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Databases/Information Systems

Information Resources
Land and Water Themes
On-line Documents
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O n - l i n e   D a t a b a s e s

AQUASTAT - Global Information System of Water and Agriculture

Commercially available organic fertilizers and water retaining products

Education and Training Courses in Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control

Fertilizer Supply and Demand Outlook

IES - Irrigation Equipment Supply

IPNIS -Integrated Plant Nutrition Information System

Land Suitability Maps for Rainfed Cropping

Metadata listings for geo-referenced databases on crop-production and land-use statistics

ProSoil - Problem Soils

TERRASTATLand resource potential and constraints statistics

WOCAT - Database suite

World Rivers and their Sedimentation Yields


S p e c i a l    T o p i c     S i t e s

ACT- African Conservation Tillage Network

AEZ - Agro-Ecological Zoning System

CLIMWAT - Climatic Database to be used with CROPWAT

CROPWAT - Program for Irrigation Planning and Management

Directory of Long-Term Agronomic Experiments

Digital Soil Map of the World

Gateway to National Information on Land, Water and Plant Nutrition

ECOCROP I - Crop Information Database (Enviromental Adaptability Info)

ECOCROP II - Crop Information Database  (Environmental Response Info)

FCC3 - Fertility Capability Classification System

GAEZ - Global Agro-ecological Zoning

Land Degradation Assessment for Drylands (LADA)

Land-water Linkages in Rural Watersheds

MCDA - Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Participatory Training and Extension in Farmers’ Water Management

SDBM - Multi-Lingual Soil Database

Soil Carbon Sequestration


WORLD-SOTER - Global Soil and Terrain Database

WOCAT - World Overview on Conservation Approaches and Technologies

World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) 

R e l a t e d     S i t e s

Land and Water Digital Media Series

Land and Water Resources Information System - Related Documents

Land and Water Training Resources

FAOLEX - Database on legislation on food and agriculture


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