: @ .5i ::, : iw =i i ..! i@@l !III .; i ii 1 i I . !II l@li @ I ii 1 1!1 i It f I , I l@l !II 'II I iii'l llli I I i i@iiii@l iiii@ 11 I II I *EOOL 157* NLM OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION MESSAGE SLIP TO: Dr. Undberg cc: John Parascondois Jim Main FROM: Ken Carney DATE: 6/3/91 SUBJECT: Diane Rehm Interview$ rder has been issued, and work with Diane Rehm to The purchase o schedule interviews can begin at any time. Ms. Rehm noted the following dates that she would be unavailable: June 7--24;. July 13--July 22; and Aug. 17--Sept. 2. i4im - &CZ'- I REV .. 3- 73 REQUISITION NO. DKPARRUENT OF - 3n3o NSALTH APID MUNAPI *KNVIC89 62 APPROPRIATION REAUISITION FOR EAUIPMENT AND SU"LIES 7510807 REQUISITIONED my ALLOTMENT NO. Donald A.B. Lindberg, M.D. 1-8320433 D.C. Director, NLM ALLOWANCE NO. PROJECT NO. 38/2El7B (301)496-6221 1 DELIVER A @ OFf'URCHASE ORDER ONLY ont.lv RPTO Donald A.B Lindbirp M,D. Karen M. Sikes Director hationa lbr ry of Medicine m NO. 8600 Roc@viile Pike 2NO5 Bethesda, MD 20894 (301)496-6221 INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare and route copies in accordance with your local administrative instructions. ITZM STOCK OR DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL NO. SC#49DULIC NO. PRICE PRICE Professional Services of Ms. Diane Rehm of WAMU-FM in Washington, D.C. Period of Performance: Date of award through December 31, 1991 Project Officer: Mr. Kenneth Carney See--Attached Proposal & Statement of Work Sole Source: Ms. Diane Rehm SSN# 579-46-5560 WAMU-FM The American University Washington, D.C. 20016 (202) 885-1034 Sole Source Justification and Justification of Need Attached Purp2se: Ms. Rehm will conduct a series of taped interviews prior to and in conjunction with the December 1, 1991 meeting entitled "Regional Medicil Programs: Legislation & Activities in the U.S. (1965-74)" sponsored by the Di rector, NLM. Costs: A series of interviews at $1, 00 each. Fee in each case includes:revi w, editing, and adaptation of NLM provid d background material, introductory statementsi and sample questions to plan and develop proper format and thrust of each interview; and conduct of interview itself, SIGNATURE or waouisrrioning orricia TOTAN. Karen M. Sikes, Administi 5-23-91 NTE $9,000.00 Uwpmm'W by NUI Munal Ismmct 2600/63-20,102-4. 26DO-fO3-25.5, 2600-103-26.9,and 2600-103-26.12. Sole Source Justification: The interviews are an extension of a program begun in 1985 entitled "Leaders in American Medicine." Ms. Diane Rehm successfully conducted those interviews for the Library. This new series will involve individuals who were leaders in the Regional Medical Programs. The same interviewer will ensure continuity, and with proven experience, quality results. The proposed interviews require the services of an experienced, professional interviewer. Ms. Rehm is uniquely qualified in view of her experience not only with her prior NLM interviews but with her long standing position as talk show host with WANU-FM, National Public Radio Affiliate, in Washington. Justification of Need: The Director, NLM, is sponsoring a meeting entitled "Regional Medical Programs: Legislation and Activities in the U.S. (1965- 74)" to be held December 6, 1991. The Regional Medical Program (RMP) was a major NIH endeavor and an important effort to improve health care delivery. There is virtually no historical record of the events that occurred in years past. The Director determined that an oral history from individuals associated with the Regional Medical Programs is needed. The proposed project will contribute to the re-examination of RMP expectations, implementations, and will illuminate a clearer path to effective health policy now and in the future. STATEMENT OF WORK Background This statement of work is in support of a series of interviews that will be conducted at the NLM prior to and in conjunction with a one-day 'meeting at the NLM on "Regional Medical Programs: Legislation and Activities in the U.S. (1965-74)" sponsored by the Director, NLM. The Regional Medical Program was a major NIH endeavor and an important effort to improve health care delivery. There is almost no historical record of these events. The Director determined that a series of interviews with individuals involved in the RMP program will, along with the conference, remedy this. In 1985, a Lea ers in American Medicine interview series was conducted by the NIM. This project is an extension of that program, concentrating this time on leaders who were associated with the Regional Medical Program. Purpose and objectives The overall goal is to contribute to the history of medicine by providing an oral history from individuals associated with the 'Regional Me@ica-1 -Prograrfs. The project will contribute to the re- examination of RMP expectations, implementations, and ultimately the circumstances of its abandonment, and will illuminate a clearer path to effective health policy now and in the future. Contractor Requirements The contractor will personally conduct approximately six interviews to be taped at the National Library of Medicine. The contractor will review NLM provided background material, edit NLM prepared draft introductory statements, and adapt NLM sample questions to develop the format and thrust of each interview. Government Responsibilities The NIM will select and schedule individuals to be interviewed and provide the on-site location and staff for taping the interviews. Prior to each interview, the NLM will provide background material, draft introductory statements, and sample questions pertinent to each interview. Period of Performance From date of award through December 31, 1991. Specific dates for each interview will be scheduled at times that take into consideration the schedule of the contractor and the individual being interviewed. Inspection and Acceptance Requirements Actual taping of the interviews will be conducted on-site by NLM staff and will be monitored in process. NLM will review finished product to ensure selected interview questions produced the desired emphasis and coverage of subject. The latter will be indicated to Ms. Rehm through background material and sample questions provided to her prior to each interview session. WANW W4-Inesfty, Kwy 1991 Ur. h Carney .t@cutive Offlcer Ka-tloml fiormT of NedJIilke Bethemis, VAryland 20?GO W. C@y: Thl,s letter gets fortli wy eW@ctstiO"d cr>llck-r3lug tb*- geri*B a,' lriterwie-iz r bare wxe-d to cuitdlict for the RfttloaW Li@ Of @dicine. I.. Credit At t:ie end of e@-'b of -.bo toL@ far at tbo begi@ the falling ac3movip4ment @d ar-pear: "Interyirvt-T-. Y-ans Behn VA)qU-"4 2. !rhe t.,Lpirge vil-I be actediLLed %t tfnrg that 'ALI Wt emf'-Iet with ny talk st--Ov an VM9@Ill, -O':Kicb in br@eafft "Adws 10 %.-a. to noon. I will na be avmi lable f-Dr totpings ftom Tune 7 tJvme ^k, Tuly 13 t@,igh Yu-IF 22. and AuVot 1T th@ @ DW. Fees For each oll the oLp7roxiw.@ six interviews, ow fee vm be $1500-00. "-Wit vlll lac@e. in each eaLse: r@ew or baekgrotmd M&LpriC p@4ea tm MAi edit@ or pr"wed itttroduLtery allU- nomts drafted br )r-N; "apting smV:e queatio-it to deipelop tke fmmt anl thrust o-' eLch interview; and coit4li@ns Um interview. F@t for services vi'-'- be r@ered 1,-ItAn t'@ty (30) of tftpil2g. cw_ 2 - soeW B@tty "ber W buslueen ed4r*": Dlme ftft Omia Security- VAM-A4 The American UiLiv@ity WM&blMWA I). C. 20016 Is none: 202-W5-1034 @l be happy to discuss any of the above vltb 7m. Si=erely, (S Dtane )?eho -b