I RMPS S.C@,F -BTZIEF1.14C DOCU,,,'I-',NT 910 A13PLICATION Title: Inter-regional Repre sen.tative for Northeast r\IIP Coordinators icant:-University City Sc-ience Director of Dr. @lartin Wollman, Executive Center (grantee for Project: Director, Greater Delaware Greater Delaware PM) Valley Funding Reg este@: Direct Indirect Total 01: 56,710 14,619 71,329 02: 56,233 15,350 71,583 03: 58,648 16!0118 74,766 ar This is a joint application of the Northeast Coordinators' Group (encompassing 15 lWs) to employ an int er-i-egional representative who would serve thi-- entire group. The application is submitted by the Greater Delaware Valley KiP which has been chosen as the host Region. Letters of support from all Northeast Coordinators have been received. Funds are requested for the salaries of an inter-regional.representative and a-secretary, as well as incidental expenses such as travel and communications. The objectives spelled out in the application are: 1. To enhance the exchange of information and experience among REP's with re'ard to similar activities, problems, and/or opportunities. g@ @2. To establish a formal staff position to oster interregional activities and t.hereby effect efficient and productive use of @NIP resources. 3. To reduce the burden on the Group. Chairman's staff resources in the conduct of inter-regional activities. 4. To increase the effectiveness of interregional meetings of the Coordinators and their staffs. 5. To increase the public information capability of the RMP Northeastern Coordinators. A copy of the job description is attached. JO,-i ll.AL STf"@9T@'@jE',\T Or, F)UTITS: g Regional Medical Programs in (1) Facilitates exclizill@IC-@ of information between and anon kZortli.e.astern Ut-ti-tcd States. (2) Establishes liaison I)cti,7eeii 15 ilortlieastr-rn Cc)ordi-iiitors' to assist efforts in plani-i-'Lrt,-,,'develol)-,iiei-it, and iTnpleric-nt,,it.ioli of programs rclatii-ig to Northeastern Region. SUPERVISOID@Y COTq'I'POLS: (1) Responsible to the Inter-regional Coordination and Liaison Co-.U',nittee N,.,Iiich sets fortli guidelines and' duties for his (or her) carryin- out pro-raiiiiiiatic activities 0 C, aimed towards acliievinc., the objectives of the Northeast Coordinators GrouD. The Committee will rc,,ularly evaluate his (or her) activities and niale quarterly reports to the Northeast Coordinators Group. The Represcntati@e.commui-iicates regularly with the Chairman of the Committee. (2) Responsible to the Coordinator and grantee institution of.tlie host P,,\IP for administrative and fiscal aspects of his (or tier) activities and for adherinc, to the personnel,policie@ and-practices of the host P@IP. Maintains office facilities independent from any R@IP but will receive administrative support as deemed fi6ce8sary from host R,'o!P. Al\'D ABII,ITIES: Must become knowledgeable about all aspects and components of v-ach R@IP's orcani- zation a-,id structure to include program staff ai-id fuiidcd.projects. (2) Must possess ability to think and communicate cl'early and effectively, both in speaking and in writing. (3) Must be able to exercise diplomacy and sensitivity in dealing with @IP key staff ,p6r8onnel. 4) Must po@ssess initiative and imagination necessary t 'I C> o stimulate interest in the develop-iiont of now types-of programs beneficial to the 'C\ortlicastern Region. (5) Must be able to establish and maintain effective working relationships with @IP key staff. SLRPDIARY OF-SPR@CTFTC DUTIL'S: (1) P6rformis administrative functions associated with convening Inter-regional- Coordinators conferences. ,j2) Insures that agendas and summaries of meetin-s are. prepared and distributed to all concerned. Attends at least one Recional Advisory Group (RAG) i%lceting per Region, yearly, as well as all site visits. c),,-L v i t 11 I' @'P.S Pe. co, liai. to disseminate 1]1,3ilLt@1j.lis co,,T-,- And pertinent iici,)s, iiif tioiA, .i i L(I data to and ortlica@t rn ots periodic@j'@l.v i,7i.tli Coordin,-tors of each 1,Nortlica@,,te,):n PI,IP to discuss recurring and lio@.) solutions ifiiy be obtained. (7) Catliers information and dati necessary to coi-,ip@irative analyses of operation pc,,i-formbd by each, but cor@,r@.ion to @ill 1-1@'ortlic@,-Lstc-rii M-IP's. Performs o.ther duties as assigned by Chairman of - the l@ortliaistern Region. Attends National Advisory Council meetings if permissible. Completion of a I-laster's degree, procra@a at an accredited college or university, or equivalent knowledge or experience. @Traj-'ning'be@,ond the I,Iastet@s degree in the health field, social work or other simi-larly.appropriate field is desirable.])ut not-rc-quired. Si-il)stantial e.xperieiice in the field of health programs or closely related fields h as, planning and liaison activities. Such.experien.ce should include: (1) fork %.!ith conniittees and a variety of persons such as professional staff in the health field and government officials (2) Develop-11@ient of clear and effective communications 4 lit (3) Resp6nsib@ y for Performing administrative functions in connection with conferences and meetings Exp6rience that includes familiarity with Regional I-ledical Programs is very desirable but not essential.