Oxfam America

Cholera Crisis in Zimbabwe

Ravaged by hyperinflation and widespread food shortages, Zimbabwe is now in the grip of a cholera epidemic that is threatening the health of 300,000 people already weakened by hunger. Oxfam has been responding to the growing crisis since October.


More than 300,000 people are in grave danger from a cholera epidemic that is now sweeping Zimbabwe, where hyperinflation, food shortages, and massive unemployment have left families hungry, weak, and highly vulnerable to infection. more »

What Oxfam is Doing

In collaboration with the World Food Program, Oxfam is responding to the humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe on two fronts—by distributing food and scaling up its response to the cholera outbreak. more »

What You Can Do

Real Lives

In grip of Cholera, Zimbabwe marshalls messengers to spread the word on hygiene
In grip of Cholera, Zimbabwe marshalls messengers to spread the word on hygiene
In the current outbreak, Zimbabwe has seen more than 33,000 suspected cases of cholera.
Zimbabwe: Hopes for a Better 2009
Zimbabwe: Hopes for a Better 2009
Hyperinflation and a cholera outbreak add to the misery of widespread food shortages now gripping Zimbabwe.
Cholera in Harare
Cholera in Harare
A slideshow of images from the suburbs of the nation's capital city.

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