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Internet Site Review

Please note that this section is an archive (last updated in June 2006). [disclaimer]

Sections:   Overview | Instrument Reviews | Construct Overviews | Book Compendium Reviews | Internet Site Reviews

Pro-ED, Inc.



Pro-ED, Inc. is a company that publishes and sells tests and curricular material within the areas of psychology, special education, early intervention and linguistics.

Types of Information or Instruments:

The majority of the tests are learning-related, dealing with subjects such as intelligence, learning disorders, and cognitive abilities, but some health-related scales are available. Each test has a description, including whom the test is appropriate for, number of items, time to answer the items and perhaps a picture of the included materials.

Quantity of Instruments:

This company sells about 180 different test packages that range in price from $8 to $424.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

The descriptions are basically sales ads, and as such, no attention is given to specifying what the scales do not measure or circumstances in which they should not be used. The customer is left to himself to decide this aspect.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

Limited psychometric information is available. When terms like "good reliability and validity" are mentioned, it is rarely supported by number values. One must purchase the manuals in order to obtain detailed psychometric information.

Scale accessibility:

Actual test items are not shown or given. Brief descriptions are provided, which are intended to sell the product.

Site provides actual scale items:

The site does not provide actual scale items. Instruments are for purchase only.

User-friendly navigation:

The site is easy to navigate.

Other types of Information:

The site provides external links categorized into the different learning and physical disabilities for which it provides testing material. The links, which are typically private non-profit, charitable, or governmental organizations, are accompanied by a brief description.


Online purchase is available. Each product page has additional tests that the company thinks would be of interest.


Nondisease-specific Outcomes

[Updated 2004-11-05 10:55:00.0]