580 killed is ridiculous. It should have been stated differently to exclude all of the drug dealers, criminals etc. and only be in honor of those that were innocently murdered. All of the others deserved what they got and saved the tax payers millions.

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 8:48AM

    I do think that increasing public awareness and encouraging citizens to speak out and take action (at the neighborhood level) is an excellent idea.
    Many cannot attend the rallies but we can all wear red.
    We can agree to post signs in our yards (where crimes have occurred).
    Hopefully the rally at city hall cannot be ignored by hissoner and the cheef - and it should afford some media coverage.
    BUT - until more folks are willing to do something in their neighborhoods, about rampant crime, police and DA are going to continue to be hamstrung.

    No, we haven't seen the local ministers demand anything regarding Ja'Shawn's brutal murder. As one poster ranted (on another topic), "this murder is solved because the father already confessed". He seemed to forget that the outcry is about the continued homicide in our city, This poster only wanted to focus on race-baiting with others. So, the ministers won't get any attaboys and don't really care. I find it incredible that the archbishop is more interested in closing our churches and the ministers are more interested in smiling for the cameras rather than ministering to their flocks. Time for a little more remedial, spiritual homework - I think.

    Posted by ndcispravda on 01/08/09 at 8:48AM

    When is the recording industry going to start marketing al-Qaeda videos to kids?

    "Hip-hop" is nothing more than the cute re-branding of a marketing strategy to sell products which promote ignorance, misogyny, and violence.

    This violent culture has killed far more Americans in the United States than anything al-Qaeda has ever done.

    What if we spent hundreds of billions of dollars properly educating kids and providing opportunity in America, instead of in Bush's wars?

    Posted by headcritter on 01/08/09 at 8:51AM

    "In addition, more than 25 local businesses -- including diners, bars, boutiques, coffeehouses and bookstores -- have pledged to donate 5 percent of Friday's proceeds to public safety groups and organizations."

    The ONE thing coming out of this that may actually help. Marching to the site of where the guy killed his son does NOTHING. Domestic violence is unpreventable, save for psychiatric help.

    We can march and pray all we want, but the bad guys that keep killing each other (a) won't be there, and (b) couldn't care less.

    New Orleans is famous for these things: Vigils, marches, prayer sessions, etc. They do nothing other than make the participants feel a little better. Legalize drugs and somehow, some way, instill a sense of responsbility in the polulace and maybe things will improve...

    Forgive me, I am depressed...

    Posted by NOLAsRUINS on 01/08/09 at 8:52AM

    ...bring yo own 3 piece an a red drank to the show!

    Posted by ndcispravda on 01/08/09 at 8:53AM

    Who is going to be the receiver for those funds?

    How will the funds be distributed?

    Will Silence is Violence show favoritism only to causes and organizations it agrees with?

    Posted by wcquantrill on 01/08/09 at 8:54AM

    Forget a crime "rally." What we need are posses of good honest citizens roving the streets at night, armed, who are not afraid to mete out some extrajudicial justice to the scum.

    Posted by hellhouse on 01/08/09 at 8:54AM

    The effect of this will be zero, zilch, nada! Lets get rid of part of the problem: Riley and Ray.

    Posted by ndcispravda on 01/08/09 at 8:58AM

    You, wcquantrill, are an effing knuckle-dragging idiot!

    Hint: The Dark Ages ended centuries ago.


    Posted by carolrenee18 on 01/08/09 at 8:59AM


    I have to bust my ass and work to pay taxes for all of the people who refuse to work. When you look at that, there really aren't enough bullets.

    I refuse to honor someone who shot at NOPD.

    If you want to do something, teach sex ed and the importance of an education.

    Posted by exlaxcity on 01/08/09 at 9:02AM

    You can rest assured that every preacher man will be at this event to showcase their new hat, shoes and Cadillac during a high profile midweek televised function for sure.
    Ask them to do anything any other time to help prevent crime, NOT a chance.
    Just put the money in the plate my friend.

    Posted by ndcispravda on 01/08/09 at 9:02AM

    The first step to stopping crime is for men to stop fathering children they refuse to parent, and for women to stop allowing men to take advantage of them, getting themselves pregnant -- repeatedly.


    Posted by exlaxcity on 01/08/09 at 9:06AM

    And who said the State Rep. from Metarie was crazy for suggesting sterilization for welfare recipients?

    The man is a genius and should run for Mayor.

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 9:06AM

    I am at the head of the line when it comes to rallies in general (so don't get me wrong) BUT if this helps individuals to acknowledge - on a personal level - that there is a problem and the solution is discovered when individuals in a neighborhood come together, this is a good thing.
    If we wait for Nagin and Riley and the "ministers" to solve our problems, this will never happen!
    But if we can get PEOPLE to wake up (and stop being sheeple) maybe things will change. Things CAN change...
    Are we willing to roll up our sleeves, one by one, and do something, do anything - other than digress to name calling on our computers?
    BTW, the funds for Ja'Shawn are to help with his funeral (which is Saturday). After that there is supposed to be a tree planting at the park, where his daddy tossed his littel body.
    Don't forget to wear red on Friday. It will help you to remember how our city bleeds, if nothing else.

    Posted by NOLAsRUINS on 01/08/09 at 9:07AM

    ndcispravda: Why do blacks have the highest rates of incarceration, STD's, teen pregnency, and every other bad thing you can think of ?? It's the culture, dog, and until that changes from within none of the stats will....out.

    Posted by tlsu on 01/08/09 at 9:07AM

    So funny to see a link to "The Nation" appear. This is the #1 place for creation of excuses as to why one single group of people remains a total hindrance on society for decades. The answer? Blame the people who actually...you know...get up and go to work every day to fund those welfare checks.

    Posted by doodlebug01 on 01/08/09 at 9:08AM

    Having a march to honor all of the dead thugs is beyond stupid. And, yes, I know that some regular folks were murdred also, but what good is a march? If the people who are going to march would instead use their time and energy pressuring that fool of a mayor to fire his equually foolish and useless police chief that might accomplish something. Also screaming for the mayor's head, as in a RECALL would be far better than a march. I know there was a march several years ago and we all know how little(as in NOTHING) that accomplished. I suppose all the thuglets will wear their dead thug boyfriend tee shirts.

    Posted by nonewsladder on 01/08/09 at 9:08AM

    I agree with these other crime victims:
    I do not understand the point of Silence is Violence honoring the deaths of these Murderers who simply did not get the first shot off in their own Black-On-Black Race War? Why?
    The percentage of crime victims within the SIV membership's social and economic demographic is frighteningly small when compared with Ja'Shawn Powell's world.
    I too have lost some of the same friends that these people at SIV have lost who inspired their "Historic Anti-Crime March on City Hall 2 years ago". But I am ashamed of SIV's failure to address the Black On Black On White Race War that seems congenital to New Orleans and America, by honoring these ganstas who are killing our children.
    Nobody is talking about Who Is Killing Who Here until it is a defenseless toddler.

    Posted by wcquantrill on 01/08/09 at 9:10AM

    ndcispravda, why did you post that link? That young professional was clearly up to no good when he was shot. Honestly, if 10 thugs and/or thugettes were shot every day by law-abiding citizens, things would change for the better very quickly.

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 9:17AM

    Take out some of your rage and anger by posting some comments and suggestions on the Ja'Shawn Powell Human Decency Association website.


    We welcome ideas we can act on!

    Posted by Pill42 on 01/08/09 at 9:18AM

    I think the point is shed light on a problem that's affecting our community. I doubt that this is to glorify criminals.

    If you can't be a part of the solution, please don't be a part of the problem. Be careful of who you throw away because God may decide that you are no longer needed.

    Posted by ndcispravda on 01/08/09 at 9:19AM

    Maybe people who don't like the way you look should be free to shoot at you, wcquantrill, without the right to a trial by a jury of your peers, and the right to cross-examine your accusers.

    We live in the United States of America, remember?

    Patriots died to obtain those rights from a tyrannical king.

    Are you suggesting that those rights aren't worth defending? That we should just shoot first and ask questions later?

    Why don't you move to Afghanistan and join the Taliban?

    Posted by gmbrownegmbg on 01/08/09 at 9:19AM

    Hey people, just look at the rally today at city hall, it will give you a General Idea of how many Blacks are on (Welfare) because if they had jobs, they would not be in attendance, oops :) did i say that.

    Posted by forealla on 01/08/09 at 9:25AM

    Look at the greatness of a chocolate city!!
    Third most dangerous city in the world.

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 9:26AM

    Arrrgh; you folks are driving me a bit crazy this morning.
    Look at it this way:
    The focus SHOULD not be on who were the SHOOTERS (or shootees) but on the fact that there the SHOOTINGS and violence continues.
    Is your (or my) neighborhood so safe that you (I) am comfortable? The past couple of months have been quiet on my street but I fear it's only because the streets have been torn up. Are there no thugs living close by? I still got 'em and watch them everday. Are your neighbors coalised, vigilant and active to keep crime at bay? Not in my neighborhood (in general) but there are a small number of us who are willing to set the example and continue (via our actions) to encourage our neighbors to do the same.

    Perhaps, if we are supportive of this grass roots, non-demominational, non-racially focused effort it can serve to increase the awareness in each person that we have a really big problem. If there is acknowledgement, then maybe the individual is more likely to consider the effect he/she has on the problem. If this insight occurs with just a few, maybe a few of these folks will wonder what what they can do to change the environment and/or then what each person needs to change in his/her life.
    Meanwhile, I plan to keep doing what I need to do, each day, to make my neighborhood a little better and a little safer.
    I know, probably not. But today, I am bit more optimistic.

    Posted by chadvader78 on 01/08/09 at 9:28AM

    Nagin will send out the NOPD to break this thing up--by trying to reduce crime they're making it harder for Nagin to get the city's brand out.

    Posted by wcquantrill on 01/08/09 at 9:34AM

    No, ndcispravda, I am not suggesting that we throw out constitutional rights and due process. However, the only legitimate function of government is to prevent the thugs and savages from violating your rights by violence, theft or other means. When the government fails at that and does not appear to be able to change, as is the case in New Orleans, it is the right and duty of the people to protect themselves. This is a war, and martial law is warranted. Since C. Ray's chocolate crew does not constitute an effective government, the responsibility to regulate the animals and reestablish order falls to the citizenry.

    If there was ever a time that we needed vigilantes, that time is now. Bring back public executions (in Jackson Square, perhaps?), and the thug problem will be cut in half.

    Posted by MakingFire4 on 01/08/09 at 9:37AM

    remember the louisiana pizza kitchen murders??

    those people marched on city hall only to have morial want the national guard called on them..

    oppps i see why all the victims were white and the murderers were black...

    people lost their family members,wives,childrens parent(s) and morial wants the NG called..

    stand up dude huh..

    stop blaming riley and nagoon ect.. not that they arnt clowns but you would have to post a police officer on each and evey person to babysit and guide them to control crim..

    and just look at pennington now--

    -- http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/atlanta/stories/2008/10/12/atlanta_police_academy.html --

    soo whats different from riley or pennington??

    Posted by Navypat on 01/08/09 at 9:47AM

    There is a website called blackonblackcrimeinc.org and I was wondering why no other race even NEEDS such a site?!?!

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 9:48AM


    Join the Association. Your thinking is right on.

    We have the means to get action taken in the city. But ranting and raving and accusing and belittling isn't the means.

    Finding solid, actionable ideas, planning them out, finding the resources, then presenting a full plan to the council, police chief, mayor, and citizenry is the way. This isn't pie in the sky. Others have done it. We can too!


    We welcome comments!

    Posted by ranger71 on 01/08/09 at 9:52AM

    All of a sudden the city administration and it's cronies have all gone silent....Nagin and Riley are unusually quiet, could it be they know once again, they are in hot water? Hopefully this will not happen tomorrow.


    Posted by housenot on 01/08/09 at 9:53AM

    Can we for once in New Orleans have a Citywide protest for better schools, better jobs and a better quality of life. Folks have protested about crime in the city countless times. Until the above mentioned items change the city will always have drug murders. Get with it people.

    Posted by rstynutz on 01/08/09 at 10:04AM

    Here ya'll go again.
    No matter what people try to do to bring strength to those who want to help stamp out the unnecessary murdering in NO, the NAY sayers will always surface.
    One thing I agree on, is the wording is completely wrong when saying "honor" the dead.
    I believe this is what has the nay sayers are all upset about. There is no "honor' in being a thug.

    Rally to get the thugs and rogue cops of the streets.
    Rally to bring in marshall law to put down these thugs and enfore it to the "T".
    Rally for ouster of the leaders that have let it get to this point.

    Posted by efenzie on 01/08/09 at 10:05AM

    This rally will be as ineffective as the ones before it.

    Posted by MyIrishEyes on 01/08/09 at 10:08AM

    You folks are illiterate and hae a lynch mob mentality. By that I mean that ONE person suggests something and you all respond as if it was fact. One poster at the beginning of the thread said "honor" and ALL of you jumped on that word. It appears no where in the article. It does no appear on the Silence is Violence website.

    This is an awareness march. This is a pressure march. This is an attempt to make Nagin and Riley move, do something, get involved. This is to shame the ministers into participation. This is us trying to save this CITY!

    Stello is the only voice of reason on this thread, because I don't believe that the rest of you live here. For those that do - COME OUT!

    And MakingFire4, I know you don't live here becasue the residency requirement for cops was lifted after Katrina. You should also CITE that article because it is obviously at least a year old. -Irish

    Posted by DMAN01 on 01/08/09 at 10:09AM

    Friday is indeed a workday for most of the people who stand on their own two feet and do not rely on public assistance. It seems to me that this should be held on a week end. Maybe the people that promoted and can attend this rally do not have jobs and that they are more of the problem then the solution in the breakdown of our society.

    Posted by nolacreole on 01/08/09 at 10:12AM

    As the old saying goes, "when you are in poop up to your mouth keep it shut"
    It seems that the Chief and the Mayor should be standing side-by-side in a news conference assuring the good people of New Orleans that they are going to get to the bottom of the last incident in the shooting of Mr Grimes. But that's too much like right.

    Posted by roky36 on 01/08/09 at 10:13AM

    What an unbelievable waste of time and effort. Honor thug's and criminal's? I thought I had heard it all. This city becomes more and more Orwellian by the day.

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 10:17AM


    Check out the work of the Ja'Shawn Powell Human Decency Association. We are not offering platitudes. We are offering a way to actually create CHANGE, and not just in the area of crime. There are many broken pieces to this city. The Association would like to focus on the ones that citizens can affect.


    Read the BLOG entries for a sense of where the Association is headed. Feel free to comment.

    Posted by westbanker4l on 01/08/09 at 10:21AM

    I agree that this will be a waste of time. Who comes up with these ideas?
    I wonder if we take out the number of people that were convicted felons out of the total number of people killed, what would that number be? Like someone said earlier. Many of the people killed were probably on the other side of one of the other murders. So don't get that number confused.

    Posted by Navypat on 01/08/09 at 10:27AM


    What you say sounds good but "quality of life" would improve dramatically if it's safe to go outside your door. As for "good schools" they start at home with good parents that push their kids to learn and have manners. "Quality people" flee an area when the thug types move in and hey can you blame them? "Good schools" are good because of good kids, good teachers, and good parents, not thugs with guns and knives and gang affiliations. Sigh.

    Posted by wcquantrill on 01/08/09 at 10:29AM

    You're right, the article doesn't say anything at all about honoring the thug dead...except in the TITLE, DUMBASS!

    This is just another attempt by black "leaders" and "ministers" to get attention by screaming "victim" in a crowded PC world.

    Posted by river100 on 01/08/09 at 10:30AM

    White liberal guilt and feel good vigils will not solve the violence crisis. Support your PD. Elect effective, honest leaders. Hold them accountable. Make your church leaders call for "justice" for EVERY victim of violence. You can pretend to ignore the REAL root causes of this violence, and who is responsible for the vast majority of it, or you can address the REAL issue honestly.

    Posted by MyIrishEyes on 01/08/09 at 10:44AM

    wcquantrill on 01/08/09 at 10:29AM
    You're right, the article doesn't say anything at all about honoring the thug dead...except in the TITLE, DUMBASS!

    This is just another attempt by black "leaders" and "ministers" to get attention by screaming "victim" in a crowded PC world.
    Noticed that did ya? Just proves you can read a misnomer by the reporter - because that is not what this march is about. Never was - never will be. And it also shows that you know nothing about the group. Black "leaders" and "ministers" did not form it. White and black middle class resident and business owerners DID. BTW, when you accuse others of non-civility as you are name-calling. Tsk-Tsk. An obvious lack of breeding.

    Posted by roybwilliams on 01/08/09 at 10:45AM

    I think this is a significant moment for the city. Much of New Orleans appeal is based on its culture. And, much if its culture is centered around its artist specifically the proforming arts. I am exicited to see the city take another step in its restoration process.

    Posted by housenot on 01/08/09 at 10:58AM

    Navypat: I take it you haven't spent time in the New Orleans or Jefferson Parish Schools as a volunteer and or vendor. Those facilities are horrendous. In both Orleans and Jefferson there are lots of teachers that just work to get a check. They aren't teaching. Yes, there are parents that are not doing what they should however, the children while at school need a nurturing and comfortable environment. We cannot afford to write off an entire generation or group of children because their parents are POS. Even in the private schools there are unqualified teachers. I guarantee you if you gave the LEAP test to the private school kids they would fail by the same number as the public school kids. Other parts of the state with the same POS parents have manged to correct the Public Schools. I personally know many kids whose parents were horrible but, the teachers( One being Mr. Herbert Champagne, he encouraged the best in his students in spite of what they encountered at home.) at the schools they attended cared and some of these kids grew up to be incredible members of society. Companies do not move into areas that have poor public schools. They don't care about the public schools because a majority of their workers cannot afford a private school education for their children. Are you/we going to continue to let 1% of the population ruined the quality of life for the other 99%?

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 11:02AM

    I don't think we can see an improvement in the educational system - YET. I do think the charter schools are going to be extremely helpful but we cannot really see the effect for another 5 or 6 years. Minimum! We have a population of kids not going to school, parents who, frankly, don't give a rat's a$$, and some teachers who obviously cannot teach (sorry, definitely not all). Children over the age of 3 or 4 or 5 - are probably fundamentally going to alter the bell curve - because they are already behind.
    Jobs. Well, I come from a generation where if you were not qualified to do a professional level of work, you did the lesser. And I did; worked as a clerk, waitress, hotel maid, store clerk. Then I wised up, stopped some of my hippy ways and sought to furher my career and I did well but not well enought. Then I sought a higher level of education and proficiency. So, I do believe that we can't just make jobs for people. People have to want and seek jobs and the education needed.
    Personal responsibility cannot be taught in the schools but it can be reinforced in the schools, at church, in the neighborhoods, at the grocery stores, etc. (anywhere there are human beings)
    We can't MAKE good parents. We can't MAKE good citizens. We can't MAKE good anything.
    But we can sure as hell set an example.
    I don't take pity on thugs. I don't feel sorry for a woman who does not care about herself or her body. I don't blame the police when citizens don't cooperate and I don't blame a population for the faults and actions of an individual.
    I DO blame individuals for lack of personal resposibility.
    I have a friend who would admonish me to "act as if". It helped me when I wanted to blame anyone else for my problems (the husband, the boss, the mean people). I began to look at what I was doing and acted as if I cared (about myself or another person). Things changed. Gee, I didn't drunk if I didn't hang out in bars and drink too much.... You get my drift.
    My support of Silence is Violence has NOTHING to do with police bashing or race bashing. It has everything to do with the community I live and move around in.
    If you have to work on Friday, so be it. But, I can wear red. I can show up to plant a tree on Saturday if I don't go to the funeral. I can even bring a shovel.

    Posted by housenot on 01/08/09 at 11:02AM

    Posted by MakingFire4 on 01/08/09 at 10:01AM
    most murders happen because of ARGUMENTS not drugs

    RIGHT, arguments over DRUGS.

    Posted by greenwave04 on 01/08/09 at 11:03AM

    The only good that's coming from this story is that it's a warning to any working-class stiff: THERE WILL BE A SH-T TON OF TRAFFIC FROM MID-MORNING UNTIL WELL AFTER LUNCH.

    Posted by housenot on 01/08/09 at 11:07AM

    wcquantrill: I suggest you began by holding vigilance in the crime ridden neighborhoods and you can solve the problem. If it were that simple the NOPD and every police department in the country would have eliminated crime already. Now if we did that how different would we be from say any Muslim country that hold vigilante executions? Saddam did it and Bush declared him a bad man. Some men kill their own daughters for dishonoring them. Law abiding citizens should never, ever, commit a crime in the name of justice. Then society becomes truly lawless.

    Posted by rashul10chin on 01/08/09 at 11:13AM

    It appears that the bickering and gotcha sarcasm has become quite lame today. The nastiness between a few of you is, well, just boring!

    I will try back later to see if you have sharpened your fangs or if you've just become stagnant with your putrid comeback attacks toward each other.

    Posted by 27addresses on 01/08/09 at 11:25AM

    Friday is a workday and a school day. Shouldn't children and working people be participating in this? And why not on MLK's birthday holiday? He will be beaming down upon us with his blessings for our strength in taking yet another stand against violence in NOLA. We can only hope for the best for our people.

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 11:33AM

    Excuse me 27...
    Who are OUR PEOPLE???????
    Are you trying to exclude those who would like to make this something worthwhile or are you trying to segregate our pitiful efforts?

    Posted by accinkenner on 01/08/09 at 11:39AM

    Posted by MyIrishEyes on 01/08/09 at 10:08AM
    You folks are illiterate and hae a lynch mob mentality. By that I mean that ONE person suggests something and you all respond as if it was fact. One poster at the beginning of the thread said "honor" and ALL of you jumped on that word. It appears no where in the article. It does no appear on the Silence is Violence website.

    City-wide crime rally to be held Friday; events to honor 580 killed since Katrina
    by Brendan McCarthy, The Times-Picayune
    Thursday January 08, 2009, 7:25 AM

    Since I was one of the first to speak about not "honoring" the "victims" whose lifestyle perhaps brought this on themselves, I will reply (even though someone else has). As shown with my pasting--the headline says honor. And I'm all for honoring JaShawn, and any other innocent victim (including my best friend's 20 year old son who was murdered in his driveway while coming home from work).

    BUT, to lump these to groups together-is wrong. There is no honor in the murderers, rapists, drug dealers, armed robbers who got killed.

    And to answer what I do about the problem (and the accusations that I do nothing but complain), I raised my child, several children that were fosters, I volunteer, I help with fundraising, I donate. Yes, I participate in rallies and I support useful memorials.

    If, in your eyes, the fact that I refuse to support grouping victims together with people who died because they were trying to make more victims negates everything I do then so be it.

    Posted by rangers69 on 01/08/09 at 11:44AM

    Is Jesse and Al going to be there?
    Oh, I guess not, these are mostly black on black crimes and those types of acts don't make money or give these guys much of the TV spotlight.
    Also wonder how many people will be killed at this event?

    Posted by forealla on 01/08/09 at 11:49AM

    Its the same type of people who HUD is building the MIXED income housing for..... Lets have a quick recap mixed income housing for chocolate city..............

    One thug and one thugette enter neighborhood.

    Week 1: Those two irritate all of the neighbors and throw trash everywhere.

    Week 2: Friends come over to join the realness with the thug pioneers. They stay up until 5 in the morning blasting rap profanity.

    Week 3: More friends of thugs start appearing, fights break out, things get vandalized, and houses and vehicle get burglarized.

    Week 4: Boredom of not having a job sets in. Thugs and friends start mating indiscrimately. Any good people in neighborhood move out.

    9th Month: Mass reproduction of thugs, thugettes, and hundreds of thuglets.

    Mixed income neighborhood now resembles third-world country.

    Thanks tax payers for your support!

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 11:53AM

    Posted by MyIrishEyes on 01/08/09 at 10:08AM
    You folks are illiterate and hae a lynch mob mentality. By that I mean that ONE person suggests something and you all respond as if it was fact. One poster at the beginning of the thread said "honor" and ALL of you jumped on that word. It appears no where in the article. It does no appear on the Silence is Violence website.

    This is an awareness march. This is a pressure march. This is an attempt to make Nagin and Riley move, do something, get involved. This is to shame the ministers into participation. This is us trying to save this CITY!

    Stello is the only voice of reason on this thread, because I don't believe that the rest of you live here. For those that do - COME OUT!

    And MakingFire4, I know you don't live here becasue the residency requirement for cops was lifted after Katrina. You should also CITE that article because it is obviously at least a year old. -Irish

    What's up Irish? Isn't makingfire4 a fool. I believe he was previously superstock. Probably a kkk wannabe. Ignore him. I won't honor any thugs but any innocent people, yes. We have to let Riley and RayGun know we are sick of this. But honestly what can they do? If all parents out there don't take their kids in hand... it will only get worse. I told my son when he finishes college out of town get a job OUT OF TOWN and we will follow you (if God allows where you go)

    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/08/09 at 11:54AM

    By Dr. Andrew Maris

    Fighting the urge to throw up, I can only ask, "How long?" How long before we white people realize we can't make our nation, much less the whole world, look like us? How long until we white people can -once and for all- get over this hell-conceived preoccupation with skin color? How long until we white people get over the demonic conviction that white skin makes us superior? How long before we white people get over our bitter resentments about being demoted to the status of equality with non-whites?
    How long before we get over our expectations that we should be at the head of the line merely because of our white skin? How long until we white people end our silence and call out our peers when they share the latest racist jokes in the privacy of our white-only conversations?
    I believe in free speech, but how long until we white people start making racist loudmouths as socially uncomfortable as we do flag burners? How long until we white people will stop insisting that blacks exercise personal responsibility, build strong families, educate themselves enough to edit the Harvard Law Review, and work hard enough to become President of the United States, only to threaten to assassinate them when they do?
    How long before we start "living out the true meaning" of our creeds, bot h civil and religious, that all men and women are created equal and that "red and yellow, black and white" all are precious in God's sight?

    Posted by subaruzi on 01/08/09 at 11:55AM

    I don't live in NOLA, so what do I know?
    I do not I am moving there to attend Tulane's Business school so I have been reading this site for a while now.

    It seems to me that if the people with any power in the city really wanted to cut crime they would fund the police department so that they could upgrade their systems. The crime cameras being installed but not working is an example of this. Put police out in force on every bad corner in the city. Don't give people only 5 years for hanging out of a car and shooting at other human beings.

    In my mind (once again what do I know as I live in VT) the cities problems stem from crime. NOLA needs a politician who is willing to spend the money necessary to combat the crime and get NO to a level where people feel comfortable living there. This will in turn drive tourism and tax revenues.

    Don't take a short sighted approach.

    Posted by scd1620 on 01/08/09 at 12:06PM

    Have you ever heard the expression “ If it’s broken, then why fix it”

    Posted by murdacap on 01/08/09 at 12:08PM

    I thought only the African community idolized and honored thugs. Why do they have to push their culture on the rest of us.

    Are all of these dead "souljas" from the eastbank only or does the tally extend across the chocolate city connection to the westbank?

    Posted by undefeatable on 01/08/09 at 12:10PM

    Someone wrote to another poster that she doesn't think he/she lives here because he/she SHOULD KNOW that the residency rule was lifted about a year ago...

    first, it was longer than a year ago...

    second, I love that standard...because such a standard would indicate that 99.9% of these posters don't live here. It would suggest that Silence Is Violence "leaders" (BATY Landis and KEN Foster)don't live here....because, you see, the murder rate went down in 2008. It was going down in the last 5-6 months especially....monthly rate decreases lead to yearly rate decreases...see? you see, while SIV yells that crime is worse, getting worse, etc., the facts are that crime has decreased.

    So, either there is a void of truth/morality within Silence Is Violence and Citizens for 1 Greater New Orleans, et al. or they just don't live here to know the facts....see?

    and one plus one equals two...But, as I've said before, the facts don't seem to get in the way of the agendas.

    Well said, education and nurturing opportunity are better solutions to crime. But while those efforts are more long term and are being made by "Nagoon/Nagone" (biosciences, arts, aerospace, federal city et cetera), the police are called upon to do as much as it can in the short term. Evidently, the police are doing something.

    Evidently, "Hizonner Nagoon/Nagone" and the "Cheef" are doing something....like on the days Silence Is Violence was reving up its promo campaign to strike from work or wear red or both/whatever, "Nagone's" and "Cheef's" police department was graduating 51 MORE police officers.

    Riley was publicly indicating in reports that crime was heading down...

    I guess the TRUTH is fueling the extreme RHETORIC of Silence is Violence and Citizens 1. I guess this decrease has happened even without their having their montly/weekly/daily meeting with Nagin. Somehow action has been taken without their voice so they complain that the citizens (they themselves) have been shut out of the system. geez...

    And another well said to him who said that the boy's death was the ultimate domestic violence. the Ja'Shawn Powell murder was committed by a morally empty "father"....that's not truly a police issue or criminal justice issue (perhaps another issue...perhaps child welfare/divorce courts, etc but NOT police/CJ)...). You see, when quiet towns have low murder rates, yet they still have some murders...those murders ARE the domestic abuse cases, the husband killing a wife, an argument, etc.

    And someone said that the only reason the boy's killer/father was caught was because he confessed...that statement is pure genius...wow, you see, the police didn't believe his STORY...and through investigation, he confessed......and thank God for their not believing the story and endiing the case within acouple days because the blog fools and CNN would have had the city under panic attack thinking machine guns were being used to randomly kidnap children.....I didn't see them, but I'm sure the blogs were off the "Crazy" on that friday when the amber alert was first put out (as it should have been done until further investigations)

    And there's a thing called private property...and if someone is trespassing, the owner has a right to call police to have him/her removed...once again, the police were just responding to the people it serves...in this church case, the archdiocese whose property was being trespassed upon...but go ahead, blast the police for doing their jobs as you complain that CRIME IS RAMPANT AND THEY'RE FOCUSING ON CHURCHGOERS in the rant of agenda or stupidity...

    Oh, yeah, and most murders are caused by arguments not drugs...WOW...that's a good one...maybe it's arguments over drugs (price, quality, amount) when it's not arguing about turf and power to sell the drugs....clearly when you lived in new orleans east, you were one of those who made new orleans east the place it became in the 80s and 90s. now you are in old metaire...ah, maybe you can do the same for old metairie...old metairie needs an uptick in its overall IQ...you're just the answer...

    Oh, and for those who would argue that 179 murders in 2008 is still too high and justifies the rants of the march organizers (it doesn't because they are saying that crime is on a spiral upward), Mayor "nagoon/nagone" and RIley have said for over the years that one is too many and that more work is needed even after successes......

    I think the mayor gets it. I think the mayor has always understood...sorry, truth hurts. Facts hurt...Baty, "He's just not into you."

    TRUTH...try to pursue it...try to adhere to it...at least try, sheep.

    Now go march in your Baty Landis/Ken Foster and Citizens Sheep walk...

    Posted by 27addresses on 01/08/09 at 12:10PM

    What the he(( does this mean?

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 11:33AM

    Excuse me 27...
    Who are OUR PEOPLE???????
    Are you trying to exclude those who would like to make this something worthwhile or are you trying to segregate our pitiful efforts?

    Who are "OUR PEOPLE"???????? They are homo sapiens, also known as humans. What did you think I meant? Don't bother answering, because if you didn't know "our people" meant "WE HUMAN BEINGS" you must have some kind on neurotic fear of fellow humans.

    Posted by bluesgutter on 01/08/09 at 12:12PM

    Great Post Bayou St John. You hit the nail on the head!

    Posted by ruti on 01/08/09 at 12:30PM

    MakingFire4 - I found your first post very informative and correct for the most part.

    However I am not clear on the requirement for employees of the NOPD to live or not live in the City of New Orleans. I have heard various versions of this policy, and I know there have been some changes over the years.

    Common sense tells most people to select the most compentent persons for the job, no matter where they live. And the same applies to promotion policies.

    I have heard Memphis is struggling with the same question of residency for their cops.

    Memphis is also in the running for #1 in murders, but I think we have a lock on the title.

    Posted by nolakaos13 on 01/08/09 at 12:31PM

    "They tried working with leaders, but found City Hall to be a dead end. "
    This is an issue that affects all citizens of the city. city leaders don't care because they are immune due to the lifestyles that we allow them. It is time that we brought these issues to them. I suggest that we bring the protests and rallies to them. Follow them everywhere they go for a day and tell them how you feel. Display signs outside their houses. Let them know what it is like being uncomfortable in your own home and city, then maybe they will react.

    Posted by margenhomer on 01/08/09 at 12:34PM

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. I have one of those - how do I say - "JOBS" where I need to be at "WORK" from 8-5.

    If you're going to the rally, unfortunately, you better have protection for your own safety. Sad but true!

    Posted by ruti on 01/08/09 at 12:36PM

    forealla - and with The Messiah soon to be in office, Thugs and Thugettes will soon be coming to your neighborhood!

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 12:36PM

    BayouStJohn and bluesgutter

    Join the Association.
    Those are the kinds of ideas we are working on. If you haven't read the BLOG on the website, you should. There are ideas there (and planning for them is starting), not rants.

    FOR THOSE WHO THINK THIS IS "JUST ANOTHER GROUP", this is a serious group, with education, planning experience, public relations experience, public speaking experience, and negotiation experience. It is a group of citizens taking talents and putting them to use, not a group of activists who want the limelight. We want CHANGE.

    Check it out...then tell me why you don't want to be a part of it.


    Posted by MyIrishEyes on 01/08/09 at 12:47PM

    What's up Irish? Isn't makingfire4 a fool. I believe he was previously superstock. Probably a kkk wannabe. Ignore him. I won't honor any thugs but any innocent people, yes. We have to let Riley and RayGun know we are sick of this. But honestly what can they do? If all parents out there don't take their kids in hand... it will only get worse. I told my son when he finishes college out of town get a job OUT OF TOWN and we will follow you (if God allows where you go)
    Hey fedup! Same old but really not. We are making some progress but we are so myopic we can't see it. Community policing worked. The charter schools will work. Nagin will be gone next year and Blakely with him. Hopefully we will see some progress then. My son is in CA just got his masters. He can't seem to stay there. He wants to come home. And I am not moving to CA.

    I will not give up on this city. I have generations of my family's sweat and blood in it. "Evil will prevail when good men do nothing." I plan to stay and prevail. BTW, it's good to see you posting again. Only people like your family and mine can make a difference! -Irish

    Posted by exodia on 01/08/09 at 12:59PM

    You know the sad part about all of this is that many of you on here are so short sighted and immature that logic is too far fetched for your warped and delusional minds. It's not about honoring dead criminals, it's about the large amount of senseless killings period!! We know that some of you don't care for Black people and that's your right, but don't negate the efforts of some of the caring folk who truly believe in their cause.
    And for those of you who keep talking about your little jobs, get a career. That way you won't have to work 2 and 3 jobs just to make ends meet. Because truthfully, many of you spent that so-called "public" money when Bush sent it to you in the mail. I bet neither one of you sent that money back so please stop trying to make it seem like your little lives are all together because if I pull up most of your financial records I'll make you shut up. You're only one pay check from being in the poor house..Rally on group...44

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/08/09 at 1:03PM

    Whining, racist pigs unite! And leave! Please, just leave. Quietly!

    Posted by dymon on 01/08/09 at 1:08PM

    Posted by MakingFire4 on 01/08/09 at 8:46AM
    whats next Nakita Shavers on star search??

    give out those times.im sure the thieves reading this will know whos not home...

    i cant wait to hear the "it takes a village" crap


    You hold the entire black community accountable for whats happening in the city. When the black community attempts to come together and take a stand against the violence, you criticize the effort.

    There is no pleasing you. No matter what is done it'll never be good enough for you.


    Should Nakita Shavers just accept her brothers death and move on? I commend her for attempting to make a difference in this city. Her voice should be heard, her brother's murderer went free due to witness intimidation.

    Posted by hassockgrl on 01/08/09 at 1:11PM

    women control your reproductive systems, that's the foundation of controling proverty, crime, improving quality of life, etc.......

    Posted by realityhaze5 on 01/08/09 at 1:16PM

    How do you stop the madness? Start by listening to Bill Cosby black people. Next, stop listening to Q93 (or as I call it, ebonics 101).

    Then, instead of making fun of white people or people who are smart and "nerdy," try acting just like them. Learn how to play the game in this world. It takes looking, speaking, acting, dressing, and thinking professionally.

    Stop having kids at 16 and stop naming your kids anything that ends in the letter "A" No Shamika, Timaka, Lawonda, Shewanda, ....list goes on. Can you imagine ever hearing a phrase like such "Ladies and gentleman, please give a warm welcome to the CEO of Microsoft (add any business name) Qaunmicka Smith."

    Next, stop idolizing rappers and start idolizing decent, smart, human beings. Don't allow your 6 year old to know the lyrics to every rap song. Start teaching him how to read, write, and speak English correctly.

    Another problem in the black community is that they don't separate real life to that of what they hear in the songs. White people may listen to hip hop songs but they don't emulate the rappers or the songs once they turn off the music. They don't dress like the rappers, they don't buy things the rappers talk about, they don't talk like the rappers, they don't slang, kill, or try to be "hard" like the rappers. It seems young black kids cannot separate the two. They emulate everything they hear or see.

    I realize it may be hard for young uneducated females, who themselves most likely speak ebonics, to teach their kids differently. However, a parent doesn't need to be smart to know how to make sure their kid has a chance to become smart.

    It just takes comparison and then action. You never read books? So make sure your kids reads books. You always dressed like a thug, So make sure your kids doesn't dress like you did. Your parents never stayed on your butt about school or who you hung around with? So stay on your kid's butt about both.

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/08/09 at 1:21PM


    I am crowning you "The King of Nuts" on this site. Congratulations! It certainly isn't any easy honor to accomplish. I'm glad that you are not in charge running anything of importance and I'm glad to hear that you live in Metairie, too. I feel much safer.

    Please... no "Have you ever noticed..." It's repetitive and it really sounds like something you ripped off from Rush. It's not very creative, and it makes you seem, well, not too intelligent.

    Posted by murdacap on 01/08/09 at 1:27PM

    I thought only the African community idolized and honored thugs. Why do they have to push their culture on the rest of us.

    Are all of these dead "souljas" from the eastbank only or does the tally extend across the chocolate city connection to the westbank?

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 1:28PM

    Posted by dymon on 01/08/09 at 1:08PM
    Posted by MakingFire4 on 01/08/09 at 8:46AM
    whats next Nakita Shavers on star search??

    give out those times.im sure the thieves reading this will know whos not home...

    i cant wait to hear the "it takes a village" crap


    You hold the entire black community accountable for whats happening in the city. When the black community attempts to come together and take a stand against the violence, you criticize the effort.

    There is no pleasing you. No matter what is done it'll never be good enough for you.


    Should Nakita Shavers just accept her brothers death and move on? I commend her for attempting to make a difference in this city. Her voice should be heard, her brother's murderer went free due to witness intimidation.

    That's what a racist does. Ignore him maybe he might just catch on fire.

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/08/09 at 1:32PM


    Racist poppycock! It's easy to throw stones. What did that guy, Jesus, say about throwing stones?

    Your post is stupid and offers no real understandidng or solutions. Just hateful rhetoric. Keep spewing it. It needs to be exposed.

    Posted by rashul10chin on 01/08/09 at 1:39PM

    If the rest of the country was to read these post I would be willing to say that if another tragedy was to happen here and we were to need their help, we would never get another dime or even a pennies worth of sympathy from any of them.

    This forum highlights the true sickening backwoods mentality of all of those who bicker and fight against a screen name to make a senseless point that only gets lost in the next thread.

    Fighting amongst each other to try to prove one is more racist than the other. What a sad life.

    Posted by peepdisout on 01/08/09 at 1:43PM

    I sure hope the ministers are gonna show up. We all know how they contribute SO MUCH to the cause of reducing crime. What with Jesus on their side and all, it should be a snap.

    Posted by hotchick2008 on 01/08/09 at 1:51PM

    The heading should have read, events to "MOURN" 580 killed since Katrina. That would be more logical considering the fact most of the people killed were leading corrupt lifestyles.

    And 580 minutes is way too long. They must be crazy!

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 1:59PM


    Did you see the last Hornets game? Good game. Did you like it?

    Posted by beccazer on 01/08/09 at 2:03PM

    They should do this every Friday! March every week, until things start to get accomplished. ENOUGH MURDER! Or better yet, have little mini-marches through out every neighborhood in the city regularly. Every street corner should be occupied by groups of honest citizens with video cameras. That may keep the criminals at bay, at least on the nights of the marches. Take back your streets, New Orleans! More power to ya'!

    Posted by ziggyfright on 01/08/09 at 2:03PM

    I got a pool going...who wants in?

    I bet 2 more murders result in this charade.

    Posted by ziggyfright on 01/08/09 at 2:06PM

    Posted by DMAN01 on 01/08/09 at 10:09AM
    Friday is indeed a workday for most of the people who stand on their own two feet and do not rely on public assistance. It seems to me that this should be held on a week end. Maybe the people that promoted and can attend this rally do not have jobs and that they are more of the problem then the solution in the breakdown of our society.


    You just hit the nail on the head buddy.

    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/08/09 at 2:08PM

    ziggy you frighten me! Do you have something planned? Let me know pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Posted by SonyaBlade on 01/08/09 at 2:08PM

    Sadly, this march won't do anything to quell the frequent killings in this city.

    To blame it on hip-hop is foolish. Hip-hop is a multi-billion dollar industry. Hip-hop is used in all types of advertising; it's not just for black music lovers anymore. It won't go anywhere until people stop buying it; until people stop listening to it; until it's no longer followed by mainstream Western civilizations. That's like blaming ADD and other behavior disorders on video games. I'm not defending or saying that it's not a PART of the problem because there are some highly misogynistic lyrics in a lot of the songs that just make me cringe. Yet, this is what the top music labels request because sex and drugs sell overwhelmingly more than banjoes.

    Stopping violence can happen, but someone once told me that progress is a slow process.
    It definitely has to start in the homes. Parents have go to be parents.

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 2:15PM

    beccazer --

    I'm not against marches and rallies, but they have to be supported by long-term solutions. Take a look at some of the ideas on the Ja'Shawn Powell Human Decency Association website.


    Comment on them. Add to them. Sh** say they're stupid! But give them some thought.

    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/08/09 at 2:20PM


    You're only wasting your time, do you think they really care? The ones who are racists.... You know who you are.

    Posted by MakingFire5 on 01/08/09 at 2:21PM

    your kidding right? lol

    ya can ALWAYS tell when ya get to them with the truth.. like lil babies they wine----

    what some cheese with that??

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 2:23PM

    Ya'll know where I can buy a king cake?

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 2:24PM

    ya can ALWAYS tell when ya get to them with the truth.. like lil babies they wine----

    -------------Do you give yours wine??? I thought it was spelled whine. Oh well Public schools you know.

    Posted by kelliannj on 01/08/09 at 2:30PM

    I am SO SICK OF RALLIES! They do not accomplish anything. Until someone wants to organize a rally to get rid of Riley, NOTHING will change in this City.

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 2:32PM

    I agree. However it's up to parents to step up and get serious raising their children. Riley is not the whole problem

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 2:33PM

    When do the parades start?

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 2:33PM

    jesusknowsyou --

    In vain or not, I won't give up. Besides, the website has had 61 first time visitors today. Maybe some of them from my postings? Have you been there?


    Posted by HtownCaresNO on 01/08/09 at 2:33PM

    (NOLAsRUINs) I just wanted to ask some of you fine bloggers, have you always been this ignorant or is being stupid in style in 2009?? Get a life!!!

    Posted by beccazer on 01/08/09 at 2:34PM

    tgcajun: Thanks for the link. That was interesting, but I had already read just about all of those on NOLA. I think that long term solutions may come out of the marches and rallies. If the people of the different neighborhoods across the city can ban together regularly and brainstorm along with their religious and political leaders, maybe some solutions can be found and implemented. Here's hoping!

    Posted by ziggyfright on 01/08/09 at 2:34PM


    No Buddy, got no plan, just tired of all the senselessness of the murders....

    I'll be at work with the rest of productive society.

    I would love to go and help these people get the notion across...

    But Uncle Sam doesn't give me a dime and I don't get holiday pay.

    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/08/09 at 2:37PM


    I sick of them too.


    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/08/09 at 2:39PM


    Yes. I have visited the website. Thanks for the info on the funeral. I don't think I could take seeing that little boy dead.

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 2:56PM

    jesusknows you --

    I know how you feel.

    Then come to the tree planting at Van McMurray park on Saturday. One of the Association members is with Parks and Parkways right now getting final approval on placement.

    Let it be the kickoff to better things in this city. New Life. Details on that are on the website as well. And the BLOG has a new entry every day with discussion of actions that can be taken and updates on planning and implementation.

    Posted by dyin2fish on 01/08/09 at 3:07PM

    could some body please tell me what a red drank is.

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 3:11PM

    red drank is a res soda pop or a barqs red drink any soft drink thats red like a strawberry..

    also theres a urange

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 3:14PM

    Posted by MyIrishEyes on 01/08/09 at 10:08AM
    You folks are illiterate and hae a lynch mob mentality.

    gee must be that OPPS graduate--- hae???

    i thought it was spelled --- have

    see how ignorant you are feddy-- like a 5 yr old on the schoolyard naaa naaa naaa

    you fit this perfect...

    Have you noticed an obvious trend among the leftist posters? They go from name-calling to personal attacks when reality is pointed out to them.

    They have no substantive arguments to back up their looney reasoning, so they attack and make personal slams against the rational people who are simply pointing out reality. These people are the ones who get all worked up about a handfull of Klan wannabes in St. Tammany, but want to ignore and make excuses for the ongoing shooting circus in Orleans.

    total "O"

    Posted by accinkenner on 01/08/09 at 3:14PM

    OFF TOPIC, but
    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 3:11PM
    red drank is a res soda pop or a barqs red drink any soft drink thats red like a strawberry..

    I am sooo guilty of "red drank". Mandatory order at Popeye's (yes..I LOVE Popeye's)--2 piece dark, spicey w/red beans and Strawberry drink. (My mom NEVER let us order by saying "red drank")

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 3:58PM

    I love football. What about you?

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 4:15PM

    Posted by 27address -
    Friday is a workday and a school day. Shouldn't children and working people be participating in this? And why not on MLK's birthday holiday? He will be beaming down upon us with his blessings for our strength in taking yet another stand against violence in NOLA. We can only hope for the best for our people.

    What does that sound like to you?

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 4:23PM


    remember they can NEVER be racists..

    and its was white people who taught them how to kill heard that 1?

    heres a good 1.. blackmen dont commit suicide and black women dont faint..

    if we say

    them or you people we're racists but if they say "our people" well remember they built everything and invented everything also... lol

    Posted by 27addresses on 01/08/09 at 4:36PM

    Well, stello, since you asked, let me explain:

    "Friday is a workday and a school day. Shouldn't children and working people be participating in this? And why not on MLK's birthday holiday? He will be beaming down upon us with his blessings for our strength in taking yet another stand against violence in NOLA. We can only hope for the best for our people."

    I believe this sounds as if I wish the events were more inclusive so that everyone could participate. Having this on a holiday makes more sense because of its significance. As I stated before, "our people" is every creature that is a sentient being: homo sapiens sapiens. That means you, your neighbor, your kids, and me, too.

    Get it now?

    Posted by 27addresses on 01/08/09 at 4:38PM

    CHUPIQUE2--what's wrong with you? Yes, you do sound racist with your babbling.

    Posted by peepdisout on 01/08/09 at 4:46PM

    Uh...how bout the march goes through central city and stops at each of the crack houses that are very very very well known...aint no mystery where they are. you wanna do something...stop praying and planting trees and moaning bout how the city dont do nothing for you and get up off your ass and be brave....confront these bastards....shine a glaring spotlight on them....DO SOMETHING THAT MIGHT HAVE RESULTS. Yum Sain?

    Posted by wehmacheck on 01/08/09 at 4:48PM

    There is NO black way, and NO white way..there is ONLY the RIGHT way!!!

    Posted by twolonglegs on 01/08/09 at 4:49PM

    MLK day is not a holiday for some of us.
    I don't like that option either.
    And yes 27addresses, that did sound racist "OUR PEOPLE".
    All of us should be in this together.

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/08/09 at 4:50PM


    Quoteing MakingFire? If that's the best you can do, you're in big trouble. Arguments that start with "have you ever noticed an obvious trend" are never from the sharpest tools in the box.

    Your faux eubonics may go over big with your redneck friends, but here...here where you have a chance to show a little class or intelligence or insight, you opt to roll around in the gutter.

    Posted by tgcajun on 01/08/09 at 4:52PM


    Working on the results. Working very hard on it as a matter of fact. Obviously you haven't read the blog posts on the website, or fully read any of the other posts I've put on this site.

    I'm up off my azz. I'm trying to move REAL SOLUTIONS forward. The tree planting and memorial are the start -- a kickoff. (If anyone is a project manager you'll recognize the first part of a project plan?)

    If you join on the website (no fees, no dues, no giving your email out, no affiliations), I can at least let you know when the next step is taken. If you don't let me know who wants to know...well...you'll just have to hold your breath.


    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/08/09 at 4:56PM

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/08/09 at 4:50PM

    Quoteing MakingFire? If that's the best you can do, you're in big trouble. Arguments that start with "have you ever noticed an obvious trend" are never from the sharpest tools in the box.

    Your faux eubonics may go over big with your redneck friends, but here...here where you have a chance to show a little class or intelligence or insight, you opt to roll around in the gutter
    That would be hard for him to do when his brain is as small as a green pea. He's kind of bitter since his woman left him for a black man. You gotta have a little (just a little) compassion. You also called him the wrong name. His real name is makingFARTS. That's why everything comes out his mouth is foul. He can't help it. My advice. Ignore.

    Posted by peepdisout on 01/08/09 at 5:07PM


    I went to your web site and commend you for what you are doing and will join you at the event. I in no way meant to criticize this effort...this child was killed by scum and anything we can do to lift our people (I don't mean black people...I am white and want all of us lifted) is time well spent.

    My beef is that there are a lot or murders and other crime in this city related to thugs selling drugs and playing ghetto. The response I see mostly here is "pray to jesus", "police are the problem", "ain't that sad", "raise your children better", "all blacks are thugs" ,etc. I'm sick of people fanning themselves and sitting on their ass while my city is sinking from all the crime. Marches and ministers are NEVER EVER going to have an impact. Lots of citizens holding hands and standing in front of these crackhouses annd confronting these bastards will have an effect. Maybe we could try it out on a few and see what happens

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 5:18PM

    wow i haven heard the one about my wife leaving me for a blackman in ages.. lol always silly kindergaden things.. naaaa naaaa naaaa naaa.. lol

    bitter? have you read what you posted? sounds pretty bitter to me..

    keep trying (haw haw haw haw)

    Posted by dynomoose on 01/08/09 at 5:21PM

    Posted by midcity42 on 01/08/09 at 8:15AM

    "Friday is a workday. Who can make it?"
    Criminals. LOL

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 5:34PM


    the jena 6 thing was a work day... how many showed up for that?


    and whats the latests on those darling lil chilrens they defended??

    quality brah quality....

    and how they all cleaned up the town after they waddled around tossing chicken boxs and empty raid draink containers all over..


    yo brah i takes the job but i gots to have fradays off to DJ at da club..

    and on monday i cants come in cause i bes tired from all the stuff over the week end.

    on tuesday i got to see my probation officer..

    wed i gots to take my babay mama to social services..

    on thursday i can come in, unless i calls in sick ,then i'll have my baby mama comes and pick up my check..


    Posted by GranadaDrive on 01/08/09 at 6:17PM

    The march will start at City Hall and end at the new CJ Peete Housing complex


    Posted by GranadaDrive on 01/08/09 at 6:18PM

    Silence is Violence

    So is gangsta Rap

    Posted by NOLABubba on 01/08/09 at 6:20PM

    Primitive people used to have rain dances, rattle bones, or wave a dead chicken around.

    Now they have rallies, marches, and tree plantings.

    As far as can be determined, not much good has ever come about because of all this hocus-pocus.

    Much ado, with NOTHING accomplished, except in this case where some money changes hands.

    Will there be a medicine man at the rally?

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 6:39PM

    Primitive people used to have rain dances, rattle bones, or wave a dead chicken around.

    thats called a MOJO bag.. you have a voodoo priestess bless your sacred bones,rocks,stuff then you put them in a bag.. you carry that bag and use it like.. you see your woman with another man.. out comes the bag. as you finger the bag you cast a evil spell on him.. "warning" never ever let anyone see your bag..

    i seen you kissing willie out by the fence

    i heard you telling willie i aint got no sense

    they way you been acting is such a drag

    you got me inna trick bag

    earl king

    Posted by housenot on 01/08/09 at 7:00PM

    stello: No need to apologize. I'm not a teacher. Just volunteer for everything related to improving education. However, by volunteering I have a positive affect on some kids. Saying that the schools can't be fixed is defeatist. We should never give up on children ever.

    Posted by BUTTERCUP2 on 01/08/09 at 7:28PM

    Richard Pennington, where are youuuuu????? Please come fly back and rescue us with your super powers and turn the city of New Orleans around. Drop the crime statistics back down to record low numbers like you did before. PLEASEEEEE !!!!

    Posted by mojofearless on 01/08/09 at 8:12PM

    Ok. First of all, not everyone who can go to the rally on Friday is unemployed and living off your tax dollars. I work my butt off for four different companies (including my husband's), but I have more flexibility than most people could ever dream of having. I'm blessed in that.
    That being said, I think the most important things these events can accomplish are to bring the community together, to empower individuals and to find common ground. We all want the violence to stop. Are we personally able to change the evil in some men's hearts? Of course not. But we all want a safer city.
    Here's how that starts, on a practical level: House by house, block by block. Porch lights. Cleaning up the litter in your yard, on your street. Knocking on your neighbors' doors and introducing yourself. Calling the police when you hear gunfire. Reporting crime.
    I once moved onto a block that, unbeknownst to me when signing the lease, was plagued by two crackhouses and a posse of hookers. It was a fantastic house, but in a not so good neighborhood.
    I ran the hookers off by waving to them one morning, saying hello when they passed the next day, offering them coffee the day after that, and handing them a number to an escort agency where they could make significantly more money in a much safer fashion on the fourth day, citing my concern for their safety as the reason. I never saw them again after that. Guess they made the career move.
    The crackhouses took a little more work. One was sold to a woman who restored it beautifully. The other one I had to spy on for a while, walking my dog as a ruse. Figured out when they were sleeping, which wasn't often. Then one day I quietly took a giant piece of corrugated plastic with CRACKHOUSE written on it in magic marker. Zip tied it to their fence nice and tight. They shut operations down that afternoon. And I just kept walking my dog.
    The property values in that neighorhood are sky-high now, and it looks absolutely wonderful. People clamor for the properties there, and houses are being restored left and right. Just something to think about.

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 8:17PM

    buttercup heres pennington today--

    -- http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/atlanta/stories/2008/10/12/atlanta_police_academy.html -- just what we need

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/08/09 at 8:26PM

    Did everyone get their king cakes yet?

    Posted by Navypat on 01/08/09 at 8:32PM


    I realize that there are good and bad teachers but it's hard to expect ANY teachers to work or live in an area where your life or your familys life is in danger. How do you "attract" a good teacher to an area like that? Violent crimes have such a bad domino effect. Sigh.

    Posted by BUTTERCUP2 on 01/08/09 at 8:34PM

    CHUPIQUE2--- I suppose all African-American people must look the same to you because that was NOT a picture of Pennington, that article made NO mention of Pennington, and WHEN Pennington was here, not only did the crime rate drop drastically, the blatant corruption also declined. I've lived here all of my life. I don't care if the person who's able to clean this
    crime-ridden thug-laden city up is black or white. I also don't care if the use "new techniques" or go strictly "old-school" on criminals, I just want it to stop.

    Posted by 27addresses on 01/08/09 at 8:48PM

    mojofearless-- meet your soul sista. I did pretty much the same thing, but without a dog. I'd go out on the porch and ask the loiterers if I could help them find something--did they need directions? help with a car that decided to quit, etc. When they moved to the corner, I'd stand on my sidewalk, observing how long they'd stand there. I believe I spooked them with my gris gris eyes. It only took about a month to clean up the block.

    The key is to harass the police. Call in every incident that is suspicious. Learn the names of the quality-of-life officers and the names of the vice and narcotics units in your district. I have been bold enough to go up to people to say "I don't want loiterers on this block. I do call the police, just so you know!"

    Shouldn't we all be so diligent???????????

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/08/09 at 9:02PM


    You got you mojo workin'. I see where you get your name. Wow! You did it on the cheap, too! I wonder what the NOPD budget is? Amazing!


    Your wasting your time trying to communicate with MakingFire/Chupique2. He's hardcore and only here to denegrate.

    Posted by stello on 01/08/09 at 9:23PM

    See y'all at the park on Saturday.

    Housenot - I am glad you have this to offer and many would not be bothered to do so. My post was to provide a little realism and caution others NOT to expect the immediate results I know people WANT to see. Additionally, the children just starting will need several years to track progress.

    27 - I think you misspoke, and shame on you.

    Lastly, for you folks who are sniggering and scoffing, why detract from a handful of folks trying to initiate change in a way that is intended to increase awareness and action on an individual level - while providing some support to those efforts? This should not be viewed as a threat to our citizens.

    Posted by CHUPIQUE2 on 01/08/09 at 9:23PM

    Posted by medicman65 on 11/28/08 at 4:51AM
    Oh and by the way, Pennington's crime rate was artificially lowered by Morial ordering him to report crimes differently. People who died more than 24 hours after being shot ar stabbed or whatever we not to be listed as a murder, but rather as death from medical complications. Trust me, I speak as a first-hand eyewitness; there were no fewer violent crimes during the Morial/Pennington administration.

    Posted by chalkface on 01/08/09 at 9:24PM

    we need to transfer some of oaklands
    police to the 504

    Posted by chalkface on 01/08/09 at 9:26PM

    Buy the way
    Pennington was a wife beater.

    Riley is a undereducated moron.

    and Nagin is an Arrogant crook,that one day
    will end up in jail.

    Posted by BUTTERCUP2 on 01/08/09 at 9:35PM

    That's about right... you ASSumed that I was an African-American. I'm caucasian- that means white for you, CHIPIQUE2. As I stated before, I don't care HOW the city is cleaned up, I just want it like it was back in the days when, yes-I said it and I meant it-PENNINGTON was Chief. I don't know what strategies, techniques, or other methods the man used to control crime in New Orleans, but I do know that he controlled and brought the crime rate down... better than anyone else I can recallin recent history. You seem to have a problem with the fact that he's African-American more than anything. Get an education and get a life. This is NOT your forum, Cheesyque2

    Posted by housenot on 01/08/09 at 9:48PM

    stello: Your last paragraph is spot on. Most folks in the New Orleans area would rather sit back and whine as opposed to doing something about the real problems in this community. They would prefer to complain that the Police Chief is a problem, the Mayor is a problem, the Sanitation Director is the problem. They'd rather complain about the government not taking care of the issues. No different from the people they like to disparage. All issues are the communities issues and not a subset of the community. If you want safer streets do something to impact change, if you want better schools do something to impact change. Most companies know that whomever the Mayor is it's temporary but, the attitude of the community has more of a lasting effect. In the case of New Orleans area the rest of the country see it as a bigot filled illiterate lot that's incapable of moving into the 21st century. Unfortunately, being born and raised in the area I tend to agree with that assessment.

    Posted by angeldiamond on 01/08/09 at 11:02PM

    I read with interest most of the comments on
    this site, Marches have been around for awhile.
    Marching will not solve crimes in the city or
    evoke changes in peoples attitudes or mindsets.
    Really all a march can do is draw attention to
    a problem that exists. It will not change the
    crimes being committed, nor will it alone,bring
    down New Orleans murder rate.
    It will, however perhaps shake some people
    out of their lethargic lifestyle and make them
    aware of the danger in ignoring a ticking timebomb.

    Posted by Nola98 on 01/08/09 at 11:07PM

    How many people will be murdered at the rally?

    Posted by spmf on 01/08/09 at 11:30PM

    I applaud those who are trying to make a change in New Orleans. To lead it out of the past into a modern American city. Let's get out there and make a change. The defeatist attitude of so many on here is difficult to take, but it takes a small number of individuals who want to make change to get the ball rolling. Violent crime was supposedly down 15% (certainly that's controversial) so let's applaud that but still realize that we have a mountain to climb.

    Posted by archer55700 on 01/09/09 at 12:41AM

    You want to reduce crime??

    Bring back public executions.

    The criminal justice system is a joke to young criminals and they have no fear.

    It's time to put the fear back into our children.

    Posted by archer55700 on 01/09/09 at 12:43AM

    "Also wonder how many people will be killed at this event?"

    Damn Ranger....that's dark man.

    Posted by archer55700 on 01/09/09 at 12:57AM


    I'm sorry, but you aren't going to last one semester here. You might want to pick another school.

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/09/09 at 5:55AM

    Posted by BUTTERCUP2 on 01/08/09 at 9:35PM
    That's about right... you ASSumed that I was an African-American. I'm caucasian- that means white for you, CHIPIQUE2. As I stated before, I don't care HOW the city is cleaned up, I just want it like it was back in the days when, yes-I said it and I meant it-PENNINGTON was Chief. I don't know what strategies, techniques, or other methods the man used to control crime in New Orleans, but I do know that he controlled and brought the crime rate down... better than anyone else I can recallin recent history. You seem to have a problem with the fact that he's African-American more than anything. Get an education and get a life. This is NOT your forum, Cheesyque2

    Cheesyque2 is makingFARTS! LOL

    (same poster)

    Posted by jesusknowsyu on 01/09/09 at 5:57AM

    Posted by Nola98 on 01/08/09 at 11:07PM
    How many people will be murdered at the rally?

    By Dr. Andrew Maris

    Fighting the urge to throw up, I can only ask, "How long?" How long before we white people realize we can't make our nation, much less the whole world, look like us? How long until we white people can -once and for all- get over this hell-conceived preoccupation with skin color? How long until we white people get over the demonic conviction that white skin makes us superior? How long before we white people get over our bitter resentments about being demoted to the status of equality with non-whites?
    How long before we get over our expectations that we should be at the head of the line merely because of our white skin? How long until we white people end our silence and call out our peers when they share the latest racist jokes in the privacy of our white-only conversations?

    I believe in free speech, but how long until we white people start making racist loudmouths as socially uncomfortable as we do flag burners? How long until we white people will stop insisting that blacks exercise personal responsibility, build strong families, educate themselves enough to edit the Harvard Law Review, and work hard enough to become President of the United States, only to threaten to assassinate them when they do?
    How long before we start "living out the true meaning" of our creeds, both civil and religious, that all men and women are created equal and that "red and yellow, black and white" all are precious in God's sight?

    Posted by b0bab0ey on 01/09/09 at 8:10AM

    Many of these "580 killed since Katrina" that are going to be "honored" on Friday were drug dealers, rapists, murderers and other violent criminals themselves. Only in New Orleans do we "honor" such people. Yes, a small percentage were truly innocent victims. Why haven't the organizers done a little research and only "honor" those who were the innocent victims???

    Posted by redeemer on 01/09/09 at 8:34AM


    Where as you may have a point regarding some of your stats about blacks and crime, you also must consider that it is the criminal behavior of white corporate executives and wall st. business men that have largely contributed to the ruin this nation finds itself in today.
    It is arguable which is more destructive to the nation overall... A boy in the hood, who robs liquor stores or Jimmy and Bob who have stolen billions from both you and I and literally food out of our kids mouths through tax redistribution.

    Posted by exlaxcity on 01/09/09 at 8:38AM

    Hopefully there will be an increased presence of officers patrolling our neighborhoods while this murder march is taking place and it would be nice to have the National Guard watching over the crowds as well for added protection.

    Only in New Orleans do we have a parade for murdered thugs.

    Posted by Juanny10 on 01/09/09 at 10:17AM

    I am so tired of people blaming Riley for crime. The man is doing the best with what he has gotten. Ok I can admit the NOPD has character issues, but New Orleans is the job pool for officers. Who wants to come from anywhere else to work here? If you think you can do a better job of stopping crime join the NOPD. New Orleans and Louisiana has culture problems that stems from lack of education and opportunity. Remember the DA still has to prosecute the criminals and keep them in jail. The state has to pay to keep them housed so they aren't out killing. So please stop blaming the politicians. The military was here and the killings still didn't stop. Crime is just something we will always have to deal with as long as there are those out there who choose to live that life.

    Posted by LaNative on 01/09/09 at 11:54AM

    I agree that not all killed were innoncent but let's not concentrate on those. If this helps the grieving family of one innoncent family member, then it is worth it. Also, for the police officers who daily put their lives in harms way to protect the citizens of New Orelans, its visitors and tourists, lets celebrate them and somehow hope that today's activities will help strengthen them. I'm sure many of them are discouraged with the situation but make every attempt to be just in their dealings and choosing to saves lives rather than destroy them.

    Posted by fedupinno1 on 01/09/09 at 12:32PM

    Posted by Juanny10 on 01/09/09 at 10:17AM
    I am so tired of people blaming Riley for crime. The man is doing the best with what he has gotten. Ok I can admit the NOPD has character issues, but New Orleans is the job pool for officers. Who wants to come from anywhere else to work here? If you think you can do a better job of stopping crime join the NOPD. New Orleans and Louisiana has culture problems that stems from lack of education and opportunity. Remember the DA still has to prosecute the criminals and keep them in jail. The state has to pay to keep them housed so they aren't out killing. So please stop blaming the politicians. The military was here and the killings still didn't stop. Crime is just something we will always have to deal with as long as there are those out there who choose to live that life.

    I agree. Parents step up and take care of your children. Be a parent that's the only thing that will help.

    Posted by tathibo222 on 01/09/09 at 2:30PM

    Something needs to be done!

    Posted by southernway on 01/09/09 at 2:43PM

    Please spare us the malarkey that white people are prejudiced against blacks because of "skin color". When prejudice does exist it's generally due to unacceptable behavior, not skin color. That's right...some behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society and people are fed up with it in New Orleans. Also please spare us any attempt to exculpate the criminal class by pointing out Senator Vitter is a hypocrite, the Mandeville mayor's a drunk etc. Violent street crime is the issue.
    It's ebonics, not eubonics and the contraction for "you are" is you're, not your.

    Posted by housenot on 01/09/09 at 2:50PM

    southernway: You are not living in reality.I guess when I show up in a restaurant after work in a suit, bald head, bald face and the staff call the police to report a possible robbery the only conclusion is that my skin color told the folks that the guy that drove up in the Mercedes in an Armani suit with a reservation wants to rob them. True story.

    Posted by southernway on 01/09/09 at 3:18PM

    It's really, really hard to believe that a well dressed black man walking into any reputable restaurant would be suspected of being a criminal simply for showing up. Is there more to this story or was this 50 years ago?

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/09/09 at 4:03PM


    Thanks for the heads-up on ebonics. I usually spell check. I did write "you're" and not your, though.

    Posted by NolaNowTexas on 01/09/09 at 4:57PM

    I'm a former resident of the Metro New Orleans area and lived in and around the city from 1961 til 2003 when my job transferred me to Houston. I still come home from time to time and keep up with what's going on, using this T-P website as part of my daily reading.

    I was a police officer with NOPD from 1976 to 1987 (Reserves and Regular) and then was a federal agent there from 1987 to 2003. So I think I speak with some matter of experience.

    First off, let's get rid of the bromides that every politician fills the airwaves and the newspaper with.

    Then let's put aside all of the racial-sounding bromides that get used and the examples that I've seen in this posting. I'm sure some were meant to entertain, some were meant to blow off steam by using humor, others were meant for what they are, and that is how they feel.

    The problems that are facing the city are the same ones that have faced the city for many, many years. Education, the economy, crime, corrupt politicians, low taxes, low police pay, low teacher pay, single parent homes, ad infinita.

    First off, the Superintendent of Police is an appointee of the mayor. The Superintendent, in short, is a politician who comes with his own set of knee pads to kiss the mayor's shoes, if not some other part of the anatomy. The Superintendent 'serves at the pleasure of the mayor'. Translation: So long as the Superintendent does not do anything to embarass the mayor, or the administration, he can stay.

    But what happens when the Mayor can embarass the city all by himself? Mayor Nagin certainly manages to do that all by himself. And in ways that still amazes me that he was re-elected.

    Sometimes the mayor allows the Superintendent to appoint the Deputy Superintendent and the Deputy Chiefs. Other times, the mayor appoints those he wants in those positions. This makes the Police Department as political as the rest of the city. The problem with the administration of the department is that we have 'managers'. Managers who hide under the desks while somebody else goes out and talks to the press (this is why there's a Public Affairs Officer) to explain the latest police shooting, the latest blunder by the department, etc.

    What is lacking here is LEADERSHIP. And leadership is not something that lives within a position or in a particular job. Leadership begins by taking a stand. Like the ancient Scotsman, William Wallace, who took his sword and drew a line in the dirt and told the English king that this was his land and he wasn't taking a step back. And he didn't.

    I read, sometime ago, a copy of a review done by a company who reviewed the police department from top to bottom and this was done either in 2006 or 2007. And, like very review, it came with a list of recommendations. And you know what? The recommendations that this company made were pretty much the same ones that were made in the 1970's and the 1980's. Yes, it makes great comfort to know the police department was interested in having itself looked at by an outside company.

    More bromides from the Police Department.

    There are some of you who wished Richard Pennington was back as the Superintendent. Well, I still had a lot of contact with cops that I used to work with when I was on the department. The one who really got things going was Ronald Serpas, who was Deputy Superintendent at the time. And there was, yes boys and girls, another company that came in and made recommendations that the department began to act on, for instance COMSTAT. Pennington didn't have anything to do with it. Most of the time, he was in his office with the door closed. It was Serpas who got things moving, along with the assistance of district and unit commanders.

    Community policing. The 'broken window' type of police work. And guess what? Some of the criminal activity did go down.

    But, and god how I hate that word but it does apply, there was a down side.

    Some of the district commanders were changing the signal codes on the reports to reflect that the more serious crimes had gone down. Attempted murders were reduced to Aggravated Battery. Aggravated Battery was reduced to a Simple Assault and Simple Battery. And so on. Why? So there district looked better than the others and the department looked better in the newspaper and the evening news.

    Remember the case where a lot of First District cops got fired for that? And guess where the buck never went? That's right, boys and girls, 730 S. Broad Street (that's the address of Police Headquarters).

    And to the quality of Police Officers that are coming on board. When I applied, they literally investigated everything I did from the time I came to New Orleans in 1961. I listed every address I ever lived at, every school I went to, every job I held. But then, the department was serious about having good people on board back then.

    There was always a 'shortage' of police officers on the job. Always has been. Always will be. Pay and benefits were two of the biggest reasons why folks left. But it wasn't just that. A lot of the times, it was the idea that the department, at that time, was a ship that had no rudder. There was no leadership back then as there is none now.

    I had a lieutenant that asked me one time why I came on the job. The answer I got was that it was something I was always interested in and enjoyed it. She said exactly. I came on this job because I wanted to come on this job. I knew all about the pay, the benefits (what they were at the time and it wasn't much) but that I still wanted to do the job.

    Folks, there are people that would love to come on this job. But until the pay situation improves, this city will NEVER compete with Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, or any other large city. Period. That's just how it is.

    And what are you left with? Figure it out.

    Enough for now. I'll write more when I have time.

    Posted by tinag on 01/09/09 at 6:04PM

    What a bunch of idiots these posters are. Especially love the guy who is typing away that he can't go because he has a J-O-B. Looks like a really rough job, as that was written at 11:30 today. Those of us with REAL jobs don't have a minute during the day to be reading nola.com, much less bitting and moaning about someone trying to do something for our city.

    Why do the lot of you give a crap what this group of people wants to do with their time? Especially when all you do is sit on your azzzes all day reading blogs.

    What a bunch of lame mofos.

    Posted by STOP09 on 01/09/09 at 6:13PM


    Posted by nismo0315 on 01/09/09 at 6:51PM

    These stupid rallies never amount to anything. Go home and teach your boys to be men, stop blaming whitie, the government, poverty, bla, bla, bla!

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/09/09 at 7:09PM


    Rallying is how this great country of ours got started. Stop blaming the people who are actually trying to do something. Try doing something yourself. Yes, that is a challenge!

    Posted by housenot on 01/09/09 at 7:11PM

    NOLAsRUINS" What blackk person do you know personally that has, std's etc,etc? You read stats based on a very small pool of people in a very small geographic area and believe it's the correct data. If you came to my neighborhood and interviewed every black person you would find zero, nada, zilch of the purported stats you rant about. However, if you go to a family planning clinic and talk to 3 black people you will have a 100% disease rate. Stats aren't scientific they are random samplings to get the results that the sampler wants. So if I go out to do a poll on the number of white people living in trailer parks I will not go to 5th Avenue in New York for my sampling. I'll just go to Westwego, La. to get the results I desire. I can go to any white catholic high school in New Orleans and ask 3 girls are they virgins and each would say yes they are. However, if I rephrase and ask them are virgins both anally and vaginally they will say no I'm not. But, uninformed idiots like you can begin to know how to decipher the smoke and mirrors.

    Posted by nismo0315 on 01/09/09 at 7:19PM


    Rallying is when this county got taken over by the north then went south. I not only try but I do something challenging everyday. Work, make a great living, raise my kids to do the same and pay for all the weak in our community that are too stupid to stay alive thereselves.

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/09/09 at 7:31PM


    You sound like a model citizen. Keep up the good work. Other's might think you're a little racists'. Not me, though!

    Posted by matzohball on 01/09/09 at 8:40PM

    All these tree huggers need to get a life and stop with the vigilating.......

    Posted by aircheck on 01/09/09 at 9:04PM

    According to WWl TV - NOPD DID NOT send any one to rep. NOPD. Riley is an insensitive incompetent prick.

    Posted by 27addresses on 01/09/09 at 9:10PM

    I stand by what I have said. OUR PEOPLE, the people of New Orleans, should have been out today by the thousands. It is a dammmmm shame that the crowds were so pitifully small. OUR PEOPLE need to do some thing about the carnage in OUR CITY.

    OUR NEIGHBORHOODS need to be taken back by responsible homeowners and renters who abide by the LAW and ASSIST the police in enforcing the law so that OUR PEOPLE can feel safe in OUR CITY.

    Posted by ranger71 on 01/09/09 at 9:56PM

    Seems like 48 rounds were fired at Mr. Grimes.

    Posted by Bubbafone on 01/09/09 at 10:01PM


    What are you saying?

    Posted by dninc on 01/09/09 at 11:15PM

    Thanks to the Organizers of this Rally..

    Thats right take your city back, im glad this didn't stop at one march, Keep on Marching in this historic March, New Orleanians are getting tired and people all over that would like to Come to New Orleans and experience it would like it to stop too.