Oxfam America

2008 China Earthquake

The earthquake that rocked southwestern China on May 12 killed nearly 70,000 people and injured more than 350,000. It destroyed more that 400,000 homes and schools and forced 15 million people to evacuate their homes. Oxfam responded quickly with emergency distributions of food, water, shelter materials, medicine, and sanitation equipment; now we are helping communities build back in ways that will reduce their risks in the event of a future quake.

What Oxfam is Doing

Oxfam and its partners rushed emergency aid to the survivors of the May 12 earthquake, and is helping communities begin the long process of rebuilding. more »

What You Can Do

  • Donate now to the China Earthquake Relief and Recovery Fund. Help the affected people of the Sichuan region meet their basic needs.
  • Host an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet® event: It's a powerful way to engage your school, community, faith congregation or business around humanitarian issues. Register today!
  • More ideas for action: Get resources and information to help you do more to make a difference in times of humanitarian crises.

Feature Stories

After the China Quake: Rebuilding Schools, Reducing Risks
By providing temporary, earthquake-resistant schools, Oxfam will help restore education and a sense of normalcy to the lives of children in the quake-stricken area.
A Home of Red-White-Blue
A Home of Red-White-Blue
A woven plastic fabric is serving as shelter material for people in Xiushui. But when the monsoon rains arrive, the red-white-blue, as it's called, won't be able to stand up to the elements.