NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20031130

Preventing Injuries: Analysis of Injuries Highlights High-Priority Hazards Associated with Underground Coal Mining Equipment


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In 2004, there were 646 underground coal mines in the USA employing 37,445 miners. These mines reported 3556 injuries to MSHA that year - 17% were associated with bolting machines (593 injuries), 8% with continuous miners (283 injuries), and 4% each with Scoop/LHD (151 injuries), shuttle cars (134 injuries), and personnel transport (145 injuries). The use of the frequency of reported injuries for the prioritization of risk control strategies has limitations because of the tendency to underestimate the importance of relatively rare but high-consequence events. Injury reports also underestimate the contribution of risk factors such as whole body vibration, which have a long-term cumulative contribution to an elevated risk of injury. However, taking these limitations into consideration, the results of the injury narrative analysis suggests the following hazards as the highest priority for elimination or control: rock falling from unsupported roof; inadvertent or incorrect operation of bolting controls; handling continous miner cable; collisions while driving LHD/Scoop, shuttle cars, and personnel transport; and rough road while driving or traveling in LHD/Scoop, SC & PT.

Author(s):Burgess-Limerick-R, Steiner-LJ
Reference:Am Longwall Mag 2006 Aug :19-20

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division