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The Search will automatically look for words with similar roots. For example, if you search for "water" you will also get results showing pages containing "watered," "watering," "waterings," "waterer," and "waters."

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1) In the Match window, choose whether to search for web pages containing All the words, Any of the words, or some Boolean combination of words.

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Match Any Words to find web pages that include any of the words typed in a search. (This search mode is similar to using the Boolean "or" expression.)

A Boolean Expression is used to describe exactly what you are searching for using the terms "and" and "or" along with parenthesis to group specific words together. Examples of Boolean expressions that relate to water are shown below:

water and river
water or river
(water or river) and channel

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3) In the Format window, choose Long or Short responses. Below are examples of the entries returned by each format:


Ohio Restoration Projects 2001 Natural Channel Design Conference River Resource Links  News Information Exchange About This Project SITE SEARCH Organizations; Data | Design | Tools | Models | Educational Materials ... resources.html 01/15/02, 11262 bytes



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