0 0 :,?@c @cponsibIU-Ly izon a Sk@fc.'o n"'L'a cCOtcy in each St -,o co@act or arrange to bave conducted the riccorsa,-y State and co ty which will be necessary to: D-te2@ w@ @t@,,io= In Ste,,o (or in adjo@ States) v.Lil cow &z be@., cancer and stxolw C@,4r.3 to rerve the needs of 2. Dotc=ine @re In the St&U and :Ln bo*it@ or otbar ;Caciutics Di@stic and Tx-eatm=t, Stations iiM be established. D@stio ozd Steiions and the Centers ithich i@ asm= that t@ network corcc.,Dt in -Lh-- Co=ais@on, 1; @rt, is t*lc=nted aad that, the professiowl t@nt in t@ Ce.@-rs -is@ av@ble to the D@atio and Treatment Stations. u@.r such an a F@ral -@--jids i.,ou3.d be av@bleo- 1, To the designated State to i@- co the State and cy p and organizational the institutions des@t4d un@r -Vw State plan as Centers 2. TO ,to help L@ce research.# t and be@h service act,@ties con- C"eved in t and to help @ce the services@ @,,iUch tba Center provide to and on be@ of the Stations Vaich it serves. Di@ 3 To the institutions des@ted uzdor the State DI= as rLtlm.-nt St,,ti6ns to he3p e train@ and health se@ce ",skvities conducted in tbem* ot o Q"uv or B*""A 0 for cLosistance be that. it, confox=d to @ priorItAes @,, @ 1: i 2 Ste@ or 3.o al pL-r-,iins ,ll ,@v ,Ii@ I)io:CcsGional m3.e,,3'.on:;U.,L)r, bcoll@.,con a Ce@-itcr and t@ ba ruea as to pro-v-A.do rc@v-v4orL, :Cox, p3:ovirioa o:C @ oa,@@-y z@Tice r-ncl tr be c.@,ririoncd t@ *p.Ucations 'Lor l,cdcr,-a :Cinanci,-a assistance ion @-id opere"tonal corts of Ccn@-,.-G aucl S-'@ations .e ceency cor,,z @-a tho @-'Litutionz Concel-rcd tl too Sta4 -6@ be -evi@-ad 'by peer @ttoes -4o hL-@o t@ PnS assets @ty anc Prio@y. @,@s a=angc=t provides for org=iz@@oLc-l p a*ects of Vho progr= to be c@ed =t b,.tr or thxc@ -,-,he @4,e@ =d I"al org=i- ze,dioxw Vaic,% ar,,,t on tb-- iiholo., Ir-st c@ .pcd to con--i@ ',,ha h--alt7a nc,,@ cxd ra-@-j=cco) in tho =a and -@he noc--o--ozj re@.,ionsh*S* 7@ a=angcmnt would pxovide :Co-. local ccx--@ties to have a greater role and @,,ie,,ive in @te- vf"- fcLc@,,ies and relationships would best co@ tb,-ir needs. To@ c,-r nt avoid plac@r o-n djc-al sabools the added bux- den of develops co=mmi4.7 p coi*etc-nce &zd @t. them Concentrate .hoiw efforts in profes@wl research., training., and health service ae.iv:Ltic a Cons Some State agencies axe poo@ stated and =tivated to ca%W t@zh with Idzd of orzanizatlo:nol- and p@ing ac@@ty involved. Me :L-iterstate ci=acter of the "S@ce-@all O@L s= of the ra vm-LVA xequi= :Lnterstate Cooperation in p 'Lor cn :Cor and of Cc@-::z @,c7@ oi'. Di,-@ ic and t,@ zol ", c" LO @z-@L-#VcWc-ion-- @4-,ich @Col i4v- can =@2t '@ro criteria. A=@ tno criteria or;tab3-iGhca be ey@_, 1. an *p3-icant :Cor a and. Station gr=t @-ve a vor@ relationship *,,iLh a or @or ho*ital to 3?ro-eLdz conT@ated or Defensive ',;zoatt"-,it or @@stic se@eca to 20 @i'i an Vesicant :Cor a Ccaxtor C-2 @ce to establish with 2ocal Lo -*ita"-,, such aa tion Field av@ble to such local c-zd their patien@ specialty oL' -n., Co@ro 3. @t a Station gr=t,, wo,@ not leave aTport for costs of ev@-o=znt or cozpllcatcd se@cc,3 V@ch @l:Lccted unnecesr,@ 14-Ilia av-@- =ty of th:is exist, or s@v'@ez ojuh--r fw=ties :Ln the Un@ such an a=ang@-nt., oX,.Lilice@ions @@d com-- in dixec@-t @eaat @-titationz and be =-eLowed eLnd evaluated by a peer group .',or @tY., caerence to established @tor-La., and priority. @s a3.te=ecive pc=dt 1)@t acOLion in +,he estab3.isbmnt of. r@ St,,-ttions IW cLvoiding deLqs Vzich im@ be ancoanterda tJu@ t =:L,k., @,.orchcn@-ivo regiona3. or Stewe p i,.@ open uin @'@ oppo ty Aor inzt:Vattions to *p:Ly :Cor prooo.-@ con--,.Ldoi@-,d by r insL a5:o @c@xd i-, an area i=@lvcd :Ln co.,@,re- x-c-io@ or :Ln ro@- o:c Co@rs ::Or and 2j@- -4@ @r devolol?ment, conccp-c, cw@ vr.is alto=eviv,- pi-ov;L@s loc@- tho P@L rcoionca, , G-Lo:tc,, o:: Tiio ilodoral i-evie@i and would :Lnvolve =IV dot@d co@,i@- ra",;ion of local :Lsmes Ca-i-I. x-e@- It ww@ bo zora di=@,, -to cn@iix@ tli,,it @ds word @v i",,cd ;Cor d*Lication o:C o@=@v @(I